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Hello everyone!

I just wanted to introduce myself, I've just ordered my first Mac (Blackbook 2.4Ghz) and I should get it in about a week's time (and then I'll upgrade the RAM with Crucial memory!). I've been reading the forums for about a month now while doing my research, so I would like to thank all of you for your indirect help :p

Anyway, I hope to contribute in the future and be able to help other people who have questions or problems.
Hi Everyone!

I'm new to Mac, using my new Macbook Pro which was bought as a replacement for my aging Windows notebook. I decided to join the forum because I noticed that of all the new to Mac websites I'd been using, your wiki is the most useful to me and the one I now go to first when I have a question about my new Mac.

I have always wanted to own a Mac, but I was so entrenched with Windows software that I always hesitated. Now that Macs can be dual-booted with Windows removed that hesitation and when replacement time came I thought that now would be a good time to enter the Apple universe. Oddly enough, I've been enjoying my new Mac so much that I've been resisting the idea of putting Windows on it. I feel like if I were to do that I would really be cheating myself of the opportunity to delve into the Mac world and it would lengthen my learning curve with this machine.

I've been very impressed with everything so far. The out-of-the-box experience was really cool and I was able to be functional right away. Obviously there are a lot of differences between the platforms and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't frustrating at times. It is, since things I used to be able to do automatically I now have to think about. Slowly I'm starting to get the hang of things and there's plenty of help around when I need it.

It may sound strange, but the hardest thing to get used to (at least for me) is how well integrated all the Mac applications are. I'm not used to this level of integration and I'm finding out that the way I think I need to do something is a lot harder than it really is. A good example of this is drag-and-drop. In Windows you usually have to cut and paste things between applications because you are using stuff from different vendors and it's not always well supported depending on what you are doing. I'm just getting used to the fact that I can drag-and-drop all kinds of things between apps in my Mac without any problem at all.

I think this story will sum up my experience pretty well. One of the first things I did when I got my Mac was to download Firefox since I am familiar with it and use it on all my Windows boxes. I got it up and running and then I went off to explore all the new goodies that come with a Mac. When I got back to Firefox, I tried to use the three finger swipe to go back a page. Nothing happened. I had already gotten so used to this trackpad feature that right then I opened up Safari and have been using it for the most part ever since (maybe Firefox does support it in some way but I didn't feel like investigating it since I knew that I already had an installed browser that knew what my three fingered swipe meant).

Anyway... excuse my long winded first post. Thank you all for the great work and information that is provided by MacRumors. I look forward to learning from you.
Hi Y'all (nope I am English actually)

Been here for a few weeks now and I must say its a pleasure to have such helpful, nice people.

I have been for too many years, poisoned by the PC flame wars. I am home again.

My PC got sold over the weekend and soon it will darken my life no more; for I have stepped back into the light.

Many a year has passed since my LCII and System 7.1, and were it only for the power that the PC had until a few years ago (Thanks Steve!) - now I am proudly holding my head high at work; proclaiming I AM A MACNUT and PROUD OF IT!.....

so, er hi everybodypeeps (yeh I talk a lot, and often)



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new here

hi, am new to this site. i recently became a member here, nice looking forum here. hope that my stay will be fun
Welcome, you will have a ball. MR members are extremely helpful and will help you sort out any problems you may encounter ... :)
newbie after 24 years....

Well, newbie here, but not to the Mac.
Bought my first one in January 1984 back in Halifax Canada.

Born 1947, moved to Canada 1967, lived in Calgary, Toronto, NYC and then Nova Scotia. Moved back to Germany in 2001. Living and working in Berlin in the film biz (archivist).

Love the variety of topics here and hope to post enough soon, to be able to become active "politically" as well.
Hello everyone! New here. :p

I'm female, 18 years old and currently in college...

My first experience with a Mac was back in...umm...*calculates* around 2003-2004. It's my dad's laptop. I've been using it when the PC was broken and find it annoying sometimes because there are a lot of programs unavailable which I use when I was a windows user. When the PC got fixed, I missed the laptop and realized that I'm more compatible with a mac despite the programs I use missing. I've found alternatives, the PC broke down again for the millionth time, and we never looked back. Mac all the way! :) I'm now running on Mac Mini and looking forward to purchasing my own Mac Book Pro soon. :p

Interesting forum here. Very active! :apple:


But of coarse not above my crabby appleton father NCMacGuy....meh for i am but a mere 15 earth revolutions and he is older than the concept of time in itself.
First desktop Mac.

A brief history (in chronological order): owned a PC and used them at work - got an iBook (white 12 or 13") and swore I'd never go back to PCs - had to sell iBook and later on got PC (girlfriend said she wouldn't 'be sure' about using a Mac and I stupidly listened and didn't argue) - 1 year later PC gone (gf never used) and got MacBook (black, how silly) - just got my first Mac for the desktop a 20" beast, my poor eyes are almost popping out my head with acres of screen real estate and you can even hear the speakers!!!

Love it.

Gonna now post my insanely stupid question in another section.

Hello all.


p.s. finally signed up after seeing so many q's I had answered by people here after Googling for answers.

Im new to the mac but i got an old one it says emac on the monitor its white the has the cd player in the monitor along with the main processing unit. but theres no way i can use most of the stuff i have everytime i install something it says u must upgrade to 10.4.9 or higher so i was wondering if there was anything i could do to update my self or maybe u need more info please get back to me.
New to forum, new to Apple altogether

Glad to be here. I've already begun to browse for information that can help me through my needs. I was deciding for some time on what kind of computer I should buy for my needs. I'm no stranger to computers, but have always worked with Window's-based PC's. I really can't say I've experienced major problems with any of my systems in the past, so my decision was going to be based on practical needs.

Most of my computer needs have evolved into personal data archiving and movie production, so the overall experience and need for changing peripherals or hardware has diminished. I figured now was the time to just give the iMac a try. I researched my needs and just took the pre-assembled variety.

:apple: iMac 24" Model - 2.8 GHz - 2 Gig RAM - 320 Gig HD - ATI 2600

That's a great-deal more than my needs require, so there was no need for a powerhouse system.

Thanks for being here to keep me updated on news and events, as well as assistance for software and troubleshooting.
I'm new round here

Using my mac for video/music editing, plus a lot of play. I have a lot of interface experience but could use a lot of hardware guidance. I also want an iPhone for work purposes, but I'm still debating that purchase.
Hi All,
i am new here (first week)
The reason I joined was because I need help finding a ibook G4 for a very good price. Still am looking.......(Anyone want to sell one very cheap?) Yeah well once I get my G4 I will have alot more post.
New to MacRumors

I'm JS from Singapore. New convert to Mac.
Currently using iBook G4 1.2GHz 512MB which is fantastic! Can't wait for the iPhone 3G to be launched in Singapore later this year (finally officially!)
just joined MacRumors today.
Look forward to more interaction with fellow members.

hello all,

i am new to posting on MR, but have been reading it for years now... i have been an apple user since 1995... although the first mac that i bought for myself was a G4 450 tower... either way, i have been using apple's for a long time now... they are the best... it's nice to see so many people switching over, and leaving microsoft... so anyway, hello.
Hey Folks!

New Member from NW Arkansas here. I've been lurking for a bit and decided I better man up and join. I hope I can bring something positive to this community!
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