As the female OP, who is about 14 months into a nasty divorce, the last thing *I* want is a living, breathing, bedroom companion. I'd like to get rid of the one i have - any takers??
But hey, you guys enjoy yourself ok? LOL!
I could probably raise you on that one - I'm eighteen months into a third try of divorcing my errant husband who took a walk nearly eight years ago. Hang on there, it'll be worth it in the end. So I keep telling myself.
The iPad is JUST the sort of bedroom companion I want. ATM my macbook pro gets hooked up to an lcd tv for those bedroom media moments (sounds more fruity than it is, I assure you) but then you need a keyboard or some other means of controlling it, unless you want it on the bedside table, which takes up space, yadda yadda.
VGA and audio out from the iPad into the lcd and the stereo, with the iPad on the bedside table right next to me ? Assuming VGA out works with apps like Eyetv and Orb (would be nice, have no idea tho). Yes please !