I'm already scared to death of the Pixel. I'm second and third and fourth guessing that decision.
I activated Allo, which is the messaging app and it has the Google Assistant residing in it. I can't use it, however, because I can't bring myself to give it the necessary permission to track my location at all times and to track all of my web searches.
When I signed on to my Surface and activated Cortana I actually read the entire multipage TLDR end user agreement and was appalled at the level and degree of tracking it insists on doing on you. I didn't want to agree to it but my husband teased me and we argued until I gave in. I barely use it anymore so it's not had anything to track on me, really.
My husband is a completely different personality type from me in some respects and I am a very cautious and protective and territorial person while he is the opposite. I'm the one who hears the noises at night and gets up and grabs a weapon and checks the property. I grew up in a bad area and goodness, the stories I could tell! My upbringing has made me pretty paranoid in many ways.
So anyway, I am probably the completely wrong personality type for this sort of phone and ecosystem. On the other hand, I am completely boring and anyone sorting through my data would die from the tedium. So I may as well give it a try. Maybe.