^^^^^ Is gay donkey porn a good way to test your new Macbook Air.
NC, I have yet another dumb question (ie: iStat), but what significance does "Ran two terminal windows w. yes >/dev/null" have?
Can you take a look at the two track pads and verify that they are in fact the same.
I am looking for confirmation for this so I can work on getting the four-finger multi-touch working. If it really is different hardware there is no point, but I do not believe it is a "totally different" trackpad design...
Same here!Reading this thread is making me really want to upgrade now. I'm trying to hold off till Macworld, but I might not make it.
It's supposed to max out both cores of the processor. This is what a lot of people use to test proc. speed, heat and monitor core shutdowns.
It is exactly the same as Gen. 1 BUT four finger scrolling does work. I like the four finger scrolling, it was one reason I held on to my MB for as long as I did.
Can you verify they are the same on the underside? Hopefully they are still apart. LOL.
I want all of the multi-touch I can get, and I do not think we gen 1 owners are hardware limited in this case. I want to get a trackpad-hacking organized if there is something to work towards.
Same here!
i just broke down and bought one. went for the SSD too. so much for discipline.
i just broke down and bought one. went for the SSD too. so much for discipline.
I'm wondering if Apple did this on purpose. Put the SSD model out well before the HDD model and let those who simply cannot wait shell out more money for the latest and greatest. I'm holding out for the HDD model, though daily I have to remind myself I don't need the SSD model and the additional cost.
I did a majority of my migrating (70+ GB) via the USB ethernet dongle and it was perfect, no lagging at all. I have Coda, Safari, iChat, Mail, 4 Safari windows (many tabs), Transmit, Twitteriffic, and Omni Outliner all running with no noticeable stuttering at all.
Not sure if that helps at all ...
Does opening the MacBook Air up void the warranty? Were there any sort of "warranty void if removed" stickers in there anywhere? I'm wondering about the feasibility of buying the standard HDD model and popping in an SSD later on, when the prices come down. Thanks!
i read somewhere that apple have placed paper which change colour when you oepn the air, it may have been appleinsider. so i wouldn't rush to open it up.