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My iMac was perfect for a year or so then the HD crashed, screen was perfect, while at the Apple Store getting repaired they damaged my screen some how, they owned up to it and said I was getting a new screen, hmm, great now I have burnt in words on the left side and some graying, I can see the word Sony and some icons not from my computer, any suggestions?

iMac early 2008
24" 3.06 Ghz
4 gig ram
I bought a new 2.8 GHz iMac from an online store last week, and opened it yesterday when it arrived. I am noticing some of this color gradient shift in the screen, and think it might warrant a replacement. If so, I don't think it is worth the hassle of complaining unless they will somehow upgrade me to a newer 24" model. I don't think that will happen, but it's always good to ask.
My iMac was perfect for a year or so then the HD crashed, screen was perfect, while at the Apple Store getting repaired they damaged my screen some how, they owned up to it and said I was getting a new screen, hmm, great now I have burnt in words on the left side and some graying, I can see the word Sony and some icons not from my computer, any suggestions?

Inordinate image persistence and dim spots in the top center of the display are a known (and probably related) issue with these (search for it here and at the Apple support forums). My display has already been swapped out once for it, and some people have gone through 2 or more. You have to make the case that it isn't "normal" image persistence (which can happen to any display after a *very* long static image), but they should swap out the display for you. Unfortunately, the chances of it popping up again are pretty good, and AFAIK, nobody has figured out exactly what causes it. I think the leading theory was the placement of the HD.
You folks pray to the Great Mac God the service guy is coming tomorrow with a new display. Hope it is a good one.

It's fixed and works sooo goood.....
calling Apple Care(less) today to get my screen replaced for the... um... 5th time... man, the 24" iMac screens are EMBARRASSING!

let's hope this one doesn't burn in on the left side of the screen after about a month, or have color casts, or have terrible backlight bleed... is that really too much to ask for?
calling Apple Care(less) today to get my screen replaced for the... um... 5th time... man, the 24" iMac screens are EMBARRASSING!

Wow, are you still at it with the display exchanges?! I remember your posts a year and a half ago when this was the big dilemma du jour.

I had some sort of discoloration in the form of a smudge on the LCD panel of my machine when it shipped from Apple which they promptly replaced. The first replacement had inverter issues which caused annoying flickering but the second replacement was the charm. It was, has been and is gradient and caste free.

Frankly, after all this time I'm surprised you're only on your fifth replacement.

Good luck on the next one!
Why don't you sell it! Get a mac mini and a 24" LED instead! That's what I did!

No gradient, no yellow cast, or major light bleed! In 5 years time my LED will be as bright as the day I bought it! I couldn't say the same for the imac, although I did love it (But without the glass!)

Although I did pimp my mini a bit with an SSD and 4gigs of ram & internal Blu-ray drive LOL as it was too underpowered as it was!

The original drive was slow as hell & the ram was none existent so they both needed an upgrade!

Im happy I did it! The screen is amazing, the contrast is so high. It doesn't have back light dimming like my tv but hell its still great!
Just wanted to post that my 24" imac has the same issues being discussed in this thread. I've had it replaced once because the first one had scratches on the bottom part of the glass, too. I have to say that I'm pretty damn disappointed after shelling out so much cash.

I would try and get it replaced until I get one that doesn't have the problem, but I don't think I have the patience to go through 5 or more imacs.

I "solved" the problem by just not using some of my favorite wallpapers which make the problem incredibly obvious, and not to move my web browser too much, which also exposes this garbage.

Apple should be embarrassed that they have these problems considering they sell premium computers.

Oh well, lesson learned. Never give Apple any more of my money for their iMacs, or maybe just not give them any more money for anything at all.
Oh don't be that way, mine is perfect again, I talked to apple real nice and they were real nice and sent out a new screen and a tech, all is well, I have bought several things since, one being tv card, a transfer cable for mac to pc and some software, they will make things right. Be nice!

Is this something happening on mostly all the 24 inch iMacs? You guys have me very worried. I just ordered one of these two or three days ago from apple online. Should I be worried?
Some of them have had monitor problems which is covered under warranty, be smart and buy Apple Care, mine had a hard drive crash and while being fixed they dropped it and broke the screen, when I finally got it back the screen had burnin letters and such, they said they had replaced mine with a new screen but they didn't, so I called Apple Care and they ordered a new screen and had it brought to my RV and fixed on the spot, it is now back to being perfect, iMacs are great, just like any machine they do break, so it would be wise to get the care plan which gives you 3 years vs 1 year, and they do home service.

You'll love the iMac
Some of them have had monitor problems which is covered under warranty, be smart and buy Apple Care, mine had a hard drive crash and while being fixed they dropped it and broke the screen, when I finally got it back the screen had burnin letters and such, they said they had replaced mine with a new screen but they didn't, so I called Apple Care and they ordered a new screen and had it brought to my RV and fixed on the spot, it is now back to being perfect, iMacs are great, just like any machine they do break, so it would be wise to get the care plan which gives you 3 years vs 1 year, and they do home service.

You'll love the iMac

well, there is no turning back now. I ordered it and it should be here this week. I got the applecare plan which I was going to anyway. computers all need a warranty, they mostly break before the first year is up anyway.
well, this is a new one..

for the last couple of weeks, my wife's 24 inch Imac, from mid 2008, has had the top 1/2 of the monitor go almost dark; the bottom half is normal, but the top 1/2 looks like the backlights have gone out..a reboot fixes it, but it has happened 4 times in the last 2 weeks...We bought it at Best Buy, and got the "Best Buy" extended warranty, but, its still a pain, formatting it and bringing it in to their "Geeks"; I dont want to leave personal info on it when they look at it/repair/replace it..
Will they replace the monitor, replace the computer, or try to fix the controller that is probably defective?

Thanks for any input you might have!
just had my screen replaced because of image persistence on the left side of the screen. i don't even care anymore about the obvious color casting gradient that every one of my screens that i went thru had, but this ghosting of icons and windows is really crazy.

as soon as the tech left. i dragged a medium gray window across the screen and i could see the icons and windows thru the solid gray. AND when i close the window, the image persists immediately. looks like i don't even have to wait a few more weeks for this screen to start messing up - it's happening already.

seeing as this will be the 3rd time i'm calling apple to have my screen replaced, they'll send full computer replacement (which i have to ask for - apparently they don't tell you this is an option after 3 tries). but even still, i'm not very excited about the prospects of getting a new iMac, since i believe they are ALL like this. so what's the point?
24inch imac 2.8

my Imac has gone half dark on me top to the middle has any one else experienced it are they doing a free fix if not why not!
my Imac has gone half dark on me top to the middle has any one else experienced it are they doing a free fix if not why not!

yep, they are fixing/replacing them..we just had a new machine given to us at Best Buy when we brought ours in a month ago with the same issue..
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