Looks like post-Leopard upgrade {and before installing any applications other
than software upgrades} I have about 16GB on my HD. ... Should I decide at
some point to get rid of things I don't need, like languages, is there a place (as
in Windows Control Panel) where I can delete discrete programs, utilities, etc?
No, there's no equivalent of Windoze' "Add & Remove Software." In OS-X, it's
safe to drag unwanted apps to the Trash -- but that doesn't necessarily delete
all the excess baggage dragged-in (or created on-the-fly) by the application.
(Of course, Windoze' "Remove Software" has similar shortcomings.)
There are some free "application removal" programs around that attempt to
locate and delete everything associated with an app, and they (reportedly)
work rather well -- for deleting the occasional unwanted 'normal' application.
However, they're not going to be much help for deleting multi-GBs of stuff
like printer drivers, local-languages, etc. that aren't 'normal' applications --
especially when you don't know what they are, or where they are on disk.
In your situation, I'd recommend playing with the current 16 GB installation
for a few days -- just to get a feel for what the various apps do and which
ones might be useful to you. After that, (IMO, of course) the only practical
way to trim-down to a significantly smaller disk image is to start fresh with
an "Erase & Install" of Leopard -- followed by an install of (only) the desired
"bundled applications" from the original Tiger install disks.
Here are my disk-usage figures for the Leopard start-from-scratch process:
- Erase & Install Leopard 10.5.0 with NO optional packages ............... 6.6 GB
- SoftwareUpdate (11/11, immediately after Leopard install) ............. 6.7 GB
- Install & SoftwareUpdate iLife'08 (except iWeb & GarageBand) ........ 8.9 GB
- SoftwareUpdate to Leopard 10.5.1............................................... 9.1 GB
The final 9.1 GB total is with no printer drivers, no iWork or MS_Office "test drives" and
no GarageBand or iWeb -- but it does include "non optional" Leopard packages such as
Safari, QuickTime, iTunes, etc., plus the iLife'08 versions of iPhoto, iMovie, and iDVD.
..a billion here, a billion there -- and pretty soon you're talkin' 'bout alot of money,