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Crappy Mac World, what a waste of time. My enthusiasm for Apple is quickly fading. I was waiting to buy an iMac, but I doubt I'll get one any time soon now. And Apple stock is in the toilet, I'm pissed as a stock holder that they are not doing more. They have been great at marketing - until now!!!
I think there will be a special event later this month or early next month to coincide with the launch of iLife '09.

This. I think this was a clear stick it to the face of information leakers to lose credibility or something. I think they could have revealed imacs and minis but chose not to.

But yeah with the new iLife shipping in late january and the new macbooks being available late january something tells me a silent update or a small event will happen...late january.
This is a tough one for me. My computer is really on it's way out. I'm going to have to buy some sort of computer in the next couple of weeks.
What a disappointment!! Makes me sick. Looks like i am getting the macbook pro and 24" l.e.d. Cinema display!
Maybe they are waiting for Core i5/Core i7 CPU:s (other than those already available that is) to become available. Intel hasn't released any of them yet.
oh god, im so glad i had no patients and bout the 24 imac in late december. going over to the apple refurb site, there r no more imacs left..
i had to buy a new computer in October. I bought an iMac. was worried for a few weeks. then fine, and "worried" again today.

the current iMac is incredible. buy it now and enjoy it and stop waiting around.
Wow, no new iMacs. That sucks.
I will no longer search for clues to what Apple is planning on releasing because it's obvious to me now that no one has a friggin clue. I've been waiting until today to purchase an updated iMac and I will continue to wait until one is released (preferably with Snow Leopard). Today I hate Apple, but it probably won't last.:mad:

I'm with you guys. I've been waiting. I don't know what to do now. If I buy one & they come out with a new version within the next month or two, I'll be sick! But, I hate to just sit here using my old, slow PC waiting and waiting. I was ready to buy until I started reading the rumors about a new imac. What to do now?:confused:
So what exactly is wrong with the current gen imacs? 3.06 Ghz, 8800GT, 4Gb Ram doesnt sound too bad to me. My guess is that the next revision is likely to come as late as 2nd quarter when more mobile nehalems will be out and they have the leds sorted out. And I doubt the performance increase will be that significant that it will be worth the wait if someone really needs the machine. And if thats too underpowered for you, opt for the pro ;)
I could have told you 6 months ago they wouldn't update the iMac. In fact a 10 year old could have by observing Apple's trends. They only talk about products if there is some kind of major enhancement, ie. not a spec update.

Am I a bad person for laughing at you all? Probably.

Great keynote. I could not give a rats ass about hardware, negligible real world increase and perhaps 5% increase in CPU intensive tasks. Software is what matters, always has been. The new iLife suite looks awesome, the new iWork and looks great, iTunes DRM free is a major milestone, and hopefully we don't need to put up with bitching about glossy displays.

Loved it.
Buy now.


Quit worrying about it.

Live stress free.

They probably won't make any major design changes to the iMac. If you like the current specs, go for it. All your gonna get is some component upgrades anyway.

Unless u think there will be a major overhaul. Besides Quad Core processors and a different screen, is there anything else you guys are expecting?
Buy now.


Quit worrying about it.

Live stress free.

Bought a refurb 2.66Ghz off the online store tonight. I don't feel any of that buyers remorse. I just can't wait! This will be my first Mac desktop. I think my Macbook is great, but even after less than three years it is starting to faulter. I needed the stability of a desktop and didn't want to wait for my MacBook to die.
So when is the next big event? WWDC? Is that in June?
WWDC in June we know for sure, although consumer products usually aren't introed then. Apple can have events earlier in the year (February a good example) as well as silent updates on various times.

I could have told you 6 months ago they wouldn't update the iMac. In fact a 10 year old could have by observing Apple's trends. They only talk about products if there is some kind of major enhancement, ie. not a spec update.

Am I a bad person for laughing at you all? Probably.

Great keynote. I could not give a rats ass about hardware, negligible real world increase and perhaps 5% increase in CPU intensive tasks. Software is what matters, always has been. The new iLife suite looks awesome, the new iWork and looks great, iTunes DRM free is a major milestone, and hopefully we don't need to put up with bitching about glossy displays.

Loved it.
So true. I should have stuck to my original prediction of no iMac update at MWSF. But the quad-core rumor pushed me over. :p
My sentiments exactly. This was my first time following an Apple keynote and I must say that TOTALLY sucked. :mad:

So when is the next big event? WWDC? Is that in June?

I guess I'll still wait b/c I'd hate to buy an iMac now and have it updated the second I pay for it.


Whenever the hell Apple feel like it, which is why they've ditched Macworld

What a disappointment!! Makes me sick. Looks like i am getting the macbook pro and 24" l.e.d. Cinema display!

That's a nice option to have, I'd be happy with that

Right, off to search for the Quad core iMac for Feb thread :(
This really pisses me off. I know its not apples fault, they dont condone all of this rumor chasing... But when i decided to switch to an iMac I thought it would be so simple, no longer would I have 100 half assed choices, I'd have 4. No longer would I constantly be worried about going out of date cause HP releases a new computer ever 3.5 hours. And no longer would my computer cause me stress.

Those are some of the biggest reasons I've decided to make the switch. Now here I am, 4 months later, still spending hours on these forums trying to find out when the hell I should buy this thing. I DONT want to spend $1,799 on something when I could get more out of that money in a month. And I don't want to wait half a year for nothing (almost did that already... 4 months and counting)

Now why the hell does apple have to be so secretive? I'm sure its a great business move, and I'm sure the stock benefits from the suspense, and I'm sure there are hundreds of examples of how its 'good for business' but how about whats good for the customers? Why not give us a hint, let us know ahead, or at least let us trade up our old iMacs if a new one comes out within a certain amount of time (even if theres a fee!)

I'm sure no one from apple will ever read this, but if someone does, I hope you realize how much harder you make what should be simple through being so secretive. I'm probably going to go buy my iMac tomorrow, I'll walk out of the store with an empty bank account, and a good computer, but down the road, in the next couple of weeks (over my 2 week return period) if new imacs get released, I will not buy another apple product again until this idiotic veil of corporate secrecy is replaced by a transparent sheet of consumer interest.

You can begin flaming me now.
I'm probably going to go buy my iMac tomorrow, I'll walk out of the store with an empty bank account, and a good computer, but down the road, in the next couple of weeks (over my 2 week return period) if new imacs get released, I will not buy another apple product again until this idiotic veil of corporate secrecy is replaced by a transparent sheet of consumer interest.

You can begin flaming me now.

You'd be doing the right thing if you need it now, buy it now. New iMacs will come, we just don't know when. If you wait or buy tomorrow you'll have a great machine either way
You'd be doing the right thing if you need it now, buy it now. New iMacs will come, we just don't know when. If you wait or buy tomorrow you'll have a great machine either way

Like he said, you'd be doing fine if buying the one thats out now. But; everybody should first look for this; do you NEED the new iMac NOW or do you have another working machine which works for you at this moment and you just WANT a new iMac to come out. For example: I'm working at a 2 generations old MacBook Pro. I use it for college and watching movies, making movies, editing my photos, and listening to music. That combined with some IMing and webbing this machine works fine. But I'd very much like to have a bigger screen and a better videocard to play some games. This is where the iMac comes in. But I don't need it, if a new one comes out and it has some cool features, I'll buy it, but again don't need it now.

Thats pretty much the question you should ask yourself, do I need it now, for work school or home purposes, buy it, right now. If not, why wouldn't you wait, the iMac is pretty much overdate and right now pretty much all of their desktops (as well the Mini and iMac, but also the Pro) out of date. My guess is, there will be a semi silent update (no idea what that is :p, but still, my guess) somewhere late february, maybe march, for all of them. Intel i7 chipsets will be in stock, some new mobile graphics cards available (for the iMac and mini). My 2 eurocents
oh god, im so glad i had no patients and bout the 24 imac in late december. going over to the apple refurb site, there r no more imacs left..

Hehe, me too! It's s screamer :p

i had to buy a new computer in October. I bought an iMac. was worried for a few weeks. then fine, and "worried" again today.

the current iMac is incredible. buy it now and enjoy it and stop waiting around.

Agreed. The current iMacs are very good (except for the gradient issue, but you never know if LED is gonna fix that). Buy it now and get it over and done with. :D

I woke up 4:00 in the morning ran to my pc down stairs and was so happy to hear the words IMac but what did i hear ilife etc. im so angry.

ive been waiting 3 months for an update i dont know if i should get it now or wate for an update

This really pisses me off. I know its not apples fault, they dont condone all of this rumor chasing... But when i decided to switch to an iMac I thought it would be so simple, no longer would I have 100 half assed choices, I'd have 4. No longer would I constantly be worried about going out of date cause HP releases a new computer ever 3.5 hours. And no longer would my computer cause me stress.

Almost identical to why I decided to make the switch back in Autumn, I wanted to buy a maxed out 24" the moment they were updated, and just be happy with it for a long time, not feeling harassed and bugged every time new hardware came out encouraging me to upgrade. I knew I was taking a hit for performance, but the benefits outweighed the negative.

That said, it is literally up in the air, 50/50 to whether we could see an iMac update in a week or in 8 months, and considering I've already been waiting about 7, the prospect of that is driving me closer and closer to buying a PC. Considering the PSU on my gaming PC blew up yesterday morning, I have to look forward to the prospect of sitting on this ****** XP machine for months on end.

Those are some of the biggest reasons I've decided to make the switch. Now here I am, 4 months later, still spending hours on these forums trying to find out when the hell I should buy this thing. I DONT want to spend $1,799 on something when I could get more out of that money in a month. And I don't want to wait half a year for nothing (almost did that already... 4 months and counting)

Exactly, the only saving grace I can offer you, is that if you do stick it out for 6-8 months, you can pretty much guarantee a Nehalem offering, but as for the speedbump before then, I honestly don't know. Apple are gonna wanna get those chips on the market, and with the current iMac having very little room to breathe in terms of upgrades without switching it's entire archictecture, it's very possible they're holding out, and as time goes by, it just fuels that thought, it's incredibly unlikely they'd introduce a speedbump when they're say, 4 months away from a huge redesign.

Now why the hell does apple have to be so secretive? I'm sure its a great business move, and I'm sure the stock benefits from the suspense, and I'm sure there are hundreds of examples of how its 'good for business' but how about whats good for the customers? Why not give us a hint, let us know ahead, or at least let us trade up our old iMacs if a new one comes out within a certain amount of time (even if theres a fee!)

Actually Apple stock suffers from it, as was proven yesterday when it slid after the Keynote, but it works for them. It's a total kick in the nuts for the customers and always has been, there's a thin line between suspense/excitement and downright insult.

But it won't change, it works in their favour because it means because they're so unpredictable, and secretive, that they can sell previous models for full price literally right up until the hour before they put new products on their store.

They're in a unique position to be able to get away with that, very few companies can, but they have the userbase, following and community fervour to benefit wholely from it.

I'm sure no one from apple will ever read this, but if someone does, I hope you realize how much harder you make what should be simple through being so secretive.

I'm generally a big supporter of community, but the fact is they don't care, Jobs does a fantastic job of making Mac users feel they're part of the family, but apart from him, it's as faceless a profiteering corporation as Microsoft is. Their appeal is a cleverly constructed marketing ploy, try not to lose sight of that.

I'm probably going to go buy my iMac tomorrow, I'll walk out of the store with an empty bank account, and a good computer, but down the road, in the next couple of weeks (over my 2 week return period) if new imacs get released, I will not buy another apple product again until this idiotic veil of corporate secrecy is replaced by a transparent sheet of consumer interest.

Like everyone has said, look at it from the point of neccessity, if you need a computer, go for it, chances are you'll be pretty happy with it. I think with us potential switchers we're lucky in the sense that after we get our Mac we won't be whoring sites like this for tidbits, and probably be extremely happy with our systems for years. But that niggling doubt is a pain in the arse. I would've already purchased one after the Keynote yesterday, but I'm desperately holding on for at least a graphics update, as a gamer, getting a current gen iMac then it being updated in <1month with a far superior graphics card would break my heart.
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