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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 2, 2004
New Jersey
I just downloaded Mozilla Firebird for my ibook I love this browser. Is anyone else using this or are you guys staying with Safari? Mozilla Firebird has a real nice feature using tabs.
Re: New Browser instead of Safari

Originally posted by GetGo
Mozilla Firebird has a real nice feature using tabs.
Tabbed browsing? Safari has it as well - you gotta enable it in the Preferences.

Unless its something different you talking about o_O
Safari is a killer browser, though it lacks support for one major thing when it comes to web development.
Originally posted by crees!
Safari is a killer browser, though it lacks support for one major thing when it comes to web development.

You just going to leave us hanging about this one thing?
Originally posted by Wes
You just going to leave us hanging about this one thing?

Yep ;) It doesn't let you read values of style sheets (ie, getComputedStyle()). Which sucks because I'm trying to build an easy standards dropdown menu and Safari is the only browser that doesn't let me do it without hardcoding in values.. which would be a no-no.
the thing thats sucks about safari is that it doesnt have the bar that tells you the url of the links you are clicking (the one at bottom) is there a way to activate it? oh and it dont supports css buttons and fields.
Originally posted by NarKEd
the thing thats sucks about safari is that it doesnt have the bar that tells you the url of the links you are clicking (the one at bottom) is there a way to activate it?

Command - / Check the view menu, it's there.
doh! Im must be really stupid or something. thanks man. now I like that application a little more
its not really that new anymore ;), it's been around *unnofficially* since before safari was ever made public, but finally the phoenix/firebird project was made official back in may or so
Also if you have a mouse with a clickable scroll wheel you can use that to open links in a new tab. Quite handy I must say.

Also you can have a ton of links in a folder on the Bookmarks Bar and check the Auto-Tab checkbox.. then when you click on them they'll open all the links in that folder at once. I use it for all my rumor sites. I click "Rumor Sites" and I have 4 tabs that open up to each page automatically.
Originally posted by crees!
Yep ;) It doesn't let you read values of style sheets (ie, getComputedStyle()). Which sucks because I'm trying to build an easy standards dropdown menu and Safari is the only browser that doesn't let me do it without hardcoding in values.. which would be a no-no.

I'm do web development and I've never heard of that feature, and don't really understand your explanation of its use. What browser lets you do that and how did you come across it?
Originally posted by Rower_CPU
I'm do web development and I've never heard of that feature, and don't really understand your explanation of its use. What browser lets you do that and how did you come across it?

It's part of the W3C DOM standard which Apple says it supports, but not fully. It's great for cross-browser solutions (except for in this case) getComputedStyle()

I do like Safari, but I still prefer Firebird. It's nice to be able to block popups on a per-site basis, rather than having it be all-or-none like it is in Safari. It's also nice to have per-site image blocking readily available via right-click, plus all the downloadable extensions people have written.

The one thing I wish Firebird did that Safari (and Camino) does is to use the keychain to store things like passwords. Perhaps someday it will...
Originally posted by NarKEd
doh! Im must be really stupid or something. thanks man. now I like that application a little more

When I first started using Safari, in the beta edition days, I had no idea how to turn on the status bar or the tabs (those came later). It was so, so much nicer once I figured them all out.

I, too, wonder why Apple doesn't have the tabs and status bar on by default. :confused:
having worked with both Firebird and Safari very closely recently, i can honestly say that Firebird is a better browser...

but, i still prefer Safari for general surfing...

if Apple gets the css support solid and can speed things up some, it will be fantastic...

also. tabbed browsind does work better in safari too...v
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