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I think some other people had that problem on this thread.
SOmething about activating the account I think. Look on about
page 3 of this thread.
Originally posted by coolshot125
how many posts do i need to get off this newbie status?

Uh oh, don't make the same mistake I made. I asked the same question a few days ago, and was bombarded. Most of the replies were helpfull, but some still made me feel like an idiot.
To answer the question for all of the newbies, 30 posts will get you to member status, but try to sound like you know what you're talking about. You will get flamed if it sounds like you're making something up just to raise your status.
As for myself, I've been reading the rumors for about a year, after I bought my first Mac - a TiPB 400MHz. I don't post much, but I'm starting to add my thoughts more often now.
Newbie Status and Other Rants...

If my statusas a Newbie Bothers Anyone, DON'T ASK ME ANY Questions!! Leave me and my 80 0 mhz TI BOOK alone!!!
Everyone was a newbie at one point. Welcome, don't take it too seriously! :)
Newbie here! I've come from AtAT several times, started lurking the past few weeks, and finally joined. I'm a student developer and am extremely grateful for os X, which allows me to follow all the Unix I'm taught without having to use the Unix labs. First computer in the house: Mac SE in 1994. I now own an iBook.

My support for any one's opinion is available to the highest bidder, so if you look like you're losing a discussion, I'll gladly throw in a few posts for you! For a fee, of course.
Hello, a newbie here.

I made the switch back in August and haven't regretted it one bit. I'm actually looking at picking up a PowerMac to complement my PowerBook.

Nice to meet you all, I'm sure I'll see you around :D
Hey, this is great. I only joined the macrumors site a couple of days ago (Ive been reading it for a loooong time now) and already i love it...

Gosh Gee Whiz, i love my macs...

Im not a switcher, i think i was born with little tiny apple symbols in my blood... ooh that cant be good (For my health)
New iMacs are in!!!

Well, I just wanted to report that my new iMacs came in today, I can't pull myself away from them now. Well, once I get both of the set up, I'll be using only one of them, the other one my wife will be using, but I still can't pull myself away from either of them yet...:D
newbie, but not really

Just figured I'd throw my info in.

I'm a newbie to posting, but I've been reading macrumors for atleast a year. However, I should be posting fairly often now in the help sections if I can help anyone. I was born and raised on Apple computers, just before Apple came out with Macintosh in fact. I've got Apple flowing through my veins. So I'm sure I can be helpful to those who need it.

Other than that I'll be sure to be posting on the political threads where I will join the ranks of a very small number of republicans. In fact I might stir things up a bit right now by saying what will probably be the most unpopular thing on these boards today: I like George Bush and I think he's doing a great job as president.

Let the flaming begin.

I'm hoping for the best, I've never been to a MacWorld and was so excited when I heard the news. I'll just keep my fingers crossed, hope that Apple does go.

Anyone hear more news on MacWorld Boston '04? I haven't heard anything in a while.
Hello again. I was registered here under a different name about a year ago.

I went away from here a bit back , tired of the prevailing tone ("Sheesh, newbies" etc) but returned when the serially-offensive brigade pushed off to Alphatech-land.

I'm a musician, back-line and recording-studio designer and I trade vintage guitars when I get the time and spare cash.

I'm from Manchester, UK originally, but I live in Florida now and like it here a lot. I run PCs and Macs for music and research and every now and then I like to get tangled up in a political thread.

I read a lot, though less than I used to. Currently into Salman Rushdie ..."Fury" and "East West".

Once again, love being in the USA, but I've no time for sh*tbags who rag on Europe without any idea what they're talking about.
Or folks who don't understand their own legal/governmental process......plenty of those here too:rolleyes:

I'm a newbie to this forum but not to the Mac or to Apple Computers. I started with an Apple ][ Euro plus in the late 80s and then got a Mac SE in 1988. It was a two-floppy drive version as I was advised that configuration would allow me to continue using the machine if the external hard drive failed. I added two 40MB Seagate hard drives (5_1/4"!) in an external case, complete with PSU. All my friends said '*40*MB, and *two*-off?!?! One 20MB drive should be enough for anyone!'. To start with, I had a Ricoh daisy-wheel printer driven via a parallel-to-serial converter module.

That combination served me well for several years, along the way I upgraded one of the floppy drives to 1.44MB. the OS to 6.07 and replaced the daisy-wheel with a Personal LaserWriter NT. In order to meet work and Open University requirements, I had to get IBM-PC (errmm, am I allowed to mention those on this forum?) facilities but I didn't want the expense of another printer so I fitted the IBM-PC with a Dayna card (2000) and Copstalk software and networked it to the Mac SE and the PLW via LocalTalk.

At Christmas, 1999, one of the hard drives failed and the Mac SE system wouldn't boot. At the time, I was unemployed and could not afford a new Mac or to do anything about the hard drive so I soldiered on with just the IBM-PC and the PLW. Then the PLW fuser assembly failed.

Much more recently, I have been able to acquire several older Macs, a second SE, an SE/30, four (!!) LC3s, a Performa 5300 and an 8100/100, plus several monitors, all other people's cast-offs (I'm not proud). They all work except that the Performa can't see its hard drive but I'm working on that. I also bought another PLW on eBay at a fairly friendly price.

I've got the 8100/100 as the favourite machine at present, pending repairs to the Performa. It has System 7.5.3 installed and works OK in itself although the hard drive sounds a bit creaky. The problem is that it won't drive the Personal LaserWriter (The SE/30 runs System 6.07 and drives the PLW fine).

So, my current concern is to find a System 7.5 driver that will work with the PLW NT. Looking further into the future than that, I need to discover whether I'll be able to use the PLW with the Performa which will be using OS8? But this isn't the place for questions in that search.

Lastly, a question for the moderator: does instant messaging still work if I log on from a different machine and ISP from (than?) my registered e-mail address?

THANKS!! Since my car accident, (my wife and I Came out Second best with a disagreement with a Truck)
Originally posted by scem0
Sorry, I can't help ur problem.
If you couldn't help then why did you bother responding? Especially in a thread that is for new users. :rolleyes:

As for Pete W's question, I see no reason that would keep the PLW NT from working with a Mac. Go to and do a search for Laserwriter drivers. You should be able to find a set of Laserwriter drivers that are 7.5.3/8.0 compatible.
I just had to respond because I found his post funny because he
has all these old machines. It is funny. He is trying to get system
8 installed when everyone else is trying to get 10.2.2 installed.

Reminds me of this:

Q: I have been trying to install a newer version of the Mac operating system for days and have so far had no success. I've heard there are some great features in this update and I'm really eager to get it installed. Help!
A: You're right, Jaguar is great and you should definitely upgrade to it from any earlier version of OS X. Now, where are you having trouble?
Q: What? Jaguar? OS X? What the hell are you talking about?
A: I'm talking about the latest version of the Mac OS. What the hell are you talking about?
Q: I'm talking about System 6. I can't wait to try out MultiFinder! That's gonna be rad!
A: Oh, wait, I know what's going on! I saw this in a movie. There's some kind of rare atmospheric phenomenon and I'm speaking to someone in the past!
Q: What? Are you high? No, you're not! It's 2002 and I have a Mac Plus I want to put System 5.0 on! Now, are you going to help me or not?
A: Oh. Huh. Um... "not", I guess.

from crazy apple rumors

That is why I thought it was funny. ;) :D
I just registered tonight. My friend showed me, and I decided to check it out in search of fellow mac users. I have a Slot Loader iMac DV Lime, with floppy, Zip 100, and firewire CD-RW, and coming soon an 80 firewire HD. I'm glad to be at a place where there are other people who use macs, as well as other ppl who have hardware thats not 'the newest'. My friend has a Titanium Powerbook, and my other mac friend has a single 867 G4 w/ superdrive. These tend to make my computer seem inferior...well anyway, I'll probably be here a lot from now on...coming soon for my comp-512 meg. ram, 80 gig firewire HD, ****OS X****, I'm just a little short on cash due to the present season...

First of all, thank you, Durandl7, for your helpful and constructive comments and suggestion. I did have a look at the site you recommended, there's a lot of stuff there and I'll have to visit again when I've time to browse and explore properly.

I'm very happy that I'm providing amusement to the 'My Mac's bigger and more expensive than yours' contingent. Nuff said!!

Now for a look at the rest of the forum.
with the help of our wonderful friend arn, I am now reborn... I originally registered as WanaPBnow.... but now that I got a Powerbook, Arn did me a special favor and allowed me to rename myself UnixMac, which is my usually mac messageboard handle...

thanks arn

I don't know if this thread is still alive or not, but i guess it's my duty to fill in...

i am a switcher, but from before the ad campaign. My last PC was a Gateway Destination with a 36" monitor (a beautiful POS), purchased in 1998. It lives to this day, but only as an entertainment center. After a year of function, it began to fall apart, and i bought my first mac. A sawtooth, i believe (dual 500Mhz G4, no CD burner). It worked wonderfully, and i was converted. Now i've added an 867 Quicksilver with Superdrive (last September), a TiBook 1 Ghz w/ Superdrive (last month) and just bought an original bondi blue imac as a restoration project.

My line of business is split between video/graphics work and the theatre. I use both my current macs everyday and have converted three friends this year (1 TiBook, 2 iBooks), and am currently working on parents as well.

I have been reading posts for a couple months, and just got the urge to register and post (i guess in the spirit of MWSF).
me too

Hi all, I'm new too, I just signed up yesterday... I've been participating for about a year I think in the Apple Imac Forum discussion and have droped into a few other forums, but mainly there.

I've been tld about macrummers by people at that forum and has a good rep.

Well I mainly had the erge to be able to talk my mind out and and not have the restriction to the apple forum where all is good, but it is really strict toward helping only and nothing else...

I'm a switcher too, but for about 2 years now. My first mac actually was a Mac Plus back in 87 and then a quadra 605 in 91 then went to pc because of my Dad. I now switched back. Unfortunatly I work with a pc all day and bearly can use my mac since I don't have internet at home, but hope to have it soon on Feb. meanwhile all I do in the internet is throught the pc at work...

See ya around...

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