Well, I, after all this time waiting for the new iPad Pro, I start to have doubts again on wether I should get a MacBook Air instead. Not the current one but the updated, if we see an update in October.
The problem is, I already purchased a smart keyboard folio (cheap, from a person who didn't use it). And from what I read, this keyboard won't work with the next iPad Pro, which rumors point to have a bigger camera.
So right now I'm just waiting, and I'll see if I get a new 11" 2019 iPad Pro, a discounted 2018 iPad Pro, or selling this smart keyboard folio and getting a new MacBook Air with 16GB of RAM and at least 512GB of storage. But the MacBook is more than double the price, and I could use the iPad Pro for most of my tasks... I'm not sure what to do TBH.
Back in May I was able to try an iPad Pro and I decided it was a good solution to keep up with my lectures, and other tasks. But having a Mac would expand my use of external monitor, and use it as a desktop and laptop.
Anyway this is a bit off topic, sorry.
I already voted: yes, Apple will release a minor update, a speck bump for the iPad Pro. I feel those who refuse to acknowledge this, or even hate the idea, are the people who bought the 2018 iPad Pro expecting to not have hardware updates for a long time. Well, I think you're wrong, Apple's business model has changed, they don't rely only on iPhone anymore, and if 2018 iPad Pro are a success, you can rest assured that Apple will update them on a annual basis.
Just my 2 Cents.