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Ive had very few problems with safari. The only thing ive noticed is that when i use web based outlook - cant help but use it because its my schools and i cant have profs or the school send to any other addy - if i hit reply, the window for reading the email just disappears and nothing happens. Also cant get it to open the recycle bin and sometimes other buttons wont work that well. Also Hotmail- my junk email account - wont let you download anything in safari and sometimes gives attachment errors.

Beyond that ive never had problems using it for my online banking - though im still running safari enhancer thats set to automatically choose the user im pretty sure it just shows online banking an IE agent. I agree banks demanding IE use is retarder...but you know that ATMs companys are starting to use Windows in there ATMs so that the ATMs can do more functions now and in the future...scarry.
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