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I love the PC guys toes "pop" when he talks about the mac cord tells him how the cord just pops right out.

There is no apostrophe in the plural of Emmy, nor in the plural of any word for that matter. Apostrophes are for possesives and contractions, not plurals.
Scarlet Fever said:
i seem to be the only one who doesn't understand the Angles/Demons one. Can someone explain it to me?

It's just a round-about way of getting the message across that if you try to do "fun" stuff with a PC, like make photo books, it's not that "fun" and a lot of trouble, time, and effort. Perhaps, subconsciously, the PC is also jealous.
WOOHOO! New ads! I can hardly contain myself because of the excitement caused by these ads! Now I can again experience the talking ads whenever I visit! Maybe I want to see them, maybe not, but there they are playing and talking whenever I visit that website! Right on the frontpage!

New products? Who cares about that when we have NEW ADS :) :) :) :) :) :) :) !
Please. Make. Them. Stop.

I'll get excited about Apple doing ads again if and when they stop being patronising, smug, inaccurate (or at least wildly exaggerated) works of flamebait.

"Hi, I'm a PC"
"And I'm a Mac"
"Look at me, I'm stupid. D'oh. Looks at me, I have Clippy. D'oh, I'm going to download a virus, because I'm so stupid."
"I can automatically file your MP3 collection, and I'm immune from virusses due to my amazing automated "Nobody can write virusses for a platform that has hardly any users" technology."
"Duh, I'm going to stick my fingers in this electrical socket. Ow!"
"Heh. Unlike my dumb friend, I don't need to be powered by old fashioned electricity. I run entirely on my owners sense of smug self-satisfaction."

Let's hope the new batch of election ads don't influence Apple's advertising department to go even more negative:

"Microsoft says their new Windows Vista is more secure than ever before. But in 1983, Microsoft released a version of Windows that was vulnerable to virus after virus. Can you trust Microsoft? I'm Steve Jobs and I approve this message."
I'm sorry but these ads are terrible. They are almost as bad as the switcher ads with the dorks. When I refresh apple's page and see an ad I cringe.
macenforcer said:
I'm sorry but these ads are terrible. They are almost as bad as the switcher ads with the dorks. When I refresh apple's page and see an ad I cringe.

Agreed... and if they're a turn off to the loyal Apple Customer base then who are these ads targeted at? These aren't creative... they're smug, arrogant, and as another poster said, inacurate to a degree. I like Mac OS X much better than Windows XP but let's get serious - if you know what you're doing on Windows XP you're not going to have very many of the "problems" that Apple describes in their Mac campaigns. Why can't we have creative ads anymore, like the guy getting blown away by the PowerMac G5 or the 17" and 12" Powerbook commercials with Mini-Me and Yao Ming? :(
Virus ad

dumbest ad ever... it is just screaming to the virus writers to find ways to get into OSx.. because we all know, no OS is 100% hack-proof.
Not to mention pissing off microsoft will only get us no office and pissing off adobe will get us no everything. Apple should just shut their mouths. They bragged for the longest time that the ppc was faster than intel then they inserted both feet in mouth now they are full out targeting microsoft. Good grief.

The mac os will be forever just what it is today. Creative professionals and savy home users. Mac os will never be for the corporate office because microsoft controls that area and always will. Business will NEVER switch over.
Not in th UK

dmw007 said:
Well, they were the fastest computes in the world- then came along the Mac Pro powered by Xeon "woodcrest" goodness! :D :)

The G5 advert claiming to be the fastest computer in the world was banned in the UK. We also do not get to see the current line of Apple ads on TV here. I am led to believe it is due to the fact that Apple make a direct comparison to one other product and this breaches our advertising standards.
spinko said:
dumbest ad ever... it is just screaming to the virus writers to find ways to get into OSx.. because we all know, no OS is 100% hack-proof.

I think, in a way, the virus writers should be encouraged to try.

The huge difference between OS X and XP is that OS X was built with security in mind. We have proper foundations. XP, on the other hand, has foundations that were laid a long time ago and to very different requirements. While Apple simply combat security flaws by adding to their existing and strong foundations, Microsoft are forced to add to their poor foundations. We all know the results of this practice.

When your house is burning down there is no point squirting water from your hosepipe on it if the basement is full of propane canisters.
EricNau said:
I hardly think it's fair to call someone uneducated just because they don't consider Macs PCs. Whether you like it or not, the term "PC" has come to mean "Windows." While it may not be 100% accurate, it's what everyone (or most everyone) has come to accept.

You have hit the nail on the head. PC = Windows. It is very similar to something here in the UK. I'm not sure if this is the same anywhere else in the world. In the UK part of the housework is hoovering. To do this we use a vacuum cleaner. But probably the best known manufacturer of vacuum cleaners, up until Dyson appeared, was Hoover. Due to their popularity, the term Hoovering is what this activity is known as.

Useless info i know.... but its just an example.... and it's identical to the whole PC= Personal Computer thing.

I wonder if future generations will call it Dysoning........ or Panasonicing???? best leave it at that i think :D
Some_Big_Spoon said:
These are not good ads for the mac. They're not good ads period. Why does Apple keep making ads for the faithful instead of ads that convert more people?

This whole missionary vocabulary of proselytizing and conversion is somewhat disturbing... :rolleyes:

The ads are ok, if not great. As has been pointed out repeatedly here, the reason why there are no viruses and spyware for Mac isn't because OS X is so great, but because Apple has such a low market share compared to Windows...
KevanDual2.5 said:
This is not 100% correct. Plural nouns that end in 'S' have apostrophes.

Incorrect. :D If the noun ends in an S (or an X), you simply add -es to make it plural. E.g., kisses, masses, misses, boxes.

Some folks appear to want to make a visible separation between the noun and the extra letter that makes the word plural. This desire seems to have given rise to this common error.

I believe this error began to become more common starting a few decades ago, when there was an explosion in the use of acronyms. With acronyms, it's even more tempting to want to draw a line between the letters that comprise the word and the trailing letter S in the plural form. This is especially important with acronyms because the average reader might not know if a letter S at the end is a part of the acronym or an indcation of a plural. However, there's usually a simple solution: write the acronym in capitals, and write the trailing letter S in lowercase letters. E.g., CDs and DVDs.
puuukeey said:
I don't really see the photobooks as a competitive advantage. they seem kind of impersonal and I bet they cost apple a ton.
Have you actually seen one of the iPhoto books? They blow away anything else you can get from other online photo services. The full page bleeds and unique layouts, combined with the ease with which iPhoto automatically spills your pictures into those slots is unparallelled. Most other services use kludgy web-based software that requires moving your already uploaded photos around manually into rather mundane layouts.

My wife spent hours on (which by the way does fabulous prints very reasonably and fast) making a book which came out looking pretty meh. When I showed her how to do the "same thing" from within iPhoto (why didn't she just ask me) that took literally seconds and the final product was so polished and beautiful she was floored. My mother carries around an iPhoto book I made to show off the grandkids, and everyone she shows it to is much more interested in how and where she got this beautiful book than the undeniably beautiful kids in the actual pictures :rolleyes:

I was disappointed that the new iPhoto ad didn't cut to a quick scene of PC flipping through the pages, there's nothing about the way the book was presented that would make the average crappy-photo-book purchaser think this was anything different or better. Would have been time a little better spent than the devil-angel bit.

The trust ad is a gem! PC is hilarious. Reminds me of some classic Ernie & Bert segments from Sesame Street.
jholzner said:
You've got to check him out as the "resident expert" on the Daily Show. One of my favorite segments.

ryanx27 said:
His book "Areas of My Expertise" is hilarious. He's on the Daily Show quite often as their "Resident Expert..." always a treat! Here are some clips of my favs:

Thanks guys. being an Aussie I've not really been privvy to these. They're fantastic I love his delivery :)! Have to check out that book from amazon...
spinko said:
dumbest ad ever... it is just screaming to the virus writers to find ways to get into OSx.. because we all know, no OS is 100% hack-proof.

Never heard of OpenBSD? ;)
Shananra said:
Never heard of OpenBSD? ;)

OpenBSD is not "100% hack-proof". It might be the hardest OS to crack (well, maybe QNX is even harder, I dunno), but it's not 100% secure either.

Some OS'es are harder to crack than others. OpenBSD is among the hardest, but it's not totally secure either.
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