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macrumors 68000
May 14, 2002
Where am I???
my IQ doesn't seem to diminish when a new body comes along

We should all recite this mantra at least 10 times every day. My 1DmkII produces the same IQ as it did on the day it was made. It (and its cousin the mkIIN) was THE sports camera for over 3 years. It doesn't produce the detail of the modern super-high MP cameras. It doesn't have the high-ISO capabilities of modern cameras. But it isn't any worse than it has ever been.

As for the Nikon vs. Canon debate; get what works for you. I like Canon's lens lineup, so I shoot Canon. On the other hand, I'm in the market for a 5DmkII (to supplement my 1DmkII, not replace it), and while I wish it had the AF system in the D700, the D700 doesn't work with the 135 f/2L. But if I were forced to shoot Nikon for the rest of my life, I'd be just fine.

Get whatever works for you.

El Cabong

macrumors 6502a
Dec 1, 2008
What I'm saying is that you completely ignored the substance of my post (qantity of Nikkors that are AF-S vs AF-D) and went for the minutiae- so pot, this is the kettle, you're still black. For someone who often uses sarcasm in posts, you're very sensitive to it.

Shoot at Conowingo Dam with a fisheye and the anti-terrorist forces may actually come after you!

When I said that I was "nitpicking" in the first post, I meant it. You omitted a few lenses that might be considered the "best" in their class (including the 85mm f/1.4, for which there isn't a standout third-party alternative). That was beside the main point of that post (people might want to use AF-D lenses). Now, though, I think it'd be best to agree to disagree without descending further into the ad hominem stuff.

And yeah, I've definitely run into trouble on multiple occasions, with overzealous/underinformed police officers who thought my camera made me part of some sort of terrorist reconnaissance mission. Who knew that grain silos in the middle of nowhere were targets?


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
When I said that I was "nitpicking" in the first post, I meant it. You omitted a few lenses that might be considered the "best" in their class (including the 85mm f/1.4, for which there isn't a standout

But I still stand by my assertion- even adding 5 or so AF-D lenses doesn't tip the balance.

And yeah, I've definitely run into trouble on multiple occasions, with overzealous/underinformed police officers who thought my camera made me part of some sort of terrorist reconnaissance mission. Who knew that grain silos in the middle of nowhere were targets?

Maybe those aren't grain silos ;)

Conowingo is unique though- track an Eagle past the dam with a super-telephoto and they don't even blink. Put on a wide angle lens and start snapping away at the dam and either the "public education officers" or the Hartford County Sheriff will be along to have a chat. I think everywhere else, the bigger the lens, the bigger the hassle. I've certainly found nowhere else that's built observation platforms and still has issues with observers. Since it's not public land though, they get to make up their wacky rules. >600mm of lens on a 24.5MP camera pointed at the dam? Good to go! 6MP at 10mm? Time for officer friendly to come over!

The whole public education officer thing is new this year I think- the county must have gotten tired of dispatching a unit every few minutes from November to January. The swanky security guard uniforms help! I wish I'd gotten a picture of one of them last time I was out, but I wasn't sure if that was like the dam rule and I'd hate to be shut out of the site. Plus, the 400mm with a TC17EII still wouldn't have flattered her :eek:
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