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*fans the flames*

These are Mac forums, frequented by Mac enthusiasts. Does anyone else find it really irritating when users flaunt their cheap ‘Hackintosh’ computers?

Even more so when they act like they’re smarter than the rest of us – as if none of us had ever thought of it or we aren't 'able' to build a desktop PC's.

Not only is it a legally dubious point, but frankly it’s totally out of place.

This post is for the win. It gnaws at me to no end as well Gonzo. ;)
These are Mac forums, frequented by Mac enthusiasts. Does anyone else find it really irritating when users flaunt their cheap ‘Hackintosh’ computers?

Even more so when they act like they’re smarter than the rest of us – as if none of us had ever thought of it or we aren't 'able' to build a desktop PC's.

Yep, these posts carry the same "duh" factor as the new Microsoft ads. Yes, we know HPs are cheaper than Apples. And yes, we know we could build our own computers for even less.

Microsoft assumes its customers are idiots (and probably rightly so). As for the posters on this board who think they are enlightening us with their tales of homebrewed Frankenboxes, well, I'm not sure what their assumption is. I guess they like to think they're sharing new, valuable information?

In addition to the illegality of it all, as I mentioned before if you choose to play in the Hackintosh camp, you may find yourselves in for a world of pain if Apple decides to start squashing the Hackintosh efforts with a simple system update or two. In my world, the savings aren't worth the risk.
Both Nvidia and ATI support the framework, so even though one might perform better than the other due to the different approaches in designing GPU architecture and implementing driver, you shouldn't assume one will be better than the other until we actually see it.

Thank you, so the only way is to wait and see which gpu architecture fits best OpenCL.
Go play around w/ your freezy Mac, but haha you're absolutely right, however like I mentioned, I wanna get the 24" iMac and pay the extra price but of course not when it freezes, makes noise and has BT issues. I use computers on a professional basis and I have not even had 5 lock-ups on my PC in the last year. So what is it gonna be? A sleek looking iMac that freezes or a nice 3x faster clone w/ a 30" S-IPS monitor that doesn't? I need something that works.

I'll wait another 1-2 weeks to see what solution Apple comes up with before I make a decision ;)

My 4850 equipped iMac has never frozen once, so do some research on this problem affecting 100% of users before spouting off like it's the gospel.

It's not a Mac Pro but it's far from hideous. If I wanted to, I could have spent some more money on a Mac Pro housing and built my Hackintosh inside it. I didn't. Sits in the corner under my desk where it isn't seen anyway. I, of course, bought an IPS monitor.

Funny as I have an Antec 300 that I used to build my wife's WHS box for her office backup solution.

It's big, has huge fan vents all over the place, weighs a ton and the power and reset buttons stick sometimes when you depress them. It was a good "cheap" PC case that wasn't absolutely hideous but compared to the type of enclosure a Mac ships in it is 100% a joke.
My 4850 equipped iMac has never frozen once, so do some research on this problem affecting 100% of users before spouting off like it's the gospel.
So what you're saying is for people to buy the iMac w/ a 50% chance it'll freeze and on top of that it also has BT disconnect issues and noisy fans to keep it cool? Well, thanks, all the hardware I own has a failure rate below 5%.
It was a good "cheap" PC case that wasn't absolutely hideous but compared to the type of enclosure a Mac ships in it is 100% a joke.
Personally I prefer a green w/ purple and brown case w/ hardware that works than a beautiful machine that randomly locks up.
Funny as I have an Antec 300 that I used to build my wife's WHS box for her office backup solution.

It's big, has huge fan vents all over the place, weighs a ton and the power and reset buttons stick sometimes when you depress them. It was a good "cheap" PC case that wasn't absolutely hideous but compared to the type of enclosure a Mac ships in it is 100% a joke.

Oh boo hoo. It's a box to put the parts in. It isn't an eyesore and it keeps the components organized and safe. Sorry you're upset about it. I prefer the fan vents to having the ridiculous temperatures of my old iMac. Power and reset buttons have yet to stick.
In addition to the illegality of it all, as I mentioned before if you choose to play in the Hackintosh camp, you may find yourselves in for a world of pain if Apple decides to start squashing the Hackintosh efforts with a simple system update or two. In my world, the savings aren't worth the risk.

First, it's not illegal. At worst it's breaking the EULA which has not been legally determined to be a valid contract.

Second, it uses the vanilla kernel. I can do every system update Apple throws at me without issue. The only method Apple has to stop Hackintosh is to ad some sort of authentication to EFI at boot which they can't do without thwarting every mac they've sold before such a 'chip' existed.
Jack Flash you seem pretty defensive about your fake Mac. I bet you still use Lime Wire and bit torrent sites and tell yourself that isn't illegal or immoral as well. :confused:
Jack Flash you seem pretty defensive about your fake Mac. I bet you still use Lime Wire and bit torrent sites and tell yourself that isn't illegal or immoral as well. :confused:

Runs Leopard just as well as my iMac did. Not worried about it. And no, I don't steal music nor did I steal Leopard. I paid for my retail disc and installed it without issue. Nice try, though.


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So what you're saying is for people to buy the iMac w/ a 50% chance it'll freeze and on top of that it also has BT disconnect issues and noisy fans to keep it cool? Well, thanks, all the hardware I own has a failure rate below 5%.

No, what I'm saying is that the problem doesn't affect everyone, which points to something like the wi-fi + radeon being the issue. In the likely event it's something like that it will almost certainly be fixed via firmware update.
No, what I'm saying is that the problem doesn't affect everyone, which points to something like the wi-fi + radeon being the issue. In the likely event it's something like that it will almost certainly be fixed via firmware update.

I agree Apple will resolve it but I believe it currently affects all iMacs equipped with the 4850.

Also, to those who question me, I believe the iMac and Hackintosh cater to fundamentally different audiences. The iMac is the best all-in-one computer on the market, Mac, PC or what have you. However, there are those who require more power and at the same time do not need the extra niceties the Mac Pro offers (Server class processors, FB-DIMMS)

I am not making a sales pitch for a Hackintosh, simply defending my position on its necessity given Apple's current lack of headless midrange tower.
let me get this trait, I'm a pro apple, I love their products, I am especially lured by the sexiness of an iMac.

However, JackFlash really has a point as well. JackFlash wants a higher performance Mac but doesn't want to spend thousand of dollars in a macpro. Also I very much agree with the repair analogy. My friend had a stuck fan before, and his mac keeps on shutting down due to excessive heat. He waited for 3 days just for the stuck fan, where in fact you can get those fan real cheap, if it wasn't an all in one factor, that's one downside of an all in one factor.

But jmpage2 has a very valid point as well, which he posted on the previous pages. JackFlash system would be probably in the middle of a mac pro and the iMac line, which is still non-existent mac. The closest is the entry level mac pro, howver it uses server grade CPU, that's why it demands a hefty price. Now if Apple would design a more powerful mac mini for its desktop class, that would be awesome.
oops, I didn't see JackFlash last post, yes indeed they do cater different audiences, if apple would fill the void ....

Anyway, let's just hope apple fixes with the 10.57, if it doesn't get the gt130 and save yourself with headaches. Use a console for your games or buy a PC. If you just want a single computer, and still want 4850, its better to wait then buy a problematic machine, hoping it WOULD be fix.
I agree Apple will resolve it but I believe it currently affects all iMacs equipped with the 4850.
[Emphasis added]

I have had my iMac 3.06 / 4850 since April 10th. I've run WoW on it using Ultra settings almost every day (usually for at least 30 minutes, often for a couple of hours), for more than two weeks. It has never frozen. Just FYI!
[Emphasis added]

I have had my iMac 3.06 / 4850 since April 10th. I've run WoW on it using Ultra settings almost every day (usually for at least 30 minutes, often for a couple of hours), for more than two weeks. It has never frozen. Just FYI!

Do you use ethernet? It seems to be a problem with WiFi and doing web heavy tasks, and less to do with doing graphical ones. It doesn't seem to be (please note the "seem") an issue with cooling, just a conflict somewhere along the software or hardware chain.

Or maybe the Airport card is really close to the video card and when you do heavy tasks it radiates too much heat to the ATI.

Whatever the case, its not the end of the world I am pretty sure of that, and will be worked out. The first "hackintosh" had their share of problems and still do. The great thing about computer is that there is always a fix.

But yeah, they need a bit larger Mac Mini that you can throw at least two or three hard drives in and plug into your own stuff. But my guess is they have a nice profit margin buying all those LCD's and everything in such bulk for their AIO's.
With having people who has a working 4850 cards, one can assume that the 4850 problem is probably a bad batch of the ati 4850 cards, so I guess there is no fix for it besides having a replacement.
With having people who has a working 4850 cards, one can assume that the 4850 problem is probably a bad batch of the ati 4850 cards, so I guess there is no fix for it besides having a replacement.

I don't think I have seen anyone yet have a working 4850 iMac who was also using WiFi, from the posts I have seen, people who claimed to have working iMac's later said they had been using Ethernet, not WiFi, when people started to see the connection.
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