I've thrown in my 2 cents on this thread a few times. All in all, I'm inclined to go with the following:
1. New MP at WWDC: 20% chance.
2. New MP on a Tuesday in Aug-Oct: 70% chance.
3. New MP on a Tuesday in Jan 2011 or later: 10% chance.
I'm basing this on nothing but the overall thoughts, ideas and points made on this and other threads. There IS NO INFO on this topic that is reliable, all is speculation, so what the hell, I'll speculate.
So, I just order a new 8 core MP from Amazon, new as in 2009.
Amazon has a 30 day return policy minus a 15% restock. Amazon's price is $200 cheaper than Apple.com. So, I figure worse case scenario is I send this baby back to Amazon IF there is an announcement at WWDC and I'm out a max of a few hundred. However, I'm not too concerned.
All in all, most of the posters who have mention the true requirements of a pro and a pro machine are spot on. A pro uses his hardware as equipment, to do a job. And a pro machine must be reliable above all else.
And as far as speed is concerned, just head over to geekbench if you have any concerns about the 8 core Nehalem MPs. They are consistently at the top. I've yet to see a Hackintosh even close, overclocked or not. And why do I want headaches? I just want the damn box to work day after day for a few years. Period.
Thanks to all for their thoughts. You've helped me a lot in the past few weeks. I'm looking forward to my new MP to arrive tomorrow.