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I´been a macrumors reader since its inception, i have only macs at work, i encourage people and my students to buy a mac, but i think that some of the characterizations that the author of this article makes of us mac lovers, are very close to truth.

Sadly i confirm his point of view just reading 99% of the previous posts.
In some comments there's aknowledgement that the article hasn't been entirely read!

He is not talking much about the technological point of view but from the shift the brand has made on the social one and its marketing.
I guess he's not the regular mac naysayer or troll.
In fact, he seems just to be thinking different.

And about the GF, some peolple just don't get it. But show her the humanist roots of this brand, the original aim and how it´s been carried to this day. Talk her language, THAT might make her look twice.
After reading this article through, I think some of the authors arguments do apply to a minority of Mac zealots. ( You know they can be overboard at times). I have also seen Windows fanboys go overboard, including certain of my co-workers who feel an obsessive need to ridicule my choice in computers. When my company email quit working they stated with great authority that it was my "toy" that was at fault. ( When later it was found that the domain administrator had accidently reset my password, nothing was said).

And while the author makes some good points, he skips over volumes of evidence that contradict his thesis. I too bought a beige box in 2001 with XP. That box is one of the leading reasons I own a Mac today. If OS 8 & 9 were worse than that, they must have been truly terrible.

And Apple behaves in a morally questionable way? Has this guy been living under a rock the last 20 years that he hasn't noticed what MS has been up to?
The article has some true points and as usual some not so true points and its very very old. However i dont see what the fuss is about if she doesnt want a mac then leave her offence.

I agree with the first respondent. You can force a horse to the shore but you cant force it to drink water. Sounds like your GF's mind is made up so save your strenght and let the famous phrase "to each his own" take course., dont argue with, just buy what YOU want and stop putting others before you or letting others influence your decision. You're the one who is going to be using the computer so it should be what YOU like.

Sheesh whats next, she tells you to buy pink trousers and you start another thread?, again no offence but stop acting like a wuss. You want a Mac, buy a mac and if its that bad which i doubt, dual boot windows. Simple.
Grow some testicles and buy the damn computer. If you need your GF's blessing, then you are clearly not a man. If you give in to her, I suggest you cut off your dick and balls, since you're not worthy of them.

The fact that this is a discussion proves that much.
Listen, I haven't read what anyone else posted, but that's not important.

What's important is that you stop listening to your girlfriend and start listening to yourself. And the only way you're going to do that is to seek the advice of others, like the Macrumors community. Don't stop listening, or you run the risk of not thinking for yourself, and letting that girlfriend of yours call the shots again.

Does your girlfriend work for Microsoft or Dell?

I suggest you watch the movie Antitrust. It shows how a girlfriend meddling in her boyfriend's technological life can lead to her trying to kill him. What people call paranoia is simply a rational, realistic world of the view.

People are always out to get you--including your girlfriend. Do you really know her motives for pushing the issue?
levitynyc said:

What should I do as a rebuttal to this?

Ask her if its ok if you both use the same deodorant, razors, and clothing. Ask about that skirt she's wearing, and which brand/size undergarments she generally prefers.

What? you're different genders you say? You don't use the same toiletries and underwear? Then why must you use the same OS?

If she still doesn't get it by this point... buy it anyway.

If this causes a sizable hissy - move on, she has power issues.
Jesus Christ ... you're all still missing the point.

She's not bitching because she wants him to use a PC. I'd bet money on that.

She's bitching because he's still calling her his girlfriend.

I refer you to the first thread:

levitynyc said:
My significant other, soon to be fiance, thinks I am crazy for buying a mac.

Is she your fiancée yet? If not, that's why she is objecting to you buying a Mac. You could take that same money to a local jeweler and put her on cloud nine for months.

But you'd rather buy a silly computer. Makes sense to me.

When I bought my PowerBook in 2004, I met similar resistance from my then-girlfriend (now wife) because she had been dreaming of an engagement ring for a while. Hell, we'd even discussed it.

Yet, instead of buying her a ring, I bought a $3000 laptop. She was heartbroken and resented the damn thing for three months.

What cured her? I took her to the jewelry store, whispered my budget to the sales person, and told her to pick whatever ring she wanted. I had already set that money aside BEFORE I bought the laptop, but she had no clue. That was the idea.

So like I said ... If this girl is still en route to being your fiancée and you've yet to set that into stone, this has nothing to do with Mac vs PC, but is Mac vs Her.

At least, that's what I suspect. You should try asking her about it instead of posting to an internet forum full of people who are going to tell you to "be a man" and "grow a pair."
How can any woman expect their partner to buy them a $3000 piece of jewelry, and be upset about it if they don't get it. Then what does the woman have to buy the man in return? Sorry I don't get the logic at all. Money = Love? :confused:
You'll never live this down if you spend more on your notebook than you do on her.

So you can spend ALL THIS MONEY on an Apple Computer, but you can't afford to buy her a big rock.

Next you'll be looking at a sports car and she'll be thinking mini van

You're doomed I tell ya! :D
Foxglove9 said:
How can any woman expect their partner to buy them a $3000 piece of jewelry, and be upset about it if they don't get it. Then what does the woman have to buy the man in return? Sorry I don't get the logic at all. Money = Love? :confused:

Huh? You're a girl, don't you equate the size of the love with the size of the rock? Surely TV hasn't been lying to me all this time??
ChrisBrightwell said:
Jesus Christ ... you're all still missing the point.

She's not bitching because she wants him to use a PC. I'd bet money on that.

She's bitching because he's still calling her his girlfriend.

I refer you to the first thread:

Is she your fiancée yet? If not, that's why she is objecting to you buying a Mac. You could take that same money to a local jeweler and put her on cloud nine for months.

But you'd rather buy a silly computer. Makes sense to me.

When I bought my PowerBook in 2004, I met similar resistance from my then-girlfriend (now wife) because she had been dreaming of an engagement ring for a while. Hell, we'd even discussed it.

Yet, instead of buying her a ring, I bought a $3000 laptop. She was heartbroken and resented the damn thing for three months.

What cured her? I took her to the jewelry store, whispered my budget to the sales person, and told her to pick whatever ring she wanted. I had already set that money aside BEFORE I bought the laptop, but she had no clue. That was the idea.

So like I said ... If this girl is still en route to being your fiancée and you've yet to set that into stone, this has nothing to do with Mac vs PC, but is Mac vs Her.

At least, that's what I suspect. You should try asking her about it instead of posting to an internet forum full of people who are going to tell you to "be a man" and "grow a pair."

I'm trying to understan this. So you told your girlfriend she could have any ring she wanted. You secretly told the sales guy what your budget was. Was the idea that he would dissuade her from buying any ring she expressed interest in above your budget?

Sales guy: Oh no, you don't want THAT ring, it's much too gaudy. How about this.................?
ChrisBrightwell said:
That's hardly the equation, but to each their own.

I meant to be kinda funny, but I guess I missed the mark by a lot :eek:

I just meant that I don't get why women expect a real expensive piece of jewelry. My friends aren't like that, but the women in my family are, and it sickens me.

If it was me I would return the ring and get a Mac Pro instead, at least that I could actually use. :D

but this is getting off topic.
This is probably one of those situation where she feels you should be concentrating exclusively on her and your future together.

The ring, the wedding plans, the invitations, catering etc.

But you're spending a few grand on a notebook and one she doesn't understand
or appreciate for it's merit.

She may not understand that a good quality Windows Only notebook
with equal features is no less expensive than what you plan to spend
on a machine that can run ANY application under any operating system.

How much does she think you should spend on a good quality notebook?

Maybe she just thinks you should wait because in her mind there are more important issues.

If you need this computer to generate income and make your work easier, then buy it.
You need to show the love of your life that you can make good solid judgement
calls based on the best available information.
swingerofbirch said:
I'm trying to understan this. So you told your girlfriend she could have any ring she wanted. You secretly told the sales guy what your budget was. Was the idea that he would dissuade her from buying any ring she expressed interest in above your budget?

Sales guy: Oh no, you don't want THAT ring, it's much too gaudy. How about this.................?

I guess he put a set of rings that were only on his budget on display
ChrisBrightwell said:
Jesus Christ ... you're all still missing the point.

She's not bitching because she wants him to use a PC. I'd bet money on that.

She's bitching because he's still calling her his girlfriend.

I refer you to the first thread:

Is she your fiancée yet? If not, that's why she is objecting to you buying a Mac. You could take that same money to a local jeweler and put her on cloud nine for months.

But you'd rather buy a silly computer. Makes sense to me.

When I bought my PowerBook in 2004, I met similar resistance from my then-girlfriend (now wife) because she had been dreaming of an engagement ring for a while. Hell, we'd even discussed it.

Yet, instead of buying her a ring, I bought a $3000 laptop. She was heartbroken and resented the damn thing for three months.

What cured her? I took her to the jewelry store, whispered my budget to the sales person, and told her to pick whatever ring she wanted. I had already set that money aside BEFORE I bought the laptop, but she had no clue. That was the idea.

So like I said ... If this girl is still en route to being your fiancée and you've yet to set that into stone, this has nothing to do with Mac vs PC, but is Mac vs Her.

At least, that's what I suspect. You should try asking her about it instead of posting to an internet forum full of people who are going to tell you to "be a man" and "grow a pair."

I didnt think of that, if thats the case that'll explain alot, i've never heard of someone resisting the mac soo much....especially a woman.

The logic is plausible....of which i would say...dude you're screwed. It depends, which one is more important to you RIGHT NOW, your GF or a Mac. You could always get a mac later and save face now.

But i don't get why she is being passive agressive, just another classic example of woman wanting men to read their minds instead of coming out and spilling the beans. Ugh....
If you need the mac, tell her she's your life partner.

If in fact you're purchasing the laptop to be a $2000 hunk of plastic and silicon status, you are on more shaky ground.

Either way, if you must buy a rock of some description, don't buy a diamond. They're ugly, they chop off children's hands for them in Sierra Leone, and the 'tradition' of giving diamonds only dates back to the 1930's. Hell, at one point, the wife came bearing the gifts.

The $3k + male dowery is backwards and retarded in an age when we are supposedly striving for gender equality. Diamond rings cannot even be resold for anything like their list price, so any pragmatic purpose they had in antiquity no longer exists.

However, I would assume if you were a modern, enlightened couple you would have long ago discussed your merger plans (or lack thereof) and that this hardware puchase is completely unrelated.

If not, you may have more serious concerns than your OS soon enough.
swingerofbirch said:
I'm trying to understan this. So you told your girlfriend she could have any ring she wanted. You secretly told the sales guy what your budget was. Was the idea that he would dissuade her from buying any ring she expressed interest in above your budget?
Well it was a cool sort of shop (Shane Co, for anyone shopping).

Basically, she picked any band in the shop (because most of them were well within the budget) and selected a custom center stone. When time came to pick the center stone, that's where the budget limitation came into play.

Knowing my budget, he knew not to bring out a $5,000 center stone but to grab something a little more affordable. :cool:

Needless to say, she picked a band and a stone that fell just underneath my budget ceiling, so I didn't have to worry much about how to break the "get something cheaper. :(" news to her. I had done enough research locally to know basically what her "dream" ring would cost, so that helped.

Even then, she said I was spending too much. I figured that it's one of two pieces she'll wear for the rest of her life, so she should have something she's totally happy with. We picked out our wedding bands together (matching white gold comfort-fit bands) and I don't think she could be any happier with her engagement/wedding ring combo.

The sales guy was killer (as was the girl from whom we bought our wedding bands) and their post-sales service has been phenomenal. If you're in the market for jewelry (esp. an engagement ring), check out The Shane Company.

That article is pretty funny.

It was more of a rant on the Apple user community than the machine.

Jeez, if this is a big decision in your life, don't get married. It just gets harder after you say "I do"...

This is the small stuff... Buy it, if you don't like it, sell it.

There's any number of folks out there who would kill to buy a Mac at $100 off list price. The resale on these things is pretty incredible. Being in NYC, you could put it on craigslist and it would be gone in a few days.

Bring her to the store and start showing her CZ's... Tell her its just as good as a real diamond but a lot cheaper and just as functional! LOL

J/K, let us know how you make out!

levitynyc said:
What should I do as a rebuttal to this?

While you can thank her for her input, she should respect your decision as you would respect hers. And just think, she doesn't have to use it!

I got her the ring and get your Macbook or whatever before you propose. After she says "yes", use the built in iSight to send pictures to your families. I suspect she'll love that computer from that point on.
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