No, I think you already pulled enough stuff out of where the sun don't shine.
I agree that the iPad mini really had it's a$$ handed to it with the new Nexus 7. It's superior to the iPad mini in virtually every way and still cost less.
The only thing iFanBoys claim is the App Store which is becoming moot now. Both stores have nearly the same amount of apps last I checked. The whole better looking/working apps...I don't use iOS so I can't make a comment on it. All I know is if that is why you buy iDevices for, then you are paying a HUGE premium for that considering the iPad mini is a technically inferior product to the Nexus 7. No retina screen for the mini? I thought that was the thing to have nowadays and justified the higher prices? Well no retina display on the mini yet you still got a higher price. All you got left is the app quality argument. Once Google apps catch up, there's not going to be much more to justify the price with. iOS vs. Android is subjective, but no way iOS should have a premium.
Neither product is perfect. But only a fanboy will think it is.