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Yes there are two day events and things like that every now and TMo is having one of those now...or it ended yesterday, on all their smartphones. Apple just never discounts their products til there is a new model and even then, it isnt a big discount...till 3rd parties like Best Buy put them on sale. So yes, it happens to them too, just not as often.

Thats not why they dont have it. There is no Logo or bloatware on the N4 that T-Mobile is selling. It is the very same as if you bought it from the Google Play Store. they arent. This isnt the first time TMo has had the Nexus exclusive to them for a time. The Nexus One was sold thru TMo as well. And what do you mean by Google wants to control updates with their Nexus line? You mean they want to do what Apple does? Oh the Horrah of not wanting to have it go thru the carriers :rolleyes:

Sorry, you dont know what your talking about.

Yes I do know what I am talking about. Original G1 owner to Gnex and waiting for my Nexus 4.

US carriers are notoriously "slow" at approving updates on Android. I was long time tmobile user as well.

Please google history of Behold 2 and Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant and how those phones were abandoned by Tmobile. Tmobile is responsible for lack of official 2.3 update on the Vibrant when every other carrier finally updated the Galaxy S.

And international carriers have less bloat and software updates are pushed faster than USA carriers.

So I do know what I am talking about.

That's why the nexus line is not popular among carriers cause they want to install their crapware that's not removable unless its rooted and 98% of Joe Public doesn't want to do that.

Tmobile is bleeding customers and needs to get a phone and were desperate for Nexus 4.
Yes I do know what I am talking about. Original G1 owner to Gnex and waiting for my Nexus 4.

US carriers are notoriously "slow" at approving updates on Android. I was long time tmobile user as well.

Please google history of Behold 2 and Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant and how those phones were abandoned by Tmobile. Tmobile is responsible for lack of official 2.3 update on the Vibrant when every other carrier finally updated the Galaxy S.
And international carriers have less bloat and software updates are pushed faster than USA carriers.

So I do know what I am talking about.

Thats not what i was refering to. I know the carriers are slow with updates. I was refering to you saying why Verizon and AT&T didnt get the N4 and you saying Tmobile is desperate these days.

Has nothing to do with your reasons at all.

That's why the nexus line is not popular among carriers cause they want to install their crapware that's not removable unless its rooted and 98% of Joe Public doesn't want to do that.

Right, thats why they wanted the iPhone, so they can put their crapware on it :rolleyes: Something else you dont know what your talking about.

Tmobile is bleeding customers and needs to get a phone and were desperate for Nexus 4.

BS...T-mobile just spent millions buying out MetroPCS and said they are still looking to for deals like that. They revamped their plans and are much cheaper than AT&T and Verizon and even Sprint and spent millions revamping their network so other phones like the iPhone and other AT&T based networks will work on it so if they want to bring their own phones over and get a cheaper plan....and it seems to be working.

T-Mobile has plenty of good phones. They have already got some of the best newest phones coming out asside from the 920 which nobody but AT&T is getting.
They arent desperate for the N4, and as i said, this isnt the first time a Nexus was exclusive for a time to T-Mobile....which isnt branded with their logo and that is actually a good thing that only they got it.

So again, you dont know what your talking about!
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Thats not what i was refering to. I know the carriers are slow with updates. I was refering to you saying why Verizon and AT&T didnt get the N4 and you saying Tmobile is desperate these days.

Has nothing to do with your reasons at all.

Right, thats why they wanted the iPhone, so they can put their crapware on it :rolleyes: Something else you dont know what your talking about.

BS...T-mobile just spent millions buying out MetroPCS and said they are still looking to for deals like that. They revamped their plans and are much cheaper than AT&T and Verizon and even Sprint and spent millions revamping their network so other phones like the iPhone and other AT&T based networks will work on it so if they want to bring their own phones over and get a cheaper plan....and it seems to be working.

And T-Mobile has plenty of good phones. They are getting and have already got some of the best newest phones coming out asside from the 920 which nobody but AT&T is getting. They arent desperate for the N4, and as i said, this isnt the first time a Nexus was exclusive for a time to T-Mobile....which isnt branded wit their logo.

So again, you dont know what your talking about!

Verizon Sprint ATT have no choice but to accept the iPhone on Apple's terms. They would be at a collective disadvanatage if they don't carry the iPhone with Apple's terms (no bloat ware, apple controls the software, no carrier intervention).

We all know the carriers have a love/hate relationship with Apple. Carriers know their customers love iPhones and that's a guaranteed revenue streAm to keep customers on contract.

But carriers hate Apple cause Apple calls the shots and carriers are nothing but a dumbpipe.

Not sure if u remember but Verizon is the absolute worst at locking down their phones. Way back in 2005-2006 Verizon "disabled" Bluetooth on their Motorola high end phone cause they wanted to force people to transfer photos via more lucrative MMS/texting plans they were pushing at the time.
Verizon Sprint ATT have no choice but to accept the iPhone on Apple's terms. They would be at a collective disadvanatage if they don't carry the iPhone with Apple's terms (no bloat ware, apple controls the software, no carrier intervention).

We all know the carriers have a love/hate relationship with Apple. Carriers know their customers love iPhones and that's a guaranteed revenue streAm to keep customers on contract.

But carriers hate Apple cause Apple calls the shots and carriers are nothing but a dumbpipe.

Not sure if u remember but Verizon is the absolute worst at locking down their phones. Way back in 2005-2006 Verizon "disabled" Bluetooth on their Motorola high end phone cause they wanted to force people to transfer photos via more lucrative MMS/texting plans they were pushing at the time.

IMO Verizon sucks and have terrible customer service and are too high so i will never use them. The lock downs just add to their suckness. Not to mention i prefer a GSM network.

Bottom line for me is all the US carriers suck but TMo for me, sucks the least. May not be the best service nationwide, but it works well here and hasnt let me down anywhere else ive been, and they are the cheapest by a long shot.

Wouldnt surprise me if Samsung tried the "we will bring out the updates, not you carriers" card soon. They sell a ton of phones for the networks and it is growing rapidly while getting a bad rap that Samsung is to blame for the late updates when it is the carriers fault.
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Did I miss something? Isn't the point of the N4 to give a complete Google experience, with updates and all, to all GSM carriers without having to worry about the bloat?

I am only asking because that's not what the discussion seems to be about.
Got my nexus 4 on Thursday great phone but I also am not liking the battery life. In giving it a few more cycles of charging before I make my true judgement. Also some people over at xda found that it was the kernel giving it bad battery life. So hopefully in googles next update they may be able to fix it. If not someone for sure at xda will be on top of that.

On a side note my phone fell off my desk today thank god no cracks or scratches. Only in the corner on the chrome it looks a little crinkled when the light his it in the right spot something I'll get over by tomorrow.
Got my nexus 4 on Thursday great phone but I also am not liking the battery life. In giving it a few more cycles of charging before I make my true judgement. Also some people over at xda found that it was the kernel giving it bad battery life. So hopefully in googles next update they may be able to fix it. If not someone for sure at xda will be on top of that.

I am interested in your findings. Many people were justifying away the lack of LTE because it is a battery hog (i fact, there are other reasons). Well, to that I have to say the phone damn well better last all day on heavy use. The GNex battery was always blamed on LTE.
I am interested in your findings. Many people were justifying away the lack of LTE because it is a battery hog (i fact, there are other reasons). Well, to that I have to say the phone damn well better last all day on heavy use. The GNex battery was always blamed on LTE.

It puzzles me too why the battery is giving such mixed results. Some report poor battery, others report it easily lasting a whole day under moderate-heavy use. The culprit seems to be the software. If this really is an issue, I have no doubt Google will address it in a software update. Apple's done it many times before (4S took multiple updates from them to fix the battery issues; their mac line recently got updates to address battery drain too). According to members at XDA, it's apparently a very easy fix for Google to make.

For what it's worth, the Galaxy Nexus GSM on HSPA+ gets extremely great battery life. I'm talking 20+ hours per day under moderate use. I don't see why a quad-core, larger battery, and better software shouldn't offer similar or better results.

It should. And if it doesn't, Google needs to address it, for sure.
For what it's worth, the Galaxy Nexus GSM on HSPA+ gets extremely great battery life. I'm talking 20+ hours per day under moderate use. I don't see why a quad-core, larger battery, and better software shouldn't offer similar or better results.

I use a GSM Nexus as a second/third/fourth (I'm an addict, HELP!) phone. Can't say I get 20 hours out of the thing, but it does last the day. :)
I had to look away. There are thousands of people waiting for one and he's destroying it. :(

LOL, ...true. It did better than i thought it would though. No damage the first time and it didnt shatter the 2nd time but it did break.
Im NOT a fan of glass back phones but i have seen iPhones shatter falling from a LOT less. Still, when i get one it will be in a case.
I have had a Nexus 4 since Friday, I'm not a big user, light user would be closer to the truth. I have found that I can easily get through a full day (24 hrs) with one charge. Must admit, battery life isn't a real concern for me, there are very few occasions where I am without electricity and a means of charging my phone.
I have had a Nexus 4 since Friday, I'm not a big user, light user would be closer to the truth. I have found that I can easily get through a full day (24 hrs) with one charge. Must admit, battery life isn't a real concern for me, there are very few occasions where I am without electricity and a means of charging my phone.

That's good to hear. How have you found the standby time to be?
That's good to hear. How have you found the standby time to be?
OK but not outstanding. Sitting by my bed overnight, doing nothing except being on WiFi and cellular, off a fresh reboot, I see drains of >10% over 7ish hours. That seems high. I'm sure there are ways to reduce email checking and so on, but that's the default behavior I've seen so far. Granted, that's on a very few complete battery cycles. It might improve, and there might be stuff running I'd forgotten about.
OK but not outstanding. Sitting by my bed overnight, doing nothing except being on WiFi and cellular, off a fresh reboot, I see drains of >10% over 7ish hours. That seems high. I'm sure there are ways to reduce email checking and so on, but that's the default behavior I've seen so far. Granted, that's on a very few complete battery cycles. It might improve, and there might be stuff running I'd forgotten about.

that is really bad. My iphone 5 drains maybe 2-3% at night w/ wifi, bluetooth, and push email. I would say anything over 5% when the phone is idle is pretty high.
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