Using T-Mobile USA on my 2G iPhone. Is it ok to install 3.0 and still be unlocked? (I heard the unlock is only affected on the 3G iPhone with 3.0)
Using T-Mobile USA on my 2G iPhone. Is it ok to install 3.0 and still be unlocked? (I heard the unlock is only affected on the 3G iPhone with 3.0)
Really!? Woah... not cool.
Hi all,
I can guarantee that updating an iPhone 2g to 3.0 GM retains the unlock status as long as UPDATE is used on iTunes 8.2.0. Here is my proof, for those who may still have their worries:
My iPhone is not an official O2 one. I purchased it in the States a couple of years ago locked to AT&T when unsubsidised iPhones could still be purchased without a contract.
i did not need to downgrade. It was as simple as chosing "update" and selecting the 3.0 firmware.
I was talking to TypeEE who got stuck on a broken 3.0 firmware.
The problem is I cannot find a copy of iTune 8.1.1 for windows
It's safe.... I did it with no problems. Do Alt/Update (not restore).
The only issue is that I can't make YouTube or My Location to work