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I've been following Macrumors for a long time, perhaps two years. I have posted here occasionally in the past, but for some reason I never could make a habit of visiting the forums or posting regularly, like some other forums I visit. And unfortunately, I've been quite busy with school work recently, too.

Anyway, hello everyone! I hope to switch to the Mac soon!
Getting my first Mac soon!

Hi! I just switched over in January to Mac after hating them all my life because I was ignorant and did not see why they were better. Then a friend in my computer class that is an absolute computer genius showed me why he carries an iBook with him everywhere. Well, I like the hard drive organization so much where each application is contained in one folder and switched. I am currently in the process of signing up for ADC and will use my discount on a new 15" Powerbook superdrive.
Ummm... It was more than 2 months ago...

...since I registered. But I have been a lurker since about two weeks ago when I actively started participating in the discussion.

Used to have a TiBook 667, but sold it because the shell cracked and generally behaved badly (of course I could have treated it nicer...) sold it and bought a kick-ass sager pc... It didnt really work as a portable, more like a "moveable", but the hardware was great just thought the OS sucked.

Unfortunately, it was stolen. If anyone sees a blue sager laptop in Sweden, it is most likely mine. (veeery few sagers in sweden)

My school then subsidized a purchase of an IBM X31. Very nice. Unfortunately I miss the Mac. Really want to get the new 15" 1.5 GHz Powerbook. Wish I had the cash though. RIght now I'm a business management graduate student at the stockholm school of economics so I'm kind of strapped for cash. Ah well, *sigh* my time will come eventually...

I'm newbie...

I want to be a part of Mac community 'cause is like a family.

I miss a little bit a colour Apple (I hav a stick on my car), but my new G4 (very very glamour) is fantastic.
I read about a possible new realese of Tiger OS...
The next, perhaps, will be cougar or lion...

I'm sorry if my english is not very good... :eek:

I'm another 'lurker' – I often come and have a look at whats going on so I thought i'd join in.

First mac I used was (I think) an SE back in '88/'89 (I was about 10!), that my dad used to bring home from his printers to practice with (when print had to go digital). Now I use them daily for graphic design work.

Cheers, m.
I was on another discussion board for over four years and I had to leave under some sad circumstances.

I have visited this website and forum for over a year now and decided to finally sign up and start contributing to the mac rumour community!!!

Thank you for the welcome.

I'm new to these forums and macs, I am about to buy my first, a 12 inch powerbook, to use for my PhD in chemistry.
GiantsFan said:

I'm about to be a switcher once my 12" powerbook arives this week .... college student in california ... uhmmm, not much else to say =)


Well in that case you get a special hello from me, since you are switching.

Welcome to the 'other' side :)

Hey welcome the the easier side of computing. I'm new here two. My friend Royal Pineapple brought me hear so i'm checkin it out.
well, here I am. I used to be a fairly hardcore machead as a kid & teenager. I started out on a MacPlus in the late 80s & when I graduated from high school in 1994 the computing lab was still full of SE/30s (that's where I learnt Pascal). As a kid (I think I was 11 or so) I read John Sculley's autobiography cover-to-cover several times--I can still remember the emotional scenes he describes when Steve Jobs decided to quit Apple--very heart-wrenching! ;) I also used to get Macazine every month & read those several times over too.

Naturally I enrolled in a computer sci degree at uni upon leaving school, & much to my joy we spent the entire freshman year on Macs too (LCs, IIRC) learning this bizarre language called "Gopher" before returning to my beloved Pascal. I did well that year, but as a sophomore we "graduated" to peecees which did not particularly please me... I got booted out at the end of the year due to failing about half my classes, mostly the maths ones & the compsci theory--ironically I scored a higher distinction in human-computer interaction and I did very well in Unix programming. (I still harbour a deep affection for any shell, & Linux... if I can't use a Mac I think I'd rather have bash than Windows.) Thus ended my attempts to become a complete & utter nerd...

I returned to uni a couple of years later as an Arts student & wound up with a first class honours degree in history, & although I retained my internet addiction which began in my compsci degree, I'd more or less lost my hardcore interest in macs, although I kept using them because the Arts faculty at my uni was the only one to retain & update Macs. (Thank god!)

My former geek-level interest has returned this year, however, thanks to someone giving me a Performa 6400/80 & me trying to update it to be as useable as possible, before realising I was going to go insane if I kept trying to use it as a web browser & decided to get myself a $400 iMac DV 400 with some souped-up RAM & OS X (I'm still a student, now onto a PhD in cultural studies, living off a scholarship, so my funds are limited). The Performa has been retired but as I managed to find some old software for it (Word 5 & Hypercard 1.1, among other things) I may well end up using it to type up my thesis since I'm pretty sure that I'll not be tempted to procrastinate by playing online whilst using it :p I want a 512MB RAM upgrade for my iMac along with Jaguar (I've only got 10.1.5 atm) & an iPod... hmmm.

Doubtless I will probably be mostly lurking here as I have been for the past couple of weeks or so, but I do enjoy all the speculation over Apple's marketing ideas & product development, as well as revisiting the past (too bad there isn't more activity in the Mac Collectors forum). Anyway I just thought I'd say "hi" & possibly meet somebody else who's read John Sculley's autobio... ;)
joining it

I like reading the posts on MacRumors. I think it's really fun, however, to get involved in what is being discussed.

I like talking about politics and what upgrades Apple is/is not going to release.

It will be hard to find anyone here to hates MS more than I do. More out of principle than anything else. I just think they are a unethical to-the-bone company. Machivelli would love them.

Macs rule.
greetings and salutations...

have only recently found the site, have no idead what i'm in for.

currently cursed with a win-doesn't 98 box from hell. actually two of them. but they were legacy purchases that came with the new business.

just waiting for the g5 revision and hiho, hiho, it's off to the tip with monseigneur gates and his false promises and graven idols.

also have a g3/333 powerbook which has served me faithfully for five years from new. damn winwon't98 system won't speak to it or the original ibook and i can't be bothered delving into the mysteries of c:windoze/mabe/work/one/day/wherethef@&$isanythinginhere?.givemeyourcash
as i am updating come the g5 revision. buying the second revision of my macs has served me well for years, except the Lisa whose hard drive cracked, repeatedly.

cheers all. :cool:
New to Mac

Well I'm a newbie to this site and to Mac in general. I only found this site just this week and decided to join. So far, its pretty great and informative.

Well, lets see, I've been using PCs most of my life and have only recently (7 months) been exposed to Mac in work when we bought a G4 and sometime after, a G5. Its pretty great with the ease of use and configurability.

So i'm learning.., slowly but surely..!! If i have any probs, I'll definitely be posting. :D

Laterz All..!!
Discovered the site a while ago, and use it a lot. Lots of interesting stuff here, many little tricks to be picked up. And of course, browsing through the forums daily adds hugely to my geekfactor and helps me impress my boyfriend :D
i'm a newbie too

i'm lost_in_space, and i'm a newbie. i have been reading the different post and i wanted to take part and share ideas about all aspects of the community. i am interested in the tech and social aspect. i have a 17" PB, 17formac; B&W 350 and and iMac..the old bondy-blue version. ;)

i found out about the site by looking for software for my 17".
i am new and inexperienced at posting on forums too... i have a dodgy old imac g4 that has only about 784MB RAM

I have just taken the plunge from the world of microsoft. My last wipe & install of a win2kpro box put me over the edge.

Orderd a G5 1.8 & a 20" from apple, they say it will not be delivered before the 28th of this month. So I'm just going to hang out here until then.

I've been a serious windows user for years, and a casual user of Debian & SuSE for a couple of years.

I think I'm going to get the best of both worlds in OS X, not sure why I did'nt make the switch a while back. Maybe because of hardware misconceptions, and not actually making detailed price comparisons.
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