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Originally posted by crees!
Yep ;) It doesn't let you read values of style sheets (ie, getComputedStyle()). Which sucks because I'm trying to build an easy standards dropdown menu and Safari is the only browser that doesn't let me do it without hardcoding in values.. which would be a no-no.

I guess that is annoying. Another thing which infuriates me is that I can't get Safari to display the dimensions of an image. Most every other brower I know give you this information in some way (eg. mozilla will display it in the title bar when you view the image alone) and it saves a ton of time when you're trying to put pages together. Do I really need to open another app for that or am I being a fool and missing something?
I still have problems with Safari and Internet Banking. It just don't work.

Therefore I still use IE.

When they finally release Firebird I will have a look.
safari is fine though

it seems when I go into preferences and try to change the background color to anything but white, the change never takes, the bright white is hard on my eyes.
Also l notice, maybe due to my mouse being a wacom or something, that many times I tend to have to move the window via the grey window top a pixel or two to get the window to activate again. and on the wish list side, I'd like the scroll wheel on the mouse to allow increase/decrease of text size. Oh well if its not me, I'd assume some of my lesser safari experiences might be addressed with another fix down the road, if anyone knows what I'm doing wrong go ahead and reply. Other wise I'll put up with my mousing around etc. to enhance my surfing experience, love the off pop up feature and really have not gone back to netscape for much of anything, save a bookmark or two. :)
Originally posted by CmdrLaForge
I still have problems with Safari and Internet Banking. It just don't work.

Therefore I still use IE.

When they finally release Firebird I will have a look.

Sorry, but that makes no sense. Firebird now is leaps and bounds better than ie. Works with your bank I'd bet too.
Originally posted by SBG88
Sorry, but that makes no sense. Firebird now is leaps and bounds better than ie. Works with your bank I'd bet too.

I've heard that some banks require you use IE.. but I don't see that as a smart move.
Originally posted by Rower_CPU
Only the ones who hire inept designers that use browser sniffers. ;)

Yes, but I remember this being an issue for some people when Safari was first released.
Originally posted by abhishekit
safari takes too much processor...thats teh onlt thing i dont like about it,,,


614 Safari 0.0% 2:31.62 17 376 471 38.5M 44.5M 46.2M 433M
Originally posted by sleepy_kev
IAnother thing which infuriates me is that I can't get Safari to display the dimensions of an image.
I read somewhere in Dave Hyatt's Surfin' Safari that he has already implemented that and it will be there in the next release.
I have not tried the last Firebird on Mac OS X. But what does it have that Camino (which uses the same rendering engine) does not? I downloaded the first version of Firebird that came out for X and UI-wise it was quite pathetic attempt, an utter crap compared to the ubber polished Camino (see it at
Firebird = pro users

Safari is easy to use and fits into mac os better than firebird for sure.

camino was a "nice try" but they didnt have enough developers - so camino is behind the other mozilla releases and crashes to often.

firebird should be very stable, got lots of security options safari doesnt have.

safari is just "the default" browser, not the best browser.

personally i would use safari if i had low ram.

if i got enough ram i would go for mozilla or mozilla firebird. (cause i guess those still eat more ram)
Originally posted by crees!
I've heard that some banks require you use IE.. but I don't see that as a smart move.

I have the Mozilla suite as well installed. But Internet Banking works only with IE so far. I still have problems with Safari. I hoped that with release 1.0 they go away but they didn't.

So far I am happy with Safari that for me has a better gui and better feeling then Mozilla. Maybe its the RAM. I only have 256MB.
I find Firebirds UI difficult, Safari is w/o a doubt the best browser in my book right now. OmniWeb 5 looks good though, pub. beta on Feb. 2
The fonts never look right in Firebird, but the biggest irritation is that option-up arrow doesn't work for page up on my TiBook. You have to use fn-up arrow, which takes two hands.
Originally posted by sethypoo
I, too, wonder why Apple doesn't have the tabs and status bar on by default. :confused:

it's because they want it to be very very simple and basic, if you want it to be... "a browser that gets out of your way" or whatever steve said.
Safari is nice and easy, but Firebird is better than it, by far. It provides far more control than Safari, once you download and install from the long list of available extensions.
You can make it change focus of the tabs with mouse-over, decide on the width of the tabs, whether the tabs will have the close ('x') button on individual tabs or just one for all tabs, whether the tab title be what you bookmarked it as (instead of the page's title), how it should behave when you click a link / a bookmark / type on the address-bar, and, ... i could go on. (and all that with one extension installed);

there are n-number of such extensions available and you could pick and choose whichever suits you. its easy to go thru this list and installing any extension you like is seamless.

i am happy (and surprised, really) that Safari works as well as it does, but for the power user, Firebird is the browser of choice, and it keeps improving with the juice of opensource development. anybody who has not checked it out should do so now; you will enjoy just going thru the various features (and featurettes) available.
Originally posted by elmimmo
I have not tried the last Firebird on Mac OS X. But what does it have that Camino (which uses the same rendering engine) does not? I downloaded the first version of Firebird that came out for X and UI-wise it was quite pathetic attempt, an utter crap compared to the ubber polished Camino (see it at

i've been using camino since the .1 days (chimera back then - before it could even download!) and i must say that the latest nightly builds of firebird are better. you don't get aqua buttons/comboboxes, but the new default theme is much prettier and more osx-like than camino. you can also install all of the wonderful extensions that are available to mozilla/firebird but not camino.

however, safari is still the king. css support grows a great deal with each release (we have many css3 features already), javascripts seem to work better than mozilla, it's often faster, and "feels" more connected to the system.
Originally posted by radhak
Safari is nice and easy, but Firebird is better than it, by far. It provides far more control than Safari, once you download and install from the long list of available extensions.
You can make it change focus of the tabs with mouse-over, decide on the width of the tabs, whether the tabs will have the close ('x') button on individual tabs or just one for all tabs, whether the tab title be what you bookmarked it as (instead of the page's title), how it should behave when you click a link / a bookmark / type on the address-bar, and, ... i could go on. (and all that with one extension installed);

there are n-number of such extensions available and you could pick and choose whichever suits you. its easy to go thru this list and installing any extension you like is seamless.

i am happy (and surprised, really) that Safari works as well as it does, but for the power user, Firebird is the browser of choice, and it keeps improving with the juice of opensource development. anybody who has not checked it out should do so now; you will enjoy just going thru the various features (and featurettes) available.

If you like it and need it and have the time to exchange every single detail of an App, then Firebird just sounds right for you. I personally like Safari very much the way it is. And I don't change my Apps, I use them

Re: New Browser instead of Safari

Originally posted by GetGo
I just downloaded Mozilla Firebird for my ibook I love this browser. Is anyone else using this or are you guys staying with Safari? Mozilla Firebird has a real nice feature using tabs.

I'm using Mozilla for my browser and also for mail. Although I have Safari, Mail, Entourage, and IE installed Mozilla/Mail is my favorite. Works great, has tabbed browsing, lots of skins available for the browser. Just wished that iPhoto would recognize it for emailing digital pics (have to use Entourage for that). Just didn't like the look of Mail. Entourage is pretty slick and lots of features but I'm sticking with Mozilla 1.5. Cheers
I just found something that makes Safari an even better browser. There is an add on called "Sogudi" that allows you to make shortcuts to URLs so there is no need to plow through pages of web site to get to where you want to go. If you wanted to look up the deffinition of a word like ubiquitous at you just type "dict ubiquitous" in the address bar and it goes directly to the deffinition. To get this go to
You can use the defaults or create your own short cuts.
I like that.
I like both Firefox and Safari. Firefox seems to be much faster then Safari and you get new versions even with Jaguar :D

But I like to look and feel of Safari better. And I have all my bookmarks in Safari. BTW does anyone know how to export my bookmarks in Safari and import them in Firefoxy ?

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