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Hi -- i'm sketchy -- AKA Dave

I posted on here a long time ago under an unknown name.. but.. lets see.. I used to work at the local
Apple Store in Richmond VA -- back in 96'
I have 4 Mac's in my house, and one in Cupertino (my wife is at Apple HQ training for the next two weeks.)

We ahve a Apple IIE and a 512K mac at home. we are mac geeks. I program Remedy ARS aplpications and work on oracle databases at work.

In my second round of college working towards a computer science degree.

and I have a blooming webiste about cooking.. I love to cook. It is almost in version 2.0 --

I thought I would just say hello to everyone. I'm new to the forum and new to Mac (to the chagrin of many of my PC-savvy colleagues - - has anyone else experenced the sudden hostility of other when you mention Apple??)

I got a full scholarship to do my masters in music, along with some extra bursaries etc., so I treated my self to a new 12" Powerbook (which <twitch> is yet to be shipped, even though I ordered on August 1st - currently I've been told that *minimum* 10 days more I can expect it). Anyway, nice to meet err... type to you all.


oh great. a newbie thread.

oh great. a newbie thread.

well, i gues this post is never gonna be read.

anyway, my name is paula, but most people call me poo.

i am currently a participant in the following message boards:

Stephen Lynch

Sea Monkey Mania (yes i have a tank of sea monkeys. just kick my ass, whydontcha?)

Animal Planet :: Jeff Corwin Fan Forum

and of course this one. (sorry, but i'm not putting a link.)

no, i don't have a mac. please don't rag me. (it's not even my computer, and i get to use it for free, so who cares?)

if you want to learn more about me, please visit ...and that's how I came to be called "The Impenetrable" (don't worry, it's PG13)
I am yarowe, and I am new to MacRumors. Having recently lost my mac in a small unnatural disaster, I am relegated to my PC, living vicariously through MacRumors for my Apple fix.

Heretofore a G4 owner and a Mac devote since the Mac SE Superdrive.

Apple a day keeps the PC away...;)
Hrm, well, I've been lurking for years.

I finally decided to join to occasionally post on random topics...

Had my own mac for 12 years now, and have never looked back...

I currently own a PowerMac G4/733 and a PowerBook 667 DVI(first 1280x854).
all i can say is welcome to all you new folks, this is a great place for information,ideas,news etc and mac is not only the best platform but now the fastest ( again)!
Hello !

Just found this thread.

I am a independent filmmaker who is trying to deside between a PC and a Mac. As a desktop Dual 2Ghz G5 is very, very attractive. Both in terms of design & raw power.

I have started my computing with Sinclair Spetrum 48+, Next one was an Amstrad 1640 With EGA display (it was very cool during the time) When I went to University I bought a HP Omnibook which is still in use. As you can see I have not been faithful for the platform so maybe its time to move to Mac :D
I'm Neon. I found this board by clicking a link to get me to my normal board which seems to have disappeared. Right now I am interested in learning to write URLs and other such programming.
i am new here...duh

Greetings from Washington state of the dreaded Microsoft. Oh well I managed to buck the trend for quite a few years now. Some of us like to have a computer that we know is going to work everytime we want to use it. Personally I don't have hours and hours to spend on hold to tech support.

Anyway I'm not new to Mac but I am new here. I learned about Macrumors from someone in the Yahoo Mac chat room. It looks like fun!!

I have an ibook but I have to work with PCs all day --oh the frustration. I think there is some significance to the abbreviation PC for personal computer and politically correct . . . in other words, those who run with the herd use PCs I guess.


ME: Hi, my name's Don, and I'm a Mac-a-holic.

I've been a Mac-a-holic since, geez, I don't know what year. My first Mac was a Mac Plus with a half meg of memory and a 30-meg external hard drive. I clearly remember being astounded at 30 megs of memory. I also remember having to use a soldering iron to install more memory on the board, and also thinking it was wicked cool that the Mac team had "signed" the inside of the shell.

Since that date I've owned about 10 other machines (including a Cube which is completely fried and useless), and am currently happy with my G4 400, but jealous of the new hardware I've been seeing lately.

I consider myself to be one of those Mac users that's probably above average in skill, but am completely dumbfounded by the level of technical knowledge displayed by some people.

One of these days I'll win the lottery and buy a maxed-out G5 and a huge plasma television set to hang on the wall as a monitor. Now that would be COOOOOOL.
Hey im David

I love my 450 cube but am taking donations for a new machine(a g5 maybe)

I have been reading macrumors for a long time, but have been to lazy to join

after joining a month ago i am the coolest person on the forums;)
Greetings from Arlington, VA!

Hi, I've only posted a couple times and have been lurking a few months. In May, I got my first mac since I was 18 (Mac Plus).

I seem to frequent this site more than just about any other these days! It seems I re-joined the Mac community at just the right time. It is quite difficult to remember the last time I was so excited by new innovations with computers. All of a sudden I feel like a kid again! :)

Currently, I live in Arlington (Crystal City area) and work at the National Science Foundation. I'm originally from Huntsville, Alabama - home of the rockets!!

My very first computer was an Atari 600xl w/ 16kb ram and a cassette drive! My cousin had an Apple II which I dearly loved go to over and play a Lemonade Stand game on! In school we used Apple IIe's. I'd get bored in computer class and start typing out lyrics to whatever I was listening to on my iPod. I specifically remember sitting there typing out all the lyrics to Faith No More's, 'The Real Thing.' :)

Greets to all the other fellow newsomes and to all the old n crusty regs. :)
Oh god flashback, lemonade stand.

Anyway, new to the forums (well just registered been reading for ages).

Irish, work in graphic design, used the II and IIe in school then was pc'd till 1991 and been on a mac ever since have a few at home but just got meself a lovely G5 dual with 20" cinema so off trolling round me usual haunts, hence the 1.51am posting time and I've a flight to new york in the morning, should really go to bed.

BUT I'll finish this beer and be on me way. Posting is just so much fun ;-)

I'm Rev, i give bad advice, and wrong information all the time just to piss people off... LOL :D


everytime i use to look for information on a search engine, macforums came up with advice, or a topic that was covered which i needed help with.

Eventually i decided to join in early to mid September, now i've really gotten into it... you probably saw me "flooding" the threads in the last few days with titles like "FIREWIRE DRIVE GETTING ON MY NERVES" or SCSI "HELL". if they know anything, the members are more then happy to give advice or point in a direction - join in on the "EVER BEEN DRUNK FORUM if you already havn't - we've got some wholesome discussion going there"

I've been a mac user for 4 years now G4 400 AGP with it being primaraly used for video and photography - i used an HP for two year prior to that for the same kinda work- and i did really do any work because i spent more time figuring out how to get stuff to work - i have a great distain for Windows

However, I'm a firm beleiver that a computer is a tool and comes secondary - and in general i hate using a computer. With that said

"the only way you'll get me to stop using my mac, is if i die and you pry my single button mouse from my cold lifeless hand"

newbie fun!

hi! yes, i'm a newbie. but i've been a lurker on here for quite a while! eh. prolly a year or so. it must be creepy knowing that i've been learning all your personalities and traits over all that time huh? <shudder>

anyways, thought it was time to start reaching out to the rest of the community at this great forum, pay my dues, and give everyone some mid-west practicality.

some good advice, is that if your looking to slack off at work - check out the archives to kill time and be easily entertained!

of course, i'm a fan of all things apple! maybe its the cult/fan base, maybe its the innovation. or... maybe... being from detroit - its a bit of underdog fanatisism!

either way i'm happy to be here ;)
Re: newbie fun!

Originally posted by FightTheFuture
hi! yes, i'm a newbie. but i've been a lurker on here for quite a while! eh. prolly a year or so. it must be creepy knowing that i've been learning all your personalities and traits over all that time huh? <shudder>

anyways, thought it was time to start reaching out to the rest of the community at this great forum, pay my dues, and give everyone some mid-west practicality.

some good advice, is that if your looking to slack off at work - check out the archives to kill time and be easily entertained!

of course, i'm a fan of all things apple! maybe its the cult/fan base, maybe its the innovation. or... maybe... being from detroit - its a bit of underdog fanatisism!

either way i'm happy to be here ;)

how are you a demi- god... you don't sleep?

EDIT : correction, how are you a Demi-GOD with 1 post?
Re: Re: newbie fun!

Originally posted by revenuee
how are you a demi- god... you don't sleep?

EDIT : correction, how are you a Demi-GOD with 1 post?

weird huh? i guess i just woke up this morning and the gods smiled upon me!

no, really - i thought it would be good kharma to finally start posting after reading so much free info, and what better way to add to that by contributing for a subscription! i do feel warm and fuzzy, but i fear that feeling may end sometime :eek:

plus, its a clean slate if you make your first post in the newbie forum! i'm all about the significant numbers and dates!
Originally posted by revenuee
education, blah ... just do it.


Are you kidding me???

What with defective RAM in the spanking brand new G5, leprosy on the screen of the even newer 15"PB and corrupted/lost files due to file vault and Firmware incompatiblity with external HD's.

No thanks, my teachers always taught me that an education is an excellent investment. Their advice hasn't failed me yet. If I had switched without educating myself first, I'd be kicking myself right now.

I'll happily wait for the second generation G5 and updated Panther. Not because I need the extra speed of the faster CPU - I don't - but to give Apple a chance to at least iron out ALL the major bugs :)

Till then, I'll educate myself on the forums and play with my daughter's new iBook when I get it for her next month.

Gary who's soon going to switch to mac :)
Originally posted by absolut_mac

Are you kidding me???

What with defective RAM in the spanking brand new G5, leprosy on the screen of the even newer 15"PB and corrupted/lost files due to file vault and Firmware incompatiblity with external HD's.

No thanks, my teachers always taught me that an education is an excellent investment. Their advice hasn't failed me yet. If I had switched without educating myself first, I'd be kicking myself right now.

I'll happily wait for the second generation G5 and updated Panther. Not because I need the extra speed of the faster CPU - I don't - but to give Apple a chance to at least iron out ALL the major bugs :)

Till then, I'll educate myself on the forums and play with my daughter's new iBook when I get it for her next month.

Gary who's soon going to switch to mac :)

Fair enough, my G4 is a Rev B of the early powermacs
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