Can the PowerVR SGX 535 deliver 1080p/i to an HDTV? Or is it hardware capped at 720p?
Here is what PowerVR can decode:
Can the PowerVR SGX 535 deliver 1080p/i to an HDTV? Or is it hardware capped at 720p?
Are you sure that your HDTV is showing that it is receiving a 1080p render delivered as a 1280x720 (720p) file? You're hitting the "info" or similar button while the video is playing back?
I think most TVs either do 24 or 30 fps. 1080i60 is a progressive pulldown, but I'm not familiar with 720p60 or why you'd even want it.
Yes, I hit it during playback but it isn't necessarily file information. It could just be reporting back out what the ATV2 says it is which is a 720p device. Playing the same file from the Mac Mini/Plex and doing an info the TV shows 1080p.
Again, I don't have an (new version)TV yet. I'm depending on others who do have one to get the answers I seek, which then drives whether I'll buy 2 of them.
Various 720p 60fps videos play perfectly, though i can't be sure since my TV doesn't have the info. They do look butter smooth though.
Apple's A4 is based upon the ARM Cortex A8, not the A9. In any case, the CPU core isn't the key factor, it's the GPU core that is embedded in the A4 chip which is reported to be the PowerVR SGX 535.
I don't know for certain, but this is where I found the A9 reference:
Thanks for the effort in looking into this.
I have a good feeling that ATV 2 might indeed be the HTPC I am looking for. Sorry MacMini.
I just hope they also find a way to hack it for support for external storage without a Mac on at all times.
1080p is great because I want to transcode everything at that resolution, even if ATV doesn't play it now, maybe down the road they will. Just don't want to transcode at 720p and repeat it later at 1080p. That is a hassle.
You can encode everything to 1080P right now and the aTV will down scale it to 720P
That's not confirmed yet. The guys over in the Handbrake forums are doing a lot of experimenting searching for the limits along these lines. There are limits, but they don't know them yet.
It does appear favorable that things are going to work in that direction: encode video at 1080p if you like, and thisTV will be able to dynamically down-convert it to 720p and push it to your HDTV. Personally, I consider that a much more favorable OPTION to being forced to live within the published specs, which, in my case, would mean encoding a 1080p file for the long-term archives AND a 720p copy for
TV, OR having to go with one of the alternatives to
TV so that the one master render could be used.
In general, it looks like a pretty good spec of 1080p encoding is going to be compatible with the newTV. I would guess the Handbrake crew will have some solidly definitive info on this soon.
However, it is funny that they keep referring back to this thread, as people here are figuring some things out faster than they are. Either way, we all win as definitive info matures thorough collective efforts of all involved. I certainly appreciate everyone testing and posting results.
Yep! It's gonna be great if I can encode all my Blu-Rays to M4V 1080P and keep the HD Audio for future proofing for a new Apple TV and for the current Apple TV
I think most TVs either do 24 or 30 fps. 1080i60 is a progressive pulldown, but I'm not familiar with 720p60 or why you'd even want it.
And one question more, what exactely is the difference between 4.0 and 4.1? I only know, that higher levels support higher resolution and more bitrate...
It does appear favorable that things are going to work in that direction: encode video at 1080p if you like, and thisTV will be able to dynamically down-convert it to 720p and push it to your HDTV. Personally, I consider that a much more favorable OPTION to being forced to live within the published specs, which, in my case, would mean encoding a 1080p file for the long-term archives AND a 720p copy for
TV, OR having to go with one of the alternatives to
TV so that the one master render could be used.
I don't know what 1080p video people are playing i have yet to manage to get any 1080p to play back smoothly, far too many dropped frames. Out of the box 1080p is rather poor.
I don't know what 1080p video people are playing i have yet to manage to get any 1080p to play back smoothly, far too many dropped frames. Out of the box 1080p is rather poor.