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macrumors 68000
Jan 14, 2003
G4, G5 & IO ports

Motorola is given a chance to shine with Apple's PowerBooks and I think they can do it, given that they specialize on mobile CPUs. I would not be surprised to see dual G4 PowerBooks in the near future but then again I would not be surprised to see the 970s being used at some point either. Perhaps this will happen in the next major PowerBook upgrades but in the meantime we will have a 15" PB with the same IO ports as the 17" and 12" models.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2003
Brooklyn - NYC
hmmm... the new chips that they were talking about won't be available for a bit.

do you think that apple will release new powerbooks in the next 2 weeks with the older processors, or will they just announce them and let the extended waiting game begin?


macrumors 6502
Aug 23, 2002
Auckland, NZ
Now this is a real stab in the dark here.
maybe there will be two types of powerbooks.
Low-End to High-End basically like the iBooks (low end laptops) and PowerBooks (high end).
Maybe the iBooks might go, and we get G4 powerbooks and G5 powerbooks later on down the track maybe.

Who knows. after all it is not the final version of Panther it might be in there for testing and the code might be removed later.

Just one thing.
God arn't Macs Amazing.... :D
Is there anything that comes close to a mac?

An Apple User since 1986...


macrumors newbie
Jun 27, 2003
New York
I find it fascinating, and would rather not shut down this thread ;)

So what are we looking at, why would Apple release at the "new" MWNY? If Apple is not exhibiting at the same level, I like theories that say Apple will host an event before MWNY to steal it's thunder, Apple always likes doing that, eh?

As I've said in my previous post, only time (or perhaps new rumors) will tell, and I'm tired of waiting this long! My wallstreet is breaking down now, and it wants to be replaced with Al!


macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2003
Brooklyn - NYC
Originally posted by smartperson
I find it fascinating, and would rather not shut down this thread ;)

So what are we looking at, why would Apple release at the "new" MWNY? If Apple is not exhibiting at the same level, I like theories that say Apple will host an event before MWNY to steal it's thunder, Apple always likes doing that, eh?

As I've said in my previous post, only time (or perhaps new rumors) will tell, and I'm tired of waiting this long! My wallstreet is breaking down now, and it wants to be replaced with Al!

Hmm.. well it's the last MacWorld in New York, so it might still be on their agenda as a viable launching pad for a new laptop. Steve wants to preserve the status of MWNY as a major media-worthy event. I'd be a little surprised if they just let this one go out with a whimper. I can see them totally doing a stealing-their-thunder routine for MacWorld Boston (or whatever they're calling it) next year.;)

Phil Of Mac

macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2002
Washington State University
Re: Re: NDA?

Originally posted by mnkeybsness
how does this fall under the NDA? the NDA is for apple employees...the main post says "a user" meaning someone playing with panther and snooping around that isn't under the NDA

Developers getting developer previews have NDA's too there chief :)

Phil Of Mac

macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2002
Washington State University
Originally posted by cb911
yeah, the Apple Store now only has the 12" PB as same day shipping.

there have been rumors for about a month that resellers were low on PowerBook stock. hopefully this can confirm that rumor.

new PowerBooks around 17 July? that's not too far away now... :D

July 16 is the MWNY keynote :)

Phil Of Mac

macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2002
Washington State University
Originally posted by Lavallster
Im really nervous about this whole powerbook updates. im going to college in mid-august, and im going to get a laptop before i go: and want the 15" powerbook, but do not want to buy it and then have it become updated a month later. I was hoping it would have been introduced with the new G5 last week, but that was not the case. Do you think they will sell new powerbooks in the beginning of august or is that an unrealistic hope?

I'm going to college in August too. I'm just going to hang onto my iMac until the new 15 inchers come out, then I'm gonna buy one.

And I'm sure Apple's fully aware that an entire incoming class of college freshmen want PowerBooks soon :)

Phil Of Mac

macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2002
Washington State University
Originally posted by RichP
I really doubt they would drop the 15" Its like a bread-and-butter apple laptop, and is the first machine to establish the recent apple renaissance

Uh, no, the renaissance was in 1998 with the original iMac. And with the PowerBook G3, which was the PowerBook renaissance. PowerBooks were considered the best laptop on the market until the 5300 fiascso, and it wasn't until the G3 that Apple really retook the lead. The TiBook was a revolution beyond that though, inspired by the desire to out-Vaio Sony.

Phil Of Mac

macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2002
Washington State University
Originally posted by Rower_CPU
Why bring up a week old thread to post 5 separate posts? Seems like spam to me...

I was responding to five separate posts. Whenever I reply to multiple posts in one post, someone complains. Multiple posts also make the pages break more reasonably, since 1 huge post is counted the same as a small post, to keep relatively equal lengths per page, it's reasonable to have equal-sized (which means essentially shorter) posts.

And, the topic interested me. I post when I have time. That means making up for a week when I didn't have time. In any case, is anyone harmed? I think you're making this into an issue when it was never intended to be.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Posting several posts to the same thread at once is considered spamming, which is against forum rules. Quoting 5 people and replying to all of them in a huge post is unreadable, for some, but not against forum etiquette.

I chose to make a big deal about it in this instance because you're posting to a thread that's been quiet for some time. You continuing to make a big deal about it won't help to keep this thread open.

Besides, you've posted to this site everyday since July 1st, so saying you haven't had the chance for a week comes off a little, well, weak.
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