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Has anyone been able to find info on enabling Hulu in Frontrow, I did a search and all I came up with was using CouchSurfer.
Yeah i just tried a google search and found it, thought the previous posters meant searching on macrumors.

Understudy looks like it would be perfect however i'm assuming its not ported to apple tv yet.
I *just* bought an Apple TV this weekend (the Xbox360 I had been using for media streaming gave me a Red Ring of Death -- needs to be sent off to Micro$oft for repair.. thankfully covered under warranty).... and I've been really enjoying Boxee & its Hulu support so far... guess I've just got bad timing.

Does CouchSurfer work on the Apple TV for Hulu? I'm assuming it would, from what I've read about it.... anyone have any experience? If this works, it's an inconvenience, but I guess better than nothing.

(Note: Some are saying that Hulu is not at fault here, that it's the content providers. While it is the fault of the providers (NBC, Fox, etc.) these providers are the ones funding and maintaining Hulu. So in the end, it's really only the handful of techs running Hulu that are free of fault.)

We also have to remember that there really wasn't any kind of official partnership between Boxee and Hulu, Hulo no doubt was aware of Boxee, they just never did anything about it since that it is still an early beta and all. It was a very much an unofficial thing that Boxee was able to tie into its product. This was bound to happen sooner or later simply due to the fact that Hulu has to control its distribution and that includes other services like Boxee.

I was watching more TV than ever, all because of Hulu on Boxee. I watched an episode of House yesterday while I was eating lunch - with ads. I've never really watched the show before, and it was nice to see what all the fuss was about. Now I won't have that option. I'm never, never, never, never going to watch TV content on either of my computers.

I wonder what percentage of Boxee users will be turning to alternative methods of getting the content they want?
speak for yourself, worked fine for me! I loved watching old TV shows on boxee/hulu on my TV[/QUO

i thought i was speaking for myself.....hulu is choppy and grainy on my 50" plasma...i would rather watch shows in HD from my dvr....its good for some old shows but "speaking for myself" the shows it has dont really interest me
Cancelled my Hulu account today, and made sure I let them know why...

...but to be honest, I barely used it. Since I get NBC and FOX in HD for free via Clear doesnt really effect me..
speak for yourself, worked fine for me! I loved watching old TV shows on boxee/hulu on my TV
Maybe he meant how hulu on boxee is limited to low quality 360p stream (boxee claims Apple TV is too underpowered to stream 480p).
well, i really hope the reason hulu ditched boxxee is because Apple will come out with an official hulu app for the :apple:TV. I actually ditched my cable subscription when I got hulu working on my :apple:TV. So now, i have to wait for Apple to release a full app for the :apple:TV or just ditch my :apple:TV and plug my mac mini directly into the tv and realize that the :apple:TV is dead.

(Note: Some are saying that Hulu is not at fault here, that it's the content providers. While it is the fault of the providers (NBC, Fox, etc.) these providers are the ones funding and maintaining Hulu. So in the end, it's really only the handful of techs running Hulu that are free of fault.)

Like Phazer said, sometimes the roadblocks are out of the control of the purveyers. However, these things are reasons, not excuses. If the system doesn't work, then the system needs to be changed.

Easy to say, but one of the reasons for the Writers strike was the studios attempts to change to the system to stop things like this - but public support was overwhelmingly with the writers maintaining (and increasing the costs of) the status quo.

At least uTorrent was released for Mac ;) But in all seriousness, most of us will just find another distribution source for this content -- most likely preventing any revenue stream for reaching the "content providers."
most of us will just find another distribution source for this content

Indeed. I don't know how anybody could stomach watching Boxee/Hulu content in 360p in the first place. It may look OK if you're used to analog TV on 17" CRT tube, but it looks like garbage on my 50" LCD.

DVR the networks shows off the air in HD (EyeTV is great) and use Mininova for the rest!

I was watching more TV than ever, all because of Hulu on Boxee.
I'm never, never, never, never going to watch TV content on either of my computers.


I was loving watching the old shows (Hitchcock) and my kids were enjoying The Addams Family.
Apple TV+Boxee+Hulu just made it so easy.
Sure the quality was not great on my 46" Sharp, but it was good enough considering the price and convenience.

Oh well.

EDIT, I wonder if Boxee had anything to do with the increase in TV sales?

I was loving watching the old shows (Hitchcock) and my kids were enjoying The Addams Family.
Apple TV+Boxee+Hulu just made it so easy.
Sure the quality was not great on my 46" Sharp, but it was good enough considering the price and convenience.

Oh well.

EDIT, I wonder if Boxee had anything to do with the increase in TV sales?

Of course Boxee does! Boxee is the only reason I bought one and I bet I'm not alone.
Could Apple ultimately be behind the removal?

This doesn't make sense when Apple could just break the exploit that allows owners to install Boxee on AppleTV. Why affect ALL Boxee users?

More likely, Hulu will start developing their own app/plugin model for hardware like the Roku box. Unfortunately, Apple is stubborn in their desire for people to download content through iTunes, so we will likely never see Hulu on AppleTV. I hope I'm wrong.

Wishful thinking... AppleTV may adopt an app-store model like the iPhone to allow 3rd-party developers to get content on the AppleTV. If Hulu app were made available, Apple would get a cut of the sale. I really think this is about new media revenue streams for the big studios. They are panicking b/c traditional broadcast and advertising revenue is falling (fewer people are subscribing to cable) and they need new methods of PAID content delivery to fill the gap. Hulu, offered for free and with much less advertising, does not make up for it. The biz need a different model. I think they should listen to what Jobso has to say. He figured out Music 6 years ago and the music studios are finally starting to come around.
Of course Boxee does! Boxee is the only reason I bought one and I bet I'm not alone.

Actually, I bought mine for the sole purpose of playing my iTunes library on my main entertainment center with a slick interface.

Between 2 Popcorn Hours, a Roku, FiOS TV and a Netflix subscription, I have little use for the overpriced iTunes store TV shows/movies and the underpowered hardware of the ATV. The minute someone tells me that it can play a 1080p MKV or an m2ts stream is the minute I'll be interested in the ATV as a video playback device.

Besides, what was the big deal about Hulu, anyway? From what I've seen the quality was pretty unimpressive.

It's highly unlikely this is the reason it was pulled.

It's highly likely this is the reason it was pulled. ;)

i agree. however, since when do the studios have any say over what device, a private citizen owns, watches fully legal video on?

Fact is, if this were to go to court, this would be an easy win for boxee/hulu. The studios would, ofcourse, quickly shut hulu down in that case...

I will never return to cable. Their crappy anti-consumer BS has lost me as a customer forever. I'll go back to reading papers before i'll pay for cable again. Fact is, no one "really" needs what cable has to offer. And nothing cable has to offer is of any kind of quality anyways...
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