I'm a newbie to this forum but not to the Mac or to Apple Computers. I started with an Apple ][ Euro plus in the late 80s and then got a Mac SE in 1988. It was a two-floppy drive version as I was advised that configuration would allow me to continue using the machine if the external hard drive failed. I added two 40MB Seagate hard drives (5_1/4"!) in an external case, complete with PSU. All my friends said '*40*MB, and *two*-off?!?! One 20MB drive should be enough for anyone!'. To start with, I had a Ricoh daisy-wheel printer driven via a parallel-to-serial converter module.
That combination served me well for several years, along the way I upgraded one of the floppy drives to 1.44MB. the OS to 6.07 and replaced the daisy-wheel with a Personal LaserWriter NT. In order to meet work and Open University requirements, I had to get IBM-PC (errmm, am I allowed to mention those on this forum?) facilities but I didn't want the expense of another printer so I fitted the IBM-PC with a Dayna card (2000) and Copstalk software and networked it to the Mac SE and the PLW via LocalTalk.
At Christmas, 1999, one of the hard drives failed and the Mac SE system wouldn't boot. At the time, I was unemployed and could not afford a new Mac or to do anything about the hard drive so I soldiered on with just the IBM-PC and the PLW. Then the PLW fuser assembly failed.
Much more recently, I have been able to acquire several older Macs, a second SE, an SE/30, four (!!) LC3s, a Performa 5300 and an 8100/100, plus several monitors, all other people's cast-offs (I'm not proud). They all work except that the Performa can't see its hard drive but I'm working on that. I also bought another PLW on eBay at a fairly friendly price.
I've got the 8100/100 as the favourite machine at present, pending repairs to the Performa. It has System 7.5.3 installed and works OK in itself although the hard drive sounds a bit creaky. The problem is that it won't drive the Personal LaserWriter (The SE/30 runs System 6.07 and drives the PLW fine).
So, my current concern is to find a System 7.5 driver that will work with the PLW NT. Looking further into the future than that, I need to discover whether I'll be able to use the PLW with the Performa which will be using OS8? But this isn't the place for questions in that search.
Lastly, a question for the moderator: does instant messaging still work if I log on from a different machine and ISP from (than?) my registered e-mail address?