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Hi. Long time lurker; new at posting. I bought my first Mac in '92. It was a Performa 630. Since then there have been many, many macs, including a PB1400 and G4 Yikes! that have taken up residence in my closet.

Currently have a late '09 mini, black macbook, iPhone, iPad and ATV2.

Just thought I'd say hi.
Hi, Vrinda here.

Hi all
I'm a newbie to this site and have heard alot about it so thought would give it a shot. Love the topics out here and got to know so much more. Will keep reading and posting. If you wanna know here and we may discuss about stuff :)Hope to interact with more people here eventually and soon, that is.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

hey guys & gals...I googled best mac forum and this came up. So i thought i would join now i have moved from the hell what was Windows. To a brand new shiny iMac which i adore.

Just thought i would say hey. :D soooo hello.
welcome to MR ... hope you enjoy your iMac :cool:

thank you...i am LOVING it! wipes the floor with any other computer out there, and if it looks way better!

i noticed this was moved into here...didnt see the thread my bad haha
Hi, I have a Mac mini PPC--one of the older ones, getting on for six years, I guess (family computer). Like it but it's getting a bit slow--but then so am I--and I plan to keep it going a while yet. I've got a fair amount of experience with computers from my job, but not really deep technical knowledge.

When I do web searches for various problems I encounter I keep landing in here, so it made sense to join.


P.S. The very first Mac I used was, I think, a Macintosh Plus in the late eighties. Nine-inch B&W screen, no hard drive, an auxiliary floppy drive so we could use data disks. We used it at our library to print catalog cards in non-roman scripts. With the late lamented Word Perfect, of course.
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hey guys & gals...I googled best mac forum and this came up. So i thought i would join now i have moved from the hell what was Windows. To a brand new shiny iMac which i adore.

Just thought i would say hey. :D soooo hello.

Congrats!, love it when people ditch windows :)

im new here, I have been using macs for years, but only recently got my 27" iMac i've been so desperately wanting, and its awesome, the screen look so great compared to my old 1st gen intel Core Duo 15" it love it love it
hello macrumors community !

Hello to all !

Just a small message to present myself...I've been reading the news and the forum for a while now and though it would be time to join !

I'm not sure if i'm posting this in the right section, I looked around and it seemed like the best place !

As to our beloved apple products, I own a early 2008 I'll be on the market for a new computer by this summer...I'm looking forward to the next iMac refresh as I might be buying a desktop and will be keeping an eye on the MBA to replace my laptop. Obviously the forums are great for feedback before making a move so I'll definitively be around :)

I'm from french canada so sometimes my spelling can be wrong...pardon me ! :D

Have a good one !
Ohhh me next! Me next!

Sooooo, hey ya'll!

Ok, ok, I'll stop.

New here. Been a lurker for a long time, but finally got up the gumption to join. I have a blackbook (mid-2008) that I saved from ebay... it was my first mac, a spur-of-the-moment purchase, and one of the best things I've ever bought. It did, after all, convince me to run away from the world of Windows ;)

I also have a 3rd gen ipod touch... so I'm not exactly drowning in Apple products, but I DO have a new 15" i7 MBP ordered that was a birthday gift to myself... that counts for something, eh?

Hello, Every one!!
I am new to this forum community, I am very glad to join this community and I want to share my ideas and knowledge with the forum members and increase my knowledge,

Joined in Jan. I end up supporting my dad and sister with their Mac problems, so I thought why not put some of what I know to use..

Great people here.

I'm also new :)

One of those switchers who grabbed the chance to start with the new generation of macbooks ;)
I'm new to Mac just made the switch from wind0ws finally....Now I throw rocks at them.....;)
hello everyone! i just joined the forums today and would simply like to introduce myself. my name is gabriel and i have been a windows user for over 15 years now. that all changed with my purchase of the new generation mac mini. first thing i swapped out was the 2gb ram with 8gb of crucial memory. noticed a huge improvement especially in cs3 and bridge. i am currently using a gateway fpd2185w monitor with apple bluetooth keyboard and trackpad. i am looking into getting an ips monitor and those dell ips monitors are looking very good especially for the price. my monitor was flickering yesterday while running intensive applications but seems to be working fine now. i noticed others on here have experienced flickering screens so i will keep a close eye on it.

other apple products i own are iphone 3gs (wife and i), ipod classic 160gb, airport express and that's about it. so far it's been an easy transition from windows to mac and would appreciate any further advice from you fellow experienced members on here. :)
Hello newish member. Canadian expat working in an NGO (not the UN) in Geneva. Picked up an iphone 4 in January and as they say at McDs "Im lovin' it".

Got a PC desktop at home, a 5 months old HP Pavilion with Windows 7 which I actually like and picked for gaming purposes as well as internet etc. in spite of pressure from some Mac using friends. Next computer may be a Mac though. :)

Nice forum and it has given me some very useful tips.
I've been on here regularly since just before the release of the iPad2. This is my one-stop shop for any and all quest/answers I may have.

I have a Toshiba PC and Iphone 4, and Ipad 2. I've had ipods, and touches before but nothing to involved. My brother has a Mac and it seems to be pretty innovative.
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I'm new,

I have been lurking on the forum before in search of advice and recently joined to have more input and to have something to do...

I've used Apple since day 1 and love it.
New person on the block

Hiya all, I am very very new to the wonderful world of imac so I thought I had better join a forum where there are users that know what they are talking about, or at least I hope lol I have just bought an 27 imac and just about know how to turn it on so please go easy with me when I ask my question about this beast. Knowing me there will be a lot of them, thanks in anticipation of your support.:D:apple:
Durnk Porduction developers

Hi guys,

We’re a team of drunk* Iphone App Developers. I'm a graphic designer, and she's singl... I mean a programmer. ;)
We joined together to give the world simple yet great Iphone apps. Help us with our drinking problem by downloading our (mostly free) apps.
Thank you! :)

There is a weekly drinking vs. revenue graph, new apps coming
this week, and more news..

Anyways, we're using a whole bunch of apple products, we got all 4 iphones, as we try to adapt all our apps to every software version/resolution. My first mac I got around 2004, never imagined I'd be a developer one day. :)

Hope to have a great time here on forum!
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Introduction! :)

Hey! :)

I am LggN, a new member of your forum at MacRumors! I have viewed this forum as a guest for some time now. I know, you probably don't care, and neither would I if I were you, but I have to introduce myself! :p

I LOVE technology, and I like to stay up-to-date. I hope this forum is friendly, like another forum I am a member of. I see this place has a bunch of members too, so I am guessing that is good!

I hope to see you on the forum! Well, if you reply. Otherwise I will have no clue who "you" are/is. :p

Hello every one glad to be a part of this forum,and hopping to be of help.
I own a macbook less than a year old my wife a dell pc,she wants to go mac
and is interested in the pro i5 13'3.
I've had no problems whatsoever with my mac, her concern is backing up files from pc to mac will there be any problems, example not being able to open them on the mac.
thanks for your answer at your service nito123.
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