This really pisses me off. I know its not apples fault, they dont condone all of this rumor chasing... But when i decided to switch to an iMac I thought it would be so simple, no longer would I have 100 half assed choices, I'd have 4. No longer would I constantly be worried about going out of date cause HP releases a new computer ever 3.5 hours. And no longer would my computer cause me stress.
Almost identical to why I decided to make the switch back in Autumn, I wanted to buy a maxed out 24" the moment they were updated, and just be happy with it for a long time, not feeling harassed and bugged every time new hardware came out encouraging me to upgrade. I knew I was taking a hit for performance, but the benefits outweighed the negative.
That said, it is literally up in the air, 50/50 to whether we could see an iMac update in a week or in 8 months, and considering I've already been waiting about 7, the prospect of that is driving me closer and closer to buying a PC. Considering the PSU on my gaming PC blew up yesterday morning, I have to look forward to the prospect of sitting on this ****** XP machine for months on end.
Those are some of the biggest reasons I've decided to make the switch. Now here I am, 4 months later, still spending hours on these forums trying to find out when the hell I should buy this thing. I DONT want to spend $1,799 on something when I could get more out of that money in a month. And I don't want to wait half a year for nothing (almost did that already... 4 months and counting)
Exactly, the only saving grace I can offer you, is that if you do stick it out for 6-8 months, you can pretty much guarantee a Nehalem offering, but as for the speedbump before then, I honestly don't know. Apple are gonna wanna get those chips on the market, and with the current iMac having very little room to breathe in terms of upgrades without switching it's entire archictecture, it's very possible they're holding out, and as time goes by, it just fuels that thought, it's incredibly unlikely they'd introduce a speedbump when they're say, 4 months away from a huge redesign.
Now why the hell does apple have to be so secretive? I'm sure its a great business move, and I'm sure the stock benefits from the suspense, and I'm sure there are hundreds of examples of how its 'good for business' but how about whats good for the customers? Why not give us a hint, let us know ahead, or at least let us trade up our old iMacs if a new one comes out within a certain amount of time (even if theres a fee!)
Actually Apple stock suffers from it, as was proven yesterday when it slid after the Keynote, but it works for them. It's a total kick in the nuts for the customers and always has been, there's a thin line between suspense/excitement and downright insult.
But it won't change, it works in their favour because it means because they're so unpredictable, and secretive, that they can sell previous models for full price literally right up until the hour before they put new products on their store.
They're in a unique position to be able to get away with that, very few companies can, but they have the userbase, following and community fervour to benefit wholely from it.
I'm sure no one from apple will ever read this, but if someone does, I hope you realize how much harder you make what should be simple through being so secretive.
I'm generally a big supporter of community, but the fact is they don't care, Jobs does a fantastic job of making Mac users feel they're part of the family, but apart from him, it's as faceless a profiteering corporation as Microsoft is. Their appeal is a cleverly constructed marketing ploy, try not to lose sight of that.
I'm probably going to go buy my iMac tomorrow, I'll walk out of the store with an empty bank account, and a good computer, but down the road, in the next couple of weeks (over my 2 week return period) if new imacs get released, I will not buy another apple product again until this idiotic veil of corporate secrecy is replaced by a transparent sheet of consumer interest.
Like everyone has said, look at it from the point of neccessity, if you need a computer, go for it, chances are you'll be pretty happy with it. I think with us potential switchers we're lucky in the sense that after we get our Mac we won't be whoring sites like this for tidbits, and probably be extremely happy with our systems for years. But that niggling doubt is a pain in the arse. I would've already purchased one after the Keynote yesterday, but I'm desperately holding on for at least a graphics update, as a gamer, getting a current gen iMac then it being updated in <1month with a far superior graphics card would break my heart.