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I too was/am a lurker...

I registered only because it was required to view the forums before MacWorld. After registering, I thought "why not?" and posted a few times.

I have an iBook 500, but someday I will get a Powerbook G4 (the iBook is wayyyy too slow).
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great welcome party

I've been reading the forums for a few weeks and have been a member since MWNY. I used to run a corporate PC support hotline and I was impressed by the freedom and creativity the Mac gave its users compared with the drudgery imposed by DOS and Windows.

I'm an independent video producer now. Released a Windsurf racing video last year - edited with FCP on my old Beige G3. When FCP finally choked I upgraded to two G4 733s.

I couldn't care less about whether the new Macs are slower than the latest Dell or whatever. My 2 PowerMacs run all my business and production software perfectly and I'm having fun.
i think i count

while i actually registered in January, i didnt activate and post until a few days ago. I live about 20 minutes outside Boston, and will be starting college in a month, in the company of a brand new dual gig w/ nvidia ti 128 card. I have been a reader of this site for about a year, and look forward to contributing some tidbits of knowledge, both relevant and wildly inacurate. As of this post my computer will ship in a few days, but until then i will be using the 733 quicksilver that my brother will be egressing to college with. A warning though, my posts will, in all likelihood, be rife with Hitchhiker quotes.
yipee!! i get to reply!!!

well yeah, i've been registered since March this year. i think the reason i found MacRumors was because i was starting college this year and had to get a Mac. i guess i was just looking around the net for reviews and stuff and came across MacRumors. then i noticed about the rumors of new TiBooks...
lucky i came across this site or i would have ended up with a Rev. B TiBook, but i saw about the new TiBooks that were to be released so i waited. now i've got a Rev C 667, all thanks to MacRumors!!:D and this place is also great for all kinds of tech help and VPC hacks...:D :D
edit> whoops, look like i got a bit to eager... got confused. Mar/May, to similar. sorry. and to make things worse i can't delete my post... help!
Alright, I'm no longer a newbie...but I'm a newbie to the communty discussion boards...does that count?

Ok, I joined end of July, making some stupid comment. I've added more quality input since then. I'm a PC user, with crappy PCs (200 MHz desktop, 550 MHz laptop), but am planning on buying an exceptional notebook that can be a desktop replacement...enter the tibook

I had an apple user friend, he touted mac os X...with the unix core. I then saw previews of Jag, and I got really interested.

I'm a third-year undergrad at the U of M...planning on applying to either med or grad school...whomever accepts me

Well, I gots to sleep for my MCATs tomorrow, for those going to med school, ya'll know what it is.

Been here since MWNY. I only registered so I could read the forums, but I've since posted a few times. I guess you could say I'm a newbie, although I don't actually own a Mac yet, but I've used Apples and Macs quite a bit over the years. When I moved from private school to public school in the early 80's, I went from using those ultra-cool Radio Shack TRS-80's :D to using Apples and Apple II's. Got addicted to them later afterthe introduction of Oregon Trail and Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? Would've got a IIgs in 6th grade if I made straight A's, but alas I was too lazy :p

Got to use the little 9" Macs in high school when I was on the school newspaper and yearbook staff (Talking Moose and Fool's Errand = \m/), but we had a PC at home, and that's where I've been stuck for the last 11 years, toiling to no end just to get my PCs to work smoothly for a decent amount of time. I've been attempting to make the move to Linux over the last couple of years, but just couldn't get comfortable jumping in. I always watched Apple during my PC years and liked their products but not the price. And when I heard that OSX was based on BSD, that got me thinking. Not enough apparently as shortly afterward, I spent $3500 on a Dell P4 (Dude, you're getting a POS! ;) ). The last year with that machine and Windows ME has been a nightmare and after hearing that an Apple store had opened nearby, I decided to go last month and take a look. I'm now officially hooked and biding my time until I can snag me an iBook (still having troule deciding between that and a Powerbook) w/ Airport, an iPod and maybe a new Palm. I've spent over 5 grand the last two years just on hardware, and when I think of the kind of Mac (or Macs :D) I could've got for that kinda cash, I get a little irritated, but I guess better late than never, right?

Since I rarely used Office XP on my Dell, and Starry Night Pro includes the Windows and Mac version on the same CD, the only software I'll need to buy is Quicken and a firewall for my DSL connection.

And a friend of mine who I've been trying to sell my PC to recently told me he doesn't want my machine, he wants a Mac (he's never owned a computer before). He's pretty close to getting an eMac for his personal use and to run his business. I guess telling him I was trying to sell my PC to get a Mac wasn't such a bright idea :D
Its ok to try to sell your pc to earn money for a mac. Even Bill Gates said he loves his mac ;) :p
I have used a mac since a Mac 128. I have fried one mac (a Mac 512), and maybe a clone (the motorola in the garage). Macs last forever, and if the printers keep working :cool: , they last a damn long time.
Since this is a board for newbies, I would just like to encourage everybody not to get hostile on these boards. Some people are very dense, and others are PC apologists, but that is no reason to be hostile. Take the wierd and incorrect stats in stride.
Thanks to ARN and all of the great Apple snitches who allow us to get excited about our favorite platform.
BTW, if any one is an aggie or a chemist, I would like to know:cool:
Hey all you Computer People,
I'm Backtothemac's younger brother if you couldn't tell by the screen name. Im new to this "Mac" thing, its different but ok, and i have my comfort blanket (virtual pc) so Im sure Ill be ok. B2tM > i think that looks like a boy band, my weird older brother, seesh!. he has told me about your little conventions? uh huh. i really like my macintosh> he's yelling at me for the lower case, OMG, let's just pretend im e.e. cummings and it will be like a fine day in the park , alright :D i look forward to talking to you people and flames? what ever that is....peace out!
....wipes tear from eyes....

wow, the whole family is almost on here. Me, the Mrs, the little bro....

Now, everyone be nice to him :)

welcome little bro. It is a great community and you will have fun here.
Reality Maintenance Engineer 23b reporting for duty ...

Oops, sorry ... wrong queue ;)

Been a loyal mac user for about 10 years now (have my own little home music recording/composing studio)

I have been reading these forums for two years now and had to sign up to continue. So I might as well post something ones in a while to :)

Hi. My name is Nathan. I've been using Apple machines since the early 80s and a IIe. My first purchased Mac was a 2ci that I still use for MIDI work with Encore and MasterTracks Pro. (was using a IIgs until then that was decked out with a 100MB Vulcan HD (anyone out there remember those?), 8MB ram card, processor accelerator, sound card, etc.--quite something to think back on it and my father still uses it--alongside a g4 tower) I currently use a Beige g3 OS9, g4 dual 500 10.1.5 (I think), and an iBook 10.2 that travels between airport networks at home and work.

Since 1999 I've been managing a research and development project focused on providing teachers around the world online professional development courses in research-based education pedagogies. Before that I worked in and managed a pizza restaurant (just out of college), taught public school band and mathematics (I play trumpet), did research on (explored) how to personalize children's learning in classrooms/schools, and starting around 1994 built and supported a mac/win/netware network that served about 40 researchers and got them on the Internet.

I play in a community band, hike, bike, backpack, camp, canoe, cook, garden (vegetables--tomatoes, zucchini, corn (all of which I'm harvesting and eating), eggplant, just about ready, and herbs. I enjoy both live and recorded music of many types (always looking for suggestions), reading--more fiction than not, art in many forms, traveling when I can, and, well, a bunch of other things.

So, that's a bit about me...

Here are a couple questions that I've looked in the FAQ for answers but haven't looked much anywhere else--so the answers may be somewhere around here...

1) What do all the title designations mean? That is, what's a god, demi-god, regular, member, newbie, and folks with numbers in that location? What has been done to achieve those titles?

2) On the macrumors home page under each story is a positive/negative voting thing. Is that a vote on your reaction to the news story or the thread of discussion that is happening about the story?

Thanks and best wishes,

Hello Nathan. I can answer #1:
Newbie= >29 posts
member= >100 posts (I think)
regular= >500 posts (again not too sure)
numbers= 500+ non contributer
demi-god, or goddess= contributer, numbers don't matter here.
don't eat me! :)

Hello everyone! I've been playing with all types of computers since middle school, the first being an Apple, then a slew of PCs and Suns and my latest hope being an ibook. I blame eyelikeart and macrosoft for getting me here ;-) I look forward to getting to know you guys better.
Re: don't eat me! :)

Originally posted by dreamlance
Hello everyone! I've been playing with all types of computers since middle school, the first being an Apple, then a slew of PCs and Suns and my latest hope being an ibook. I blame eyelikeart and macrosoft for getting me here ;-) I look forward to getting to know you guys better.

hey now...I didn't force u to join up now did I? :p ;)
Hi. I cannot remember when I signed up but I have never made a post. I have been reading posts EVERYDAY for some time now and I am addicted to this site. I too enjoy the rumors and discussions. Please don't delete me arn.

I just want to say that, I agree with eyelikeart that Apple will never do a pda. That's because I see the big picture. And now there is a rumor that Jobs and Woz are working on a new cell phone. First let me say that I have owned 5 pda's and I have given all of them away. I finally realized that it makes no sence to carry more than one device between them. I just hope that if that rumor is true that they make it a world phone at the least.

Also, I would love to see some type of tablet from Apple with built in wireless technology. Laptops are great but they are too heavy and bulky for me although I do own one.

I aslo like this BB software you are using but you might find the same stuff from a free product by YaBB. I don't work there but I have been testing it for my site whenver I get the chance to finish it.

thanks for having this site. I cannot live without it.
I havge been reading Mac Rumors since September 2000, but have never seen anything interesting in the forums, but then one day I decided what the hell I might as wll try it, I read it for information on Mac OS X when I was working for HP in the LaserJet Divsison..
Hey I'm diorio. I sometimes post idiotic things, but I really am not a troll.

Hey. I'm Adam. I am a former peecee user dating back to the old TI machines. Buddy of mine is an avid mac user, and convinced me to give it a shot when my former dell kept screwing me over. So I started coming to macrumors when I jumped in the market to buy a mac. Ever since, I've been on here everyday, checking out updates, and just browsing the threads. I must say this: there is none of this fanaticism in the peecee world. There aren't any expos or anything like that in the peecee world (that I know of) like the mac has. That is something that surprisingly adds quite a bit of excitement to the macscene. Keep it coming, Apple! My big news: I just bought my first brand new Apple computer last week. It is a Powermac G4 dual 1 gig, 512 RAM, Superdrive! It is the quicksilver model, but I love it, even though...alas, I have a problem :( After installing the 10.2 update, the thing has crashed on me EVERY DAY. I swear I'm not doing anything outrageous either. Once it crashed with only ichat open, once while watching a dvd, once with Excel open (in which I lost my file), and once the other day while browsing the internet. I don't know what the problem is, but I've been doing some diagnostics tests to try and pinpoint it before calling Apple. Does anyone have any suggestions? I posted in the Mac help area, but only got 2 responses, so maybe someone will lend a hand in here. Thanks ahead of time, and I'll see you on the boards!
I'm Joe.

I'm in the lurker category as well. Been visiting Mac Rumors for about a year and before that MOSR.
I've been reading here since May probably. Just like countless others here, I signed up when I was forced too for MWNY :rolleyes: (what a great strategy for making people register, by the way).

As for my Mac history, I have been a user since the original LC. Moved up to a PowerComputing PowerBase 180 during the clone wars. Upgraded the hell out of that. And today I am typing on a two week old 17in iMac and listening to music on my wonderful iPod.
allright dukes...

Here we go.....i and my better half just bought a mac a few months ago and I love it...We went the whole nine yards too....iPod, DV cam, Scanner, Printer, WCIII, the whole nine yards....I have been reading this site for a while because the love of my life has been reading your musings and so i was curious....For my $ there is nothing funnier on the net then some of these threads.....esp the threads about drugs.....i didnt realize so many people who had macs hated fun....

I thought owning a mac was akin to being cool like being fat is to being jolly.....
And the piracy thing....jeeeeeeeeeeeesh.....looks like somebody has his/her cranky meter turned up to 11....

So I will be offering my two cents, moderator willing, to the discussions...unless some meglomaniacal computer tyrant feels that my two cents are two cents too without further I am...
This is a little late (about 4 months too late :D) but here I go:

Hi, my name is Emerson, my username is scem0. I am a new userbut this is post #three-hundred-and-sixty-something because I forgot to post this when I joined. SO I guess technically I am not a new user, but I just had to make my own new user thing... I am 15, my Bday is in April (the 17th), and I enjoy Kung Fu :). I wish that there were more smilies here on the macrumors forums. Well, anyways, I am an avid mac user who is mad at apple for overpricing their slower-then-pc's-that-are-cheaper computers. If apple doesn't come out with something revolutionary by the time I need another computer, then I am getting a PC. I will still like Macs, i just wont use them. That's about it....
hey arn/mods - i cant seem to post new threads or reply to the news/poll threads, did i do something wrong or... :confused:
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