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leekohler said:
And yes, ditch her. She's obviously not that intelligent. :)
This is a good advise for the OP; if I were the OP, I would take that action pronto. Also, if she is not letting you buy a Mac at this stage, she would put a tighter noose on your neck as your relationship with her progresses.
I don't take those people seriously who recommend Windows over Mac simply because that they not familiar with Mac and have a misguided take on MS Windows. I've been using both OS and if I had a choice, I would ditch XP right away (but, I have to keep it for Lotus Notes:mad: at work and for special note-taking functions with my Tablet PC:cool: ) without any regret.
Just buy the damn Mac. If she has an issue with it, then it's her problem. Will you let her have a similar influence over your choice of car/clothes/wrist watch/music/DVDs/hairstyle and so on? It's your money: spend it as you want.

Sounds to me like you should get two new things in your life, one of them being a new Mac.

Sorry if this seems harsh, but she is being narrow-minded, insensitive and selfish. You need to get some confidence, assert your independence and stop letting her push you about. If you give in to her on this issue now, who's to say what decisions she'll force you into in the future? You may not like doing this, but it's for your sake, not hers.
Your parter in life may not always agree with your opinions, but she must respect
your right to make decisions.

We know beyond any doubt that you are making the right decision.

There are countless posts in these forums and all over the web from people
who were once die hard Windows users, who now fully appreciate the features of MacOSX and the overall quality of Apple hardware.

This is a win win situation because you can still run all of her Windows Only applications if needed. If her office decides to convert to Linux, you can run those applications too.

You haven't told us what your girlfriend uses for primary work applications.
More than likely, the IT administrator where she works doesn't have a clue
about anything beyond his narrow minded MS Certification.

Running MacOSX takes them out of their comfort zone.
They may be able to monitor everything you do under Windows, but
your OSX partition can remain completely off limits to these intrusive security measures.
They will only be able to see what is on your Windows partition.

I've had long chats with IT administrators where I work and I find it amazing
how poorly informed these so call "professionals" really are.

The point they are missing, is that now your Windows partition can actually be
more secure because you will only be running Windows on their secure network.
You won't be surfing, chatting or e-mailing on your Windows partition, so
all that fear of viruses and malware corrupting the system is gone.

I won't stoop to put down your girlfriend.
In all fairness, she probably thinks that she's looking out for your best interests.
I think she'll end up respecting you more once she sees that you were right.

If she has any specific questions, please forward them and we'll be more than happy to answer.
xfiftyfour said:
he doesn't want HER to switch.. he wants to buy one for himself and she doesn't agree with the buy.

whoops. i guess thats why continuing the original thread is important.

okay, so if thats the case its a silly topic. be a freaking man about it and get what you want. you definitely don't want to start a marriage being so Pee-Cee whipped.
Buy whatever you want with your money and tell her where she can stick it if she doesn't like it.

It's your money.

It's your computer.

It has nothing to do with her, IMO.

Sorry to sound harsh, but there's nothing I hate more than a woman who thinks she should have any control over a man and what he does, regardless of whether or not they are married.

And before anyone asks, NO, I'm not married. I respect my girlfriend enough to consult her when making a decision that has any impact on her, and she respects me enough to mind her own business when I spend my own money on something for me. That's the way it should be, IMO, so do what you want and she should be so lucky as to have any say in it.
just buy the mac... you'll be happier... also, if your g/f's PC/laptop goes down from a virus... you can be smug by saying

whats a virus? :D
Get whatever the F you want... it's none of her business what computer YOU get for yourself.

Plus, if by chance she wants to use it sometime, she will discover the glory that is Mac OS X.

Haha thanks for the advice. She was only half kidding about this article.

I am going to buy a mac regardless and she is just being difficult for the sake of being difficult. Thanks for all your responses as they were a blast to read.
mini.boss said:
you definitely don't want to start a marriage being so Pee-Cee whipped.
I just wanted to say I thought that was a wonderful bit of word crafting. ;)

Anyway, to the OP, I agree with the others: buy the system you want, and consider trying to figure out why she's being so difficult and how that would translate to things in the future. And I'd give you the same advice if she was pressuring you to buy a Mac and you wanted a PC.
Wait till the first time you catch her butt naked running your built in web cam :D

Actually wait till she sees how cool it is to be able to live Video Chat or create Video
PodCasts and presentations.
Ms Office actually performs better under Mac OSX

Run iTunes remote controlled.

Find a wireless connection anywhere.

Short of necessary OS updates and software updates, you won't be spending
any time fighting Malware and Viruses.

Until you've used MacOSX, it's hard to imagine not being forced to run
all those Windows A/V applications.

You can actually drag MS Internet Explorer to the trash if you so please.

It's YOUR computer.

You can custom reduce your OS install from the default 12.5 GB down to
as low as 4.5 GB for dedicated workstations.

You can secure it and if need be, encrypt your entire system with ease.

Once you set up your system.

You'll have a Primary Administration Account.
Set up this account for Primary Administrative tasks
like installation of software and maintenance.

Set up 2 Secondary user accounts for daily use allowing
as much permission as you desire, but preventing installation or removal
of software.

Unless someone knows your Primary Administrative password, they can't touch your system.

She's going be fighting you for Mac time before you know it, or she'll be gone.

If so, you may have saved yourself from a dismal future.
California said: don't think he mentioned, iTunes, iPod, OSX, Intelswitch, or anything. And he was putting down the original iMacs? And he doesn't realize there are no viruses? And M$ is just the opitome of sweetness and light?

Are you guys stupid? There are 5 pages, you all probably just read the first page. He goes into all of the products, etc. I actually agreed with a lot of the article, many, many Apple fanboys are exactly the way that the article describes, and it's despicable.
Unless you two are married and sharing accounts she doesn't need to consult you and you don't need to consult her on this purchase. I say if you can pay your half of the bills then you can buy whatever you want.
I read all five pages.

It DOES mention OS X. Just so we're clear on that.

I'm not one for giving relationship advice. I love giving hardware advice...

I love my girlfriend dearly, but I know what OS is right for me, and I know what hardware to run it on. I know I have not had a virus in four years of Mac-based computing. I know that although the COST may be a little higher (and that's no longer true) the PRICE is lower. My girlfriend has seen this, is mildly jealous, and wants a Mac Mini now. I never remind her about the time she laughed riotously when I told her I was a Mac user - that would be rude. ;)

I'd say buy the Mac, and let her see it. It's different, alien to her, and she's afraid of it. The natives are restless and fearful of new things that threaten the established order.

Once she sees it's not all bad, and that there's a lot of good, how she reacts will decide if she's a keeper or not.

This isn't about a Mac - it's about the serious matter of your life partner's treatment of what you feel is important to you. It's not that she's failing the OS choice test - it's that she's failing a much more important relationship skill test.

What happens if she's like this about Ford vs GM, or name brand vs store brand, or other petty snobberies?

Buy the mac. What you learn about your GF is worth far more than the cost of the Mac - AND you'll have a Mac.

And, Ma'am, since your BF will probably show you this thread...

I'm sure you're a nice lady, otherwise the guy would have walked away ages ago. Let him buy his Mac and fall on his face if that's the case. If he doesn't fall on his face, look at why. Be curious. Ask questions. Don't be a hater. How would you feel if your BF dictated to you that you can't have a PC, because of the viruses/trojans/spyware/adware/crappy OS/MS lawsuits/poor quality of drivers/yada yada...? Computers are complex and NO computer is perfect. For all the Apple whining in that post you brought forward, there's more, different criticism of Windows. The hardware is ok. That's why Apple relented and started using the same hardware. So this is really a OS X vs Windows XP debate. I've used both. Your BF has used both. Go play with OS X on your BF's new Mac, and if you really REALLY don't like it, just ask him to put XP on there - it'll run just fine - like on any other PC.


levitynyc said:
I am going to buy a mac regardless and she is just being difficult for the sake of being difficult.
Heh ... Like I said.

This is exactly how my then-girlfriend (now wife) reacted to me spending $3500 on a PowerBook when all she wanted was an engagement ring.

Don't be so quick to shrug her off. She may be trying to tell you something. ;)
Chundles said:
Tell her to bugger off and spend your money the way you want to spend it. Did she consult you before buying her PC? No, so why should you ask her?

Don't take none of that crap, tell her "Hey! Missy you get back in the kitchen, make me some pie."

Sound advice.....bugger off...I couldn't put it better. She doesn't have to use it...tell her to splurt.

levitynyc said:
Thank you for those who gave me suggestions about trying to get on the same page with my significant other about buying a mac.

(For those new, the basic story is that she doesn't want me to buy one and would rather me by myself a new pc. I am trying to get her on board with the whole MAC idea)

I showed her the thread from before and she countered a few hours later with this link

What should I do as a rebuttal to this?

Bad mistake. You should never, ever have shown her that thread. I guess this must be your first girlfriend, otherwise you would have known better.

There is an important rule: When you're stuck in a hole, stop digging. Don't rebut anything. Just go and buy your Macintosh and hope that she doesn't mention the matter anymore.
Funny thing is that a PC is harder to use than a Mac, it's ridiculous when I see a girl (I sound sexist) using a PC, then pop-up's and all that crap comes up, and they have no idea what to do.

Sure it's cheaper to get a PC, but wouldn't u rather spend the premium to get a quality OS, that article was so terrible.

This discussion is over..
Veritas&Equitas said:
Are you guys stupid? There are 5 pages, you all probably just read the first page. He goes into all of the products, etc. I actually agreed with a lot of the article, many, many Apple fanboys are exactly the way that the article describes, and it's despicable.

And Windoze fanboys are just as bad, genius :rolleyes: I've known plenty of them.

The majority of that article was opinion, and the last time I checked, disagreeing with someone's opinion does not make one "stupid."
To look at the OP's question in a non-technical way, purely from a relationship perspective:

One thing that comes to you after you've been around a while is that no matter how much that other person means to you, you must be true to yourself. If you start compromising on things that are important to you, you will never stop. And before long you will have lost the most important thing in the world, yourself.

Be you. If she can handle that, great. If she can't, why would you want to be with her?
someguy said:
Buy whatever you want with your money and tell her where she can stick it if she doesn't like it.
Well, I think it's more like where he won't be sticking it. :D
godbout said:
I always go by the moto "It's way easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission"
That can backfire though.
"Can I shoot you in the face?" vs. "I'm sorry I shot you in the face"
One lands you in jail. ;)
D-rock said:
The majority of that article was opinion, and the last time I checked, disagreeing with someone's opinion does not make one "stupid."
I'm not commenting on the view of the author's opinion, I'm commenting on the posters who say that the author doesn't take into account "OS X, iPods, etc" when he does on the last 3 pages.
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