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Hello! I'm new here, just to check out what's going on in the mac world. I'm not a mac user, but I did my best to convert my P4 machine to a mac ;)

I really like the fact that OSX is unix based, so I'm just here to learn a little more about these systems.

I'm pretty quiet, so you probably won't here too much more from me...
Originally posted by guitargeek
Hello! I'm new here, just to check out what's going on in the mac world. I'm not a mac user, but I did my best to convert my P4 machine to a mac ;)

I really like the fact that OSX is unix based, so I'm just here to learn a little more about these systems.

I'm pretty quiet, so you probably won't here too much more from me...

Very impressive desktop... I'd like to put that on my XP box.. But the GUI is only the bonus for OSX. the good thing is the Unix under the hood... Up time now on my Dual 500 is 181 days 11 hrs, without a single reboot (except when installing OSX.2.3 and 2.4). My system is rock solid and I can do 2 and 3 hour encodes with Cleaner 6 and never get a single glitch, which was impossible with my Windows box.

Good luck..
Hehehe, that's not XP... I don't think it's possible to make XP look THAT different. It's Mandrake 9 under Gnome, with a few themes added :)

Yeah, If I hadn't recompiled my kernel a week ago, I wouldn't have had a reboot for about a month and a half.
I'm new, but I haven't stopped by here yet. Mac user since '95. Before that I was an unenthusiastic user of other people's PCs. And the family TRS-80.
Newbie over here..............Just joined 2day!!!......I'm really hoping this forum helps me learn all I need 2 know about Macs and give me the opportunity 2 meet some new people.

I guess u could say I got totally hooked after I watched the MWSF Expo last month. I've since begun checking out other Mac related sites. I got my eMac back in November. Now, I'm ready 4 an iBook and iPod. Don't know which will come first. Probably the iPod!!! :D who knows.

Well, thanks 4 listening, and I hope 2 hear from some (ALL-LOL) of u!!

Welcome dMac2k3, glad to have you as a member of Mac Forums.

Congratulations on your new eMac.

Hope you will enjoy posting. Let us know what Apple Product you purchase next. After 500 posts you will be able to have an Avatar!
Originally posted by dMac2k3
Thanks wdlove, I look 4ward 2 my Avatar!!! :)

ROCK ON!!!!!

just dont spam to get it, or else problems will arise. ust follow the rules and you will have it in no time.
I started checking out this site around early to mid January 2003, and I became a member sometime in January. The forums have been pretty fun so far. Keep it up, everyone.

Welcome to the Mac Forum Fred, I hope you enjoy posting. As G5or bust said just follow the rules, enjoy! :)
i guess that i am a newbie

hi everyone. I just signed up here last night and have enjoyed posting on the site already. This really is a great group of people in here. I have 3 macs and i want another one. I have resently started a help site on the web mostly for people i work with but really anyone who posts on it would be welcome. It is a work in progress.

I am a 5th and 6th grade esl teacher and spend most of my free time on the computer either on line or playing with the programs just to see what they can do. I am very much a hands on learner when it comes to macs. Well enough about me. I love this site and am looking forward to posting alot here. hope to see you on the boards. :)
Hi again

Hi, i'm not really a newb but I thought everyone should know that I made a new name. I was formely ubergeek and from time to time I plan to go back to that name but i really want to be known as an apple goddess. You know me because i'm the only person on this forum with a 17in powerbook and because I started the "Definition of a Geek Thread" teehee well I guess off to start posting on my new name.
hey guys, hmm, i feel like i'm at an AA meeting or something... "Hi, my name's Matt, and I'm a Mac addict"

so, i've started to come to MR every day now, is my home page, so I can see if there's new stuff in the mornings, then off to here. It's certainly very handy knowing what is going on in the mac world, i never frequent any other rumour sites but this one, there's really no need right? I do like SpyMac though, they have some cool stuff on there.

anyways, i live and work in new york city (having moved here from england nearly 5 years ago) mainly as a freelance mac support guy so this site is becoming a bit of a lifeline. i'll therefore being contributing very soon....when are the 2002-2003 mugs gonna be available hmm??? :D

thanks for an awesome site.
Hi everybody:eek:

I too been a lurker for the past year never really had the need to post anything until recently, just sharing information with other users. Studied software engineering back in the days of windows 3.1/95. Left never became an enginneer cause it was too boring. Worked and travelled for a while. then finally pull myself together to go back to University to study advertising/Photography. Yeap the industry uses Macs, used them at Uni loved them to bits. Finally got one my self. Now I own 1 bigmac and 2 fries. :D

Presently Working in Tokyo as a freelance.....I guess graphic design :confused: Do photography, videos and graphic design..

One happy user. Now I dont care what happens in the PC world just as long as the new Powermacs are super powerful that I dont have to take all night to render then I am happy. Macs work for me and I clean them. Looking forward to get a new Powermac here in Tokyo, missing my little ibook and PM back home.

Oh by the way man name is Dave and I'm an Mac addict :cool:

Well, much like many of the other people replying, I have been lurking for about a year. I have always used Apple computers at home starting with the Apple IIe, moving on the LC, then the Performa 6300 and ending up where I am now.

I am looking forward to the rumored 970 and am holding off purchasing a new mac until this comes true.

BTW my name is, obviously, Deryk.

Thanks for this site, I really enjoy the information and look forward to becoming more part of the community.
Introducing Myself

(I copied this from my mistaken post in the Switcher's Forum, so for some this may be a repeat.)

Hey all, thought I would give a quick little background setup on myself. I actually had an Apple III a long time ago, and now I'm going back. After my friends switched over to Macs a year ago (Quicksilvers) and then convinced another friend to switch (800 mhz 17" iMacs) I got really curious as to why they ditched PCs. After messing around with them for some time I really started to like OSX and then new Apple designs. I started reading this forum over the past efw months getting accustomed to what people tlak about with Apple and what I would need to know before I made the switch. Well, my new 1 ghz 17" iMac arrived last week and I love it. It has changed the way I view computers. I went out and bought the O'Reily Mac OSX: Missing Manual book to learn about the file structure and get acquainted with the new OS. I really wnat to master it. Glad to be on the other side and I'm sure you will hear a lot from me from here on out. Thanks.

Oh, and a little bit of personal info. I'm 20, a college student, and a Digital Media major. I actually use Flower Power iMacs running OS9 in one of my classes and now I have started to use the labs that have the dual 450 Powermacs running OSX, instead of the PCS. I have a class in Adobe Illustrator and running it in OSX is so much better then Windows.
new boy

Bucked the trend and ignored all the PC users saying it was stupid to spend such a lot of money on a computer that had no software support, was only for graphic designers and had a stupid one-button mouse. Well, here I am with not quite the best laptop on earth - its "only" an 867MHz Powerbook Ti with 768MB Ram - but 10 times better than that, I have joined a forum where I can read as much about Macs as I will ever need, and actually be able to apply the advice without crashing the system.
just found the thread

Hello all. I joined the site last month, but I just found the forum. MacRumors has seriously cut down on my prodcutivity at work.

My story - I have a brand new PowerMac 1.4 and 12-inch PowerBook. They've replaced a flat screen iMac and an iBook. For very complex reasons, since switching a year ago, I've had five different Macs and my wife thinks I'm totally insane. I think I've found the two that I'll keep for years.

I bought (or should say, my parents bought for me) an Apple //c back on the day the local computer store received them back in junior high. I loved that machine and used it diligently until 1989 when I went to college. I was quite happy to buy an exact match to the set-up i had (inc green screen monitor and applewriter printer) on ebay a couple years back for under $100. Nostalgia. Upon my arrival at college, I was sternly instructed by my father to purchase a PC rather than a Mac, because I would need PC knowledge in the dreaded "real world." (In retrospect, he was right). My old Windows 2.0 IBM had an Intel 66mhz 286 processor and on it I learned how to survive in the most un-user friendly computing environment available. (Until I went to work for the government and had to use Wangs. Ouch!) The immediate payoff was that, in the (at the time) nation's largest college computer lab, broken down roughly 95% mac and 5% IBM, I never had to wait to get onto a PC, no matter how long the line was for Macs.

So I rode the Wintel wave through the 90's. Waited in line for windows 3.0 and 95. Never understood how they didn't get sued by Apple. I emerged from this haze at a BBQ in 2001 with some long-time friends who were talking about the new "OS 10." I had thought that Apple was out of business (or at least almost there), but I started to pay attention. I remembered that cube thing I saw at circuit city (how do you get in it to upgrade it? It never occured to me that it might actually have everyting you need IN the cube.)

So when it came time to buy a new system, I decided that Apple was the way to go. As I've said, I never looked back. I got to miss the "lean" years of being an apple user, which would have killed me.

No real point to the story, sorry I wasted your time. very happy I found the site.

i'm anne and i've owned a mac now for ... ooooh it must be nearly.... 4 days?! I've fallen in love with it already. Its a 1Ghz 17" widescreen iMac, and its just beautiful! I can't get over how easy things are to do on it, how easy it is to install stuff and change preferences, how convienent the dock is. i'm indebted to my boyf, mrjamin, who comes on macrumors forums, for pestering me until i bought one. i'll never look back! its great being on here, its a really friendly site compared to some boards i've been on. thanks everyone!:D
1st class stamps and their's a disgrace

been a regular forum reader for yonks

need a new mac...c'mon apple n ibm, pull yer fingers out!

2nd post...bows

mmm seems i registered in 2002...oh i did, but didnt do my 1st post till last month which means this poor lil' 2nd post will be deleted...nearmind...only the good die young

I joined in late march.

Switched to Apple Feb 2001 for a better quality user experience. I work as a training and tech writing consultant for the big corporates in Australia. Felt that Macs and VPC had both gotten fast enough to make that a viable option when I get stuck doing help file development or something mindnumbing on a PC only application.

No influence from others. Didn't know anyone who owned a Mac - Alas, no pirated software - so has been an expensive endeavour. MS Office X, Adobe suite apps etc all adds up to big bikkies. Before switching, had never bought any software in my life (Save the OS that comes with the PC - say no more) and vowed that I never would. In hindsight has just made the experience more personally valuable.

I will never have a PC in my house ever again. Sounds impractical to some professionals, but think about it. How do we achieve anything good in life? How does anything become a standard? If everyone who uses PC's purely because they're the standard made the switch, Mac would be the standard. So, I figured unless I stand by my principles and go buy a Mac, I've got no right to complain about the 'sub-standard' Windows world.

And the crowd says...Amen! :)

Found this site early on looking for lastest rumours. Enjoyed some of the discussions, thought I would like to join in. Usually is an enjoyable experience, but sometimes some people do take it WAY too seriously. It's good to have a laugh in just about any context.
hello all. i'm sXe. that stands for straight edge. so no, not sexy. i just joined, i've been a member over at spymac for over a year, and i've been reading Macrumors for a while. just thought i would join now. over at spymac i'm Bradd260, so some of you might have had a conversation with me or not, i don't know. and i just thought i would introduce myself.
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