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To quickly introduce myself...
I have been a die hard Windows user for the last 12 years. I used to take every possible opportunity to point out how I thought Macs were "inferior." A few months ago, a friend of mine finally got me to use a 12" PB. I have since bought one, and I don't think I'll EVER go back to Windows. Macintosh is the greatest computing platform ever. Period. :)
Hey, I'm new here. I just bought a 12" powerbook and thought I should get the lowdown on all the crazy things that make up this cool new machine of mine. Props to the mac users who pestered me for all of these years to get one of these. It's a beautiful thing.
hi everyone

Hi, I'm Peter from Belfast, Ireland. Am on the look for new computers and i hear great things about the 12" powerbook - so im here for the rundown.

Seems like a fun place for off-topic chat also.

Nice to meet you all
aaplgoddess said:
Hi, i'm not really a newb but I thought everyone should know that I made a new name. I was formely ubergeek and from time to time I plan to go back to that name but i really want to be known as an apple goddess. You know me because i'm the only person on this forum with a 17in powerbook and because I started the "Definition of a Geek Thread" teehee well I guess off to start posting on my new name.
Mr. Anderson said:

sorry to interrupt...on a sidenote, i discovered that while i was playing around with google...thats not me :rolleyes:
so that is a n00b after all :)
Hi, I'm new. Been a Mac User basically my whole life, been a MacRumors users for probably around a year... finally decided to sign up at the forums.

Mac info - Own 20 GB iPod and 1.8 GHz G5 w/ 512MB RAM w/ Apple 17" flat monitor.
I'm A Newbie Too

I joined because I love macs. I switched from a pc to an eMac in February and I honestly don't see how Windows continues to sell when apple quite obviously makes the best computers and operating systems. Plus their iPods are just the sweetest thing ever. I also joined, and this is the main reason why, because my boyfriend is always on MacRumors and I wanted to see what was so enticing about it. And now I do.
Only just seen this thread :eek: . Anyway been using Powerbook for 18 months or so, now on a 17 inch one and it's just great. I have to use a windows machine at work so this is a home luxury really. I'm also keen on iPods, digital music and all that stuff.
Recent Convert

I have been a make hater most of my life....( a typical PC bigot)
I have had a few Apple computers over the years though....

An Apple 2e. 2C, Original Mac, Then a long list of PC's until this year....
Bought a Ton of Xserves at work and then got me a Powerbook....

Aside from a trash-80, my Mac LC was the first computer I ever had.

Anyways, it was a while after that before I had the pleasure of owning a Mac again, although I've been troubleshooting them at work for a few years now. I've now perchanced across a few that are now waiting to become a part of an Xgrid cluster. :)

-Dual G4 500MHz. 544MB ram (soon over 1GB). ATI Radeon 8500 + Dual 17" Studio CRT's (SWEET!!). Panther. Still cranks out FCP projects nicely. :D
-B&W G3 450MHz. 256MB ram. 17" Studio CRT. Panther. Hums like a dream. :) (Picked up two of these from a school, plus 3 Studio CRT's for $250!)
-iBook G3 366MHz. 64MB ram. 10.1. Was dog slow, then the HD died. Now it's dead dog slow. But believe me, it will live again. :cool:
-Mac LC. I never could part with the little guy. Still System 7 (which, according to the documentation, RULES!) Might take a while to back-port Xgrid to a non PPC proc, though. ;)

One day, a G5. Or G6. Depends on when I run into Bill Gates wallet at the 7/11 we don't frequent.

Hi everyone, I guess its time to sign in as a noob. Posted quite a bit already. Nice to finally be in a forum of like-minded people :)
Well, I suppose I'd better report in...

Another lurker who's finally decided to take the plunge and actually get posting! I've been using Macs for a good ten years, starting out with a second-hand IIci, upgrading to a G3 iMac and now I'm the proud owner of a shiny Dual 2Ghz G5.

So, that's me!

hi everyone, my names rob and i live in Sunnyvale, Ca and ive been lurking on the forums for a while and decided to register so i can start posting.

there are a lot of good peopel on here , so hopefully i can get into some good disscussions
Hello there! I've been a Mac user (end and professional) since '87 when my Dad bought an SE. Played Airborne and Tetris for hours. Since then I've owned or procured (freebies/donations :)) Mac SE, PM 6100/60, Mac II fx/c, Performa 64??(can't remember), Powerbook 145b, Powerbook 3400c/200, G3 233/MT, G3 266AV/MT, and my current Quicksilver 867.

My current area of expertise is Web development and Graphic Design, more so the later.

As for the forum, I've lurked for a couple years, but decide to register when I heard about the 1,000,000 post contest. Submitted a few tars, nothing special.

As for experience I've upgraded or change/repaired most of the parts in all of previously stated machines. From batteries to drives. Still no MB swaps or proc upgrades. But that's in the future. Currently working on broken mouse clicker on the PB 3400c, and adding an older 8x Yamaha external CD-RW to the space in my Quicksilver in place of where the Zip would be (suggestions?). I'll be happy to answer questions, that is of course if I can.

I'm very happy to have joined/joining such a great community. Great discussions, even some totally off the wall, but we're Mac users right! :)

Forgot: I have an old PC to remind me of all the reasons my Macs are SO great!
I feel like I'm coming out of the closet.
Hi, I'm stu...
I'm hooked on Macs.
I last used my Mac......Now!
I have used Mac's since 87, Never a real IT wanabe. I have always loved them because they were easy. Although system 7 almost sent me to the dark side. I love this forum, THANKYOU TO ALL THE PATIENT EXPERTS who answer my silly uniformed questions. I had a Mac Plus for 10 years, then a power computing 150mhz, a dual 450 (still), a couple of old imacs from my buddies office for the kids, a new 12" 1.33 (i've fallen in love with) and a new eMac 1.25ghz for the kids (love worldbook). Just got 2 Airport Express up and running with cable modem. Life is good!!! Hoping for a tricked out dual g5 2.0 from Santa. I have a lot of old family 35mm slides, and analog video I want to DVD in a big way.
I find I am loud and obnoxious so take me with a grain of salt. I know little to nothing about WHY my Mac is great, other than it is easy and fun to use. Not because it is a Unix, Multi-threading, V12, fuelinjected, sexbox. So I leave it to you to educate me. AND I WILL PAY IT FORWARD!!!
new to board

Just joined the board tonight because I am having problem with a mac at work. Have never really used a mac till last year when I was moved teams at work and needed to support it. The learning has been fun and know that i have lots more to learn.
I am a new member and just wanted to experience what a web forum is like and to get help with my Mac problems when they occur.
Hi All,
I too have been lurking around MacRumors for a few months. Mostly just checking out the opinoins of the regulars. My brother directed me to this site when I was setting up my AirPort Base Station. I have been using Apple products for a long time now. Nothing better. :cool:
I might be a newbie here .. but as a recent outcast of Spymac I feel nothing but a new member to the mac community ..

I hope I can continue to inform, help and support mac users in trouble as I did over there ..

Will be hard to be a regular member again after being a moderator over there .. but all will be OK ..
Mertzen said:
I might be a newbie here .. but as a recent outcast of Spymac I feel nothing but a new member to the mac community ..

I hope I can continue to inform, help and support mac users in trouble as I did over there ..

Will be hard to be a regular member again after being a moderator over there .. but all will be OK ..

Hello Mertzen :D don't forget your red pill :cool:

edesignuk said:

Why'd you leave Spymac? Just curious.

My mod power were taken away from me after some of my haters launched yet another attack .. and the admins and other mods didn't stand on my side .. victim of false accusations and lame management .. they are the ones who lost ..
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