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I live in Europe, am 22 years old, male, and study something medical (been busy for 2 and a half years and will be for at least 4 and a half years), but hey, studying is so cool... :)

I use Apple a long time :) Never knew anything else... until I had to... Had OSX the fist day it came out. Was a bit into UNIX already, so it was heaven and still is...

Anyway, I have hobbies too, like playing guitar, cooking, biking, computer (ofcourse), partying and a lot of other things... Sometimes I have quiet a bit a hectic life...

Yeah, this is me... :)
I joined just the other day after checking out this website daily to look for powerbook update news during the summer and looking at the iPod rumours more recently. I ended up buying a 20GB iPod and want to get either an iBook 12'' or Powerbook 12'' at some point this year! This site's only problem for me is it's too damn addictive, I have to check it every day now and read the latest threads and news!

ps, any designers/photographers out there willing to do me a favour and answer a few questions for me, which will help me immensly with some coursework feel free to pm me!
Hello, I just joined today after checking out the site for about a month or so. I enjoyed reading through the many threads here and decided to take part in the action.

I do not own a Mac at all, but my girlfriend just bought a 15" PB that I have played with a little bit and I am in love with it! I am waiting for the G5 PBs to hit the market so I can buy my first one.

But I guess I technically became an Apple user when I got a 40 GB iPod for Xmas.

Glad to be here and hope to make this place a new home!
thirsty ??

well what to say? I just found this forum last week and i must say im a big fan of it. I spend almost as much time here as i do at slashdot.
hi. i got my first mac in october. i am already showing signs of typical mac addiction. my firends think i am quite odd by how much i am obbsessed with my PB. i have been reading here since about november and finally decided to join last month.

no lurking in the shadows for me... Registered today, and had to also make my first statement the same day (I'm a bit of an egomaniac and I love to see my own words in print - so print this).

I have been a MacUser since 1992 and have not looked back. The only thing I really don't understand is this constant competition between Mac and Windows users. At the office I drive a Mac, and at home the Windows machine does what I need.

Consider for a moment that you have two cars... once a nice luxury car where you can do whatever you do with the smothest of transmissions (transitions?), a car that practically services itself, and an overall super ride.

Then, the other car is your hobby, trying to figure out how the thing works, don't load it with too much baggage or you will crash, and and engine management system (OS) that is so complicated that volumes have been written for anyone to understand it. And when all else fails, you can always reinstall the engine, sending all previously accumulated miles straight to hell.

Yes, a good, healthy balance of Mac and PC puts things into perspective. You know how to fix Windows, but never have to rely on it to get you to an appointment on time.

:cool: ph8te
Well, I've finally turned from the dark side of Windoze and become a Mac user again... and let me tell you it feels great!

My first computer when I was a kid was a 32MHz Performa 600 and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. It's nice to see the beauties available today.

I've been a reader for the past few months, and I'm happy to join the Mac-user family!

Chalk me up for no. 1.
WHile I don't currently use a mac, I am well awary of the benifits they offer to many consumers world wide.

Look forward to becoming a productive member of this community.
I'm new here too. I've been a regular member of another Mac forum, and while I greatly enjoyed most of that forum's posters, I have grown weary of the more sarcastic and immature members there. From the little I've seen, you guys look like a breath of fresh air.

A bit about myself: I've been a Mac user for a number of years now. Got introduced to one at work, and fell in love with it. I take my forum name from the main character in the TV series Nowhere Man. I'm probably older than most of you (mid-40s).

And I look foward to discussing things both trivial and serious with you all.
Well I'm new around here, but old to the computer industry. I've used PCs all my life, but have recently purchased a PB G4. I know a lot about the PC world, so I'm looking forward to see what people have to say about them. I'm learning the OSx software slowly but steadily and I have no major complaints yet. But I will be sure to inform everyone of my complaints when I find them :) And since I still use my PC on a daily basis, I'll be sure to throw my comment in when people want to argue about PCs. :D
Hi everyone.
I've been a Mac user since '95. Started on a clone. (PowerComputing Power 100.)Then a Wallstreet PB. Just upgraded to a PB G4 15". Apple never fails to impress. I'm loving this machine.

I live on a farm in Hawaii with my family and an assortment of animals. I do websites and graphic design but not enough to call it a business.

I feel that I've tapped into a good thing with this forum. A community of intelligent, mature people sharing insights and just enjoying the experience.
Hey y'all. I'm new here, but a long time Mac user, well, as long as about six years experience gets. I have six toes on my left foot and tried to work as a bodygaurd until I realized I'm a skinny white boy.
Hiya (another newbie)

Another newbie here -- James from Los Angeles. Mac user since my family picked up a Macintosh II when it first came out (can still vividly remember being awestruck by the graphics in Myst on that computer). Since then, I've had a Color Classic, Powermac 6100, PowerComputing PowerCenterPro 180, Powermac 8500 A/V, Powermac 9500 (upgraded with G3, which I still use for music notation), Powerbook G3 (Pismo) and STILL waiting for new Powermac G5s to come out.

Long time reader, first time replier (I have a job now that affords a lot of spare time at a computer, so figured I'd get involved!) :)
i've been posting a bit lately but for the most part i am a newbie. Adam from Indianapolis here.

i'm a full time Producer . DJ . Live Performer (techno type stuff, check

i used to use macs in my younger years but have been in a 5 year prison sentence of Wintel , but now i am out on probation ;) was time to upgrade my laptop (which i use extensively for live performance and production) and figured i would give OSX a shot and if i hated it, i'd upgrade to a ::cough:: Sony Vaio. Bought a G4 12" 867mhz PB and well needless to say i love OSX. I was able to take the powerbook to europe for the last couple weeks and test it on the road and i absolutely love it. Bought my girlfriend a G4 ibook, because she had the worst virus luck ever on PCs, now she loves the 'cuteness' factor of her mac and we use iChat AV to talk while i am away on business. I also picked up a G4 400mhz Titanium for a good price and will be using both powerbooks in my live act from now on.

i've been fortunate to have a few friends that are macusers to get me back into the flow... i hadn't used a mac since System7! but i am loving OSX and i think its the ideal MacOS for switchers. Friendly, easy on the eyes, but not all in your face.
glad i switched back, now its time to start my G4 cube modification scheme =D
I'm quite new, been lurking/posting on and off since October when i got my first mac. Drawn by the crowd of mac knowledge i've sorta camped here ever since :)
Well yeah, I guess I'm new... what with this being my first MacRumors forum post - but i don't feel all that new! Have been lurking for ages now, observing all the highs and lows that seem to be integral to the nature of rumour-discussion :D

A little history:
  • Mac user since '94, don't plan on switching until Apple stops creating computers!
  • My family's first Mac: a Performa 475 - (currently using a G3 iMac & clamshell iBook SE, via a 603 tower Mac).
  • Attended my first AppleExpo last September in Paris, and helped sort my sister out with a 12-inch PowerBook for uni.
  • My girlfriend is a Switcher-in-Waiting™ & she got her first taste of Apple when she won one of the first 3G iPods to hit the shores of England last year.

Thought i really should join so i could add my opinion to the others from outside Apple's homeland. Also, i seem to be hooked on the photography threads, so I'll probably post there soon. :D

I'm currently trying to figure out how and where i can use a Mac in paid-employment, now that I've graduated from university. In the meantime, I'll focus on saving enough money to upgrade to a Power Mac G5 (missed the boat for a G4 Mac with educational discount!)

Anyway, i'm looking forward to entering the fray...
Hope to see some of you other newbies around the forum :)
Hello there!

I am quite new to this posting thing, so sorry if I get it a bit messed up. I have been reading threads my boyfriend emails to me from MacRumors for sometime, & thought it would be cool if I registered so that I can reply when the mood takes me. :)

Above mentioned boyfriend introduced me to Macs 3 years ago, & I am hoping to get my own Apple (hopefully a G5) soon. Until then, he lets me use his G3 iMac or iBook. (as long as I am nice to them - which of course I am!)

Hope to get to know some people soon and get used to the whole forum thing :D
I have been reading MacRumors since august. Have been meaning to register here since then, but I am active at 7 other message boards so I'm kinda busy.

I have been using Macs since I could hold the mouse. I remember playing Solitaire on the original Macintosh. My parents followed the mac up with a LC 475 (with a CD-ROM!!!), then a Performa 6300 (which I use as a TV now), then a 1st generation Bondi Blue iMac, Sage DV SE+, a Flower Power CD-R (to replace the Bondi that got its motherboard fried). Recently I got myself a 10gb 3G iPod and my parents got a 17-inch 1.25 iMac and a 40GB portable firewire drive which is presently a little *ubared. I plan to buy a 12-inch iBook or hopefully a clearance priced 15-inch PowerBook G4 when the G5 PBs come out.

I have been a mac warrior ever since I heard someone in the school yard say something as ignorant as "Macs suck."

I love Macs. They are the reason I'm studying film.
Just Another Victim!

Well, here comes one more n00b. Fortunately, I've been lurking for awhile and I'm not new to message boards in general, so I'll probably still screw-up somehow. ;) Oh well, I hope to speak with you folks soon. I just have to find myself a goog sig. It'll only take me a year or two to decide.
Hi ppl im new

hi everyone my name is Korri as you have probably guessed i like the matrix u probably um hi :cool:
I have been a mac user for about 5 years now. I just recently bought a 1.6 ghz G5 and I love it. I used to look at rumor sites around the time of macworlds just to see the funny ideas that would come up for new computers. Just thought id say hello.
My lurking days are over...

Yep i'm a self confessed lurker who has come out of the shadows and joined the fanatics.....

Hello.... :)
Don't know why I'm here.......

Seem to have know about Macrumors for some time, just never got my feet wet. Here I am!!!

I started out in computing back in 1978 with a Sharp MZ2000 and shelved it about 2 years down the road. In 1997, a friend gave me his Performa 550. I was hooked again! I've since collected 35 computers or so. Most are Macs.

Need any parts? I've gotta cull the parts repository. Postage is all I want out of it. I live in Japan........ OOPS! I'm American, though.

Recently I'm breathing new life into a G3 Minitower. It's a respectable performer with Safari installed. My newest Mac is an 800Mhz flat pannel iMac. I guess I'm a hardware lover. My biggest project to date was replacing the flyback transformer in the DV 400 and iMac 233. Need the tutorials? Let me know.

See ya all around :)
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