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macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2003
You See Dead People...
I think we'll see an across the board PowerBook line revision no later than Tuesday, July 15th.

This way, Apple's Greg Joswiak could showcase it during his Macworld Creative Expo keynote which is scheduled for 9:30 - 10:30am on Wednesday July 16th.

It's also possible that he may introduce them himself, but I think that releasing them the day before would get great press. Follow that with even more press coverage the next day and all of this will continue building the huge momentum Apple currently has.

This would definately make sense as the attendees at this Expo are the demographic for Apple's Power line.

If Apple gives them, and all of us the option of G5 PowerMacs alongside updated PowerBooks, their sales are going to have an AWESOME second half in '03.

Here's to hoping that my predictions from my earlier post on page 2 of this thread come true! :D


macrumors 68020
Jul 18, 2002
Re: Shipping delays

Originally posted by two_tail
This is certainly interesting timing! I had an order in at the Apple Store for Education for a 1GHz 15" PowerBook that was supposed to ship today. I just got an e-mail saying that "due to an unexpected supply delay" they had to delay shipping until 7 July.
So June 7th or 8th will be the day we see new PowerBooks. I've decided.


macrumors member
Jan 7, 2003
Originally posted by Lavallster
Im really nervous about this whole powerbook updates. im going to college in mid-august, and im going to get a laptop before i go: and want the 15" powerbook, but do not want to buy it and then have it become updated a month later. I was hoping it would have been introduced with the new G5 last week, but that was not the case. Do you think they will sell new powerbooks in the beginning of august or is that an unrealistic hope?

PERSONALLY, If they do not infact have an updated 15" powerbook by mid-august i will be greatly surprised, so i would say wait until then, though if you want a good deal on a laptop go with the 15" ti. Ok back to personally, if they don't release anything that you want to buy, simply WAIT. Buy a cheap pc or something for now if you REALLY REALLY need a computer at school (if you don't already have a desktop). I'm assuming you're a freshman, my freshman year i had no use for a laptop, and the only thing my desktop was good for was video games, movies, and porn, oh i think i wrote a paper or two. Also there are school labs with fairly nice computers. I want a new PB for when i go back to school as well in august, though i'm a junior/senior now and actually have more of a use for it.


macrumors 68000
Jun 30, 2003
Motor City
I hope you guys are right about mid-july updates; Im itching for that 17" but I cant justify the cost without it being faster than the 15". (Thinking about selling my 15" and my 20" LCD and just getting the 17" pb; and if she ran at 1.3..aww yeah!)

I really doubt they would drop the 15" Its like a bread-and-butter apple laptop, and is the first machine to establish the recent apple renaissance (well, its been a few years now, but I came from the PC world until recently). The 17 is a desktop replacement, and the 12 is for portability.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2003
Brooklyn - NYC
Re: Re: Shipping delays

Originally posted by DHagan4755
So June 7th or 8th will be the day we see new PowerBooks. I've decided.

Hmmm... I want to agree with you, but it might be too close to Macworld for them to not hold out for a few more days and introduce it in grand style.

The sooner the better tho. :)


macrumors newbie
Jun 17, 2003
powerbooks all at 1-2 days

Powerbooks at the Apple Store have all switched to 1-2 days shipping time as of this morning. Let's hope for new Powerbooks tomorrow!


macrumors 65816
Jul 7, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
Re: ibook vs powerbooks

Originally posted by montefuego
Powerbooks are differentiated from Ibooks the same way powermacs are differentiated from the imac: Extended Desktop.

There are many differences between the pro and consumer Apple lines, this being one of them. However, to achieve the specific differentiation that you speak of, Apple has intentionally crippled the iBook's firmware so that it cannot do monitor spanning, even though its GPU, the ATI Radeon 7500, is perfectly capable of it. I have fixed this little problem on my own machine, and having dual monitors is a very nice thing.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2003
Brooklyn - NYC
Re: powerbooks all at 1-2 days

Originally posted by macriffic
Powerbooks at the Apple Store have all switched to 1-2 days shipping time as of this morning. Let's hope for new Powerbooks tomorrow!

Argh! Apple's really playing with my blood pressure!!! I can't take much more of this....

Steve, if you're reading this - i have the money sitting right here. All you have to do to get it, is ANNOUNCE THE NEW 15s. Crisp 100 dollar bills, Steve... Think about it...


macrumors 601
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
i just checked the Apple Store (U.S.) it still says PowerBook 12" Combo as same day shipping. still, can't be much longer now. ;)

as for the tablet... yeah, it looks like that's a possibility now. but i think it'll be more of a stand alone tablet, not like the tablet PC's with keyboard. i'm not worrying about that... i just want a regular 15" PowerBook!


macrumors 68020
Jun 14, 2003
Re: powerbook 12" combo

Originally posted by macriffic
The 12" powerbook combo just went to 3-5 days shipping time.

Can you provide a link where it shows this. I can't find anything info shipping times.


macrumors newbie
Jun 17, 2003
shipping times


just go to the apple store and select a powerbook, keep clicking continue until you get to the Review your Order page--the page will show you estimated ship days.


macrumors 68020
Jun 14, 2003
Re: shipping times

Originally posted by macriffic

just go to the apple store and select a powerbook, keep clicking continue until you get to the Review your Order page--the page will show you estimated ship days.

Sweet. I got that far before but I guess I took too quick a glance to notice.

So, is this the trend with Apple that when delays in shipping occur that it's a cue there might be updates just around the corner?


macrumors newbie
Jul 1, 2003
Glued to my monitor
Re: My Predictions

Originally posted by MacQuest

The current price gap [$600] between the 15" Combo and Super is unjustified because the usual price difference between these 2 models on most product lines is about $200.

Check the specs on both machines again and you'll see the reason for the steap price difference. The "Super" version of the 15" runs on a 1 Ghz. processor as compared to the 867 Mhz. on the "Combo" version. It also comes standard with twice the RAM, a bigger hard drive, and twice the video memory...and of course it has a Superdrive...

Personally, I'm not sure which is better. Do you want two versions of one machine: one inferior to the other and therefore $600 cheaper, or two versions of the same machine with the only difference being the optical drive. We'll just have to wait and see what Apple deams best...sigh...


macrumors 601
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
if this doesn't mean that Apple is releasing new PowerBooks at MacWorld CreativePro... then i don't know what they're doing.

they must be really low on stock, everything is looking good for a July 14-18 release.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2003
Brooklyn - NYC
it's been so long... the voices in my head need a new powerbook to keep them quiet and happy.:D


no not now, soon...

shhh.. soon my dear...


macrumors member
Jul 2, 2003

awsome i really want them to release the new 15" al powerbook already its pissing me off. there toying with us.



macrumors 68020
Jul 18, 2002
They are coming......

It looks as though they will be coming within the next two weeks, given these factors:

1.) Several reports of current orders delayed - until around 7/7 or 7/8
2.) Shipping status for GHz PowerBook SuperDrive model is 7-10 days at Apple online store
3.) 15-inch Titantiums are nearing 8 months without an upgrade; 12- and 17-inch models are just about 6 months old
4.) Digitimes reported new 15.4 inch PowerBook will go into production in 2nd half of 2003; we're now in 2nd half of 2003
5.) 15-inch lack faster mobo, Airport Extreme and Built in bluetooth other models possess
6.) Motorola 7457 may be available earlier than expected and may be used in the new PB mode
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