I like your calendar. What does the windows icon at top left do?Windows 7.
I like your calendar. What does the windows icon at top left do?
I wish iPads had screen capture
My current iPhone theme.
what theme is this? I've been debating jailbreaking my i4 but Im just worried about reliability
Jailbroken iPhones are highly reliable. I've jailbroken every iPhone i've had (Which is all 4) and never had any problems at all.
Nevermind, found it on Skins.be. Adriana Lima, for those wondering.
Nevermind, found it on Skins.be. Adriana Lima, for those wondering.
seeing adriana lima always gives me hope, that us normal guys have a chance, a slight chance at landing such hotties!!!(if you dont know, search for her husband)
Been bouncing around between these 3 for this month:
I love me some Oscar the Grouch and Miranda Kerr!