Where did you read this at? Link.
What was the reason for removing it?
Disappointing, but not surprising. These content DINOSAURS (not providers) really should just quit.
I think there are two possibilities here.
1. Networks see more profit in their traditional modes of distribution or...
2. ... Apple has something up their sleeves.
Since Hulu lives while Boxee integration died, I can't help but wonder if part of the reason is Apple considering coming out with a subscription TV service of their own, direct Hulu integration, or a Hulu app for an Apple TV app store.
At least I hope that's the case.
Back to DVR and PirateBay, where I can skip the commercials and get HD 720p versions. Stupid media companies, cutting out users, and not innovating at all. So are they all going to come out with movie stores? like everyone copying iTunes and the App store? I have never gone to the HULU website outside of Boxee and don't plan on it.
hulu on boxee sucks anyway......the only reason i use boxee is to stream my avi's and i got a boxee remote from cydia that works great....if i want to watch lost or something on tv i just dvr it...
So, we'll be losing NBC and FOX, keeping CBS and gaining ABC. This just means I have to watch Family Guy on sunday nights, instead of when I want to via Clear QAM. The thing I liked hulu for was being able to watch old shows.
The studio licensing model is a huge, HUGE mess. Its far worse than the music licensing model. I bet a larger portion, of even the STUDIOS actually WANT hulu on boxee. They simply can't because of the spaghetti ball that is current licensing and law. It will take take for the Studios to start using newer contract models to filter through the system.
Hulu will most likely be back at some point, but it could be a while...
...In the meantime, I hate to say it, but why care? 24? Lost? Sorry folks, these shows are trash. There is virtually NO good shows on TV right now. BSG is probably the only one (and even that went way downhill this season).
Maybe if everyone screams loud enough, the studios will relent ala Facebook.
I have a bad feeling however, unless Boxee can get netflix streaming REALLY well on the ATV, this will pretty much be a death sentence for Boxee...too bad...they are a great group of guys...
...In the meantime, I hate to say it, but why care? 24? Lost?