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Doctor Q

Original poster
Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Notice: The MacRumors Members Photo Directory has moved to a new location.

Old contents:

This is a directory, maintained by Doctor Q, of photos of MacRumors members posted to the MacRumors pics! thread and certain other threads. For details, see Part VI below.

Current totals: 325 members, 643 photo links

Part I

000111one111000: photo

20rogersc: link to photo

3rdpath: photo (on the left)

7on: photo, photo

840quadra: photo

Abercrombieboy: photo

absolut_mac: photo from younger age

Abstract: photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo

adamjay: photo (huge version), photo, photo

agreenster: [profileimg=2830]profile photo[/profileimg], link to photo (on the right)

AL-FAMOUS: photo

AliensAreFuzzy: photo, photo (on the right)

Alte22a: photo, photo, photo (on the right), photo

alxths: photo

amacgenius: link to photo

AmigoMac: photo (on the right)

amin: photo (top left)

andrebsd: link to photo (on the right)

Angelus: photo

Angie-dust: link to photo (on the left), link to photo, link to photo (sitting)

Ari_0 : link to photo

asif786: photo

Backtothemac: photo (on the right)

BaghdadBob: photo

ballookey: photo

barbee: photo

barneygumble: photo

bbarnhart: [profileimg=3613]profile photo[/profileimg], link to photo (on the left)

belair: photo, photo

bella: photo

Billicus: photo

billyboy: photo

Blaaze: photo

blackfox: photo, photo

blackvirus0: link to photo, (closeup), link to photo

_bnkr612: link to photo

bousozoku: photo

brap: photo (profile), photo

britboy: photo (on the right)

Brundlefly: photo (on the right)

buffalogrrl82: photo (on the left), photo (bride)

candan9019: photo

Capt Underpants: photo, photo, link to photo, link to photo

CaptainCaveMann: link to photo

caveman_uk: photo

cb911: photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, link to photo, link to photo, link to photo

celaurie: photo

chanoc: link to photos

cheekyspanky: photo, photo

chewbaccapits: photo

chibianh: photo, link to photo

ChicoWeb: link to photo (on the left)

clayj: [profileimg=46033]profile photo[/profileimg], photo

cleo: [profileimg=3692]profile photo[/profileimg], baby photo

Cless: link to photo, link to photo, link to photo

cloud 9: link to photo, link to photo

cluthz: photo, photo (profile)

CmdrLaForge: photo

ColoJohnBoy: photo, photo, photo (topmost)

Cooknn: [profileimg=20643]profile photo[/profileimg], link to photo (in the middle)

coopdog: photo, photo

cosmo: photo

Counterfit: link to photos, link to photo, link to photo (on the left)

cr2sh: photo

crap freakboy: photo

crdean1: photo

crenz: drawing

criana: photo, photo (on the left)

CubaTBird: photo

cyanide: photo

continued below...

Doctor Q

Original poster
Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
MacRumors Members Photo Directory, Part II

DaftUnion: [profileimg=48062]profile photo[/profileimg], photo

Danger! Will: photo

danieluk: photo

daRAT: link to photo

davecuse: photo (on the right)

Daveman Deluxe: photo (on the right), photo, photo (on the right), photo (in the middle)

Daveway: [profileimg=37048]profile photo[/profileimg], link to photo

debroglie: photo (on the right)

deefer: link to photo, link to photo

DeSnousa: photo (on the left), photo (in the middle), photo (on the right), photo (on the right)

dhracer88: photo

dieselg4: photo

Doctor Q: photo (at right, looking up; previously posted at, photo, photo

DreaminDirector: photo

Dreamkatcha: photo, photo

dsharits: photo, photo

dstorey: photo

Earendil: link to photo

earthsaver: photo

edesignuk: link to photo, link to photo, link to photo

efoto: photo (on the right), photo (in the middle)

ehurtley: [profileimg=21464]profile photo[/profileimg], photo (on the left)

emw: [profileimg=38360]profile photo[/profileimg], link to photo (back left)

encro: photo, photo, photo

etoiles: photo

EvilDoc: photo (on the right)

evoluzione: photo

eyelikeart: photo, link to photo, link to photo, link to baby photo

Fabrix2003: photo

FadeToBlack: photo, photo, photo

faintember: photo

feakbeak: photo (on the left)

flyfish29: link to photo (on the right)

Foucault: link to photo (on the right)

fowler.: link to photo (on the right)

Foxer: photo

FrankieTDouglas: link to photos, photo

frankzeg: photo

FunkyGuitarGirl: link to photo

funkywhat2: photo

g30ffr3y: photo

G4scott: link to photos, link to photo, link to photo (frontmost)

Geetar: photo

gekko513: photo

gello2424: photo (one in the back row)

Genie: link to photos, photo, photo, photo, photo

gerror: photo

Giaguara: photo, photo, link to baby photo, link to photo, link to photo, photo (on the right), link to photo (on the left), link to photo (top right photo, person on the right)

Gil_Grissom: link to photo

gogoman: photo, photo

gotohamish: photo

groovebuster: link to photo, link to photo (in the middle), link to photo (on the left)

gwuMACaddict: photo

Gymnut: photo, photo

heaven: [profileimg=35985]profile photo[/profileimg], link to photo, link to photo

Hector: photo

homerjward: link to photo

HydroMan: photo

i_b_joshua: photo

iBlue: link to photo, link to photo, link to photo, photo

ibookin': link to photo (on the right), link to photo, photo (on the left), photo, photo (sitting, left; previously posted at, photo (on the left)

iChan: [profileimg=14141]profile photo[/profileimg]

Iconocat: link to photo

iGary: link to photo

iGAV: two photos

iHacker: baby photo

IJ Reilly: photo

iJon: link to photo, link to photo

iSaint: photo (on the right), photo (on the left), photo

lsoares: photo

continued below...

Doctor Q

Original poster
Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
MacRumors Members Photo Directory, Part III

jackieonasses: photo (on the right)

jaesk8er: link to photo, link to photo (on the left)

jdiddy: photo

Jedda: photo (on the right), photo (on the right)

jefhatfield: link to photo (on the right)

jelloshotsrule: photo (on the left), photo

jlewis2k1: photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo

job: photo

joed: link to photo, link to photo

Josh: photo

jywv8: photo

katie ta achoo: [profileimg=51856]profile photo[/profileimg], photo, photo, photo, link to photo, link to photo, link to photo, link to photo, link to photo, link to photo

KC9AIC: photo

kiwi_the_iwik: photo

KKKL: photo

klaus: photo (on the right), photo, photo (on the right)

kolache: link to photo

Koodauw: photo (on the right)

krimson: link to photo

krossfyter: photo, link to photo

Lau: photo

leekohler: photo, link to movie, photo, photo

leftbanke7: photo

LimeiBook86: link to photo, photo, photo, link to photo, photo, link to 4 photos, photo

little-pea: [profileimg=44177]profile photo[/profileimg], photo (on the left), photo (on the left), photo, photo (on the right), photo

m_gerbik: photo, photo

Maayan: [profileimg=35569]profile photo[/profileimg], link to photo (on the right)

MacAztec: photo

MacDawg: baby photo

MacFan26: photo, photo, photo, photo

macmax77: photo

MacNoobie: link to photo, link to photo

MacRy: [profileimg=31930]profile photo[/profileimg], photo, photo from younger age, photo

Macs R Us: link to photo

madrobby: photo

maka: link to photo, link to photo

mangoman: photo

Manzana: [profileimg=37580]profile photo[/profileimg]

maradong: link to photo, link to photo

MattG: link to photo

matthew24: link to photo

mattmack: link to photo (on the right)

maverickuk: photo

Mav451: photo

MBHockey: link to photo

Mblazened: photo

mcmillan: link to photo

me_94501: photo

medea: photo

Mercury: link to photo

mgargan1: photo, photo

michaelrjohnson: photo (on the left), photo (on the left)

Mike Teezie: link to photo, link to photo

mikemodena: link to photo (in the back)

Mitthrawnuruodo: link to photo from 1993 (on the left), photo

mkrishnan: link to photo, link to photo, link to photo

Mlobo01: photo, photo

mnkeybsness: photo, photo

mongoos150: link to photo, link to photo

monkeybat: photo, photo

monkeydo_jb: link to photo

MontanaMacster: link to photo

MoodMinefield: link to photos

MoparShaha: photo

Mr. Anderson: photo, baby photo, photo, photo

MrCommunistGen: link to photo, link to photo (on the right)

mrjamin: photo (upper left)

mstecker: link to photo

Mudbug: photo

myapplseedshurt: profile photo

mymemory: photo, photo, photo, photo (on the right), link to 2 photos (2nd and 4th), photo (on the left), photo (on the left)

continued below...

Doctor Q

Original poster
Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
MacRumors Members Photo Directory, Part IV

Nanda Devi: photo

NavyIntel007: baby photo, photo

neildmitchell: photo

neut: link to photo, link to photo, link to photo, link to photo, link to photo, link to photo, link to photo (on the left), link to photo, link to photo, link to photo, link to photo, photo (on the right), photo

nightdweller25: photo, photo, photo

northen: photo, link to photo

nospleen: photo, photo (on the left), photo, photo (in the back)

ocellnuri: link to photo, link to photo

OKComputer: photo (on the right), photo (groom)

Ozi: photo

Palad1: photo, photo (on the left), photo, photo, photo

PaRaGoNViCtiM: link to photo (on the left)

parrothead: photo

Patmian212: photo

patrick0brien: photo, photo

paulwhannel: photo

paulypants: photo

Perceptes: link to photo

Phat_Pat : link to photo (face pasted on the right)

Phil Of Mac: photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo

pivo6: photo (on the left), photo

PlaceofDis: [profileimg=26783]profile photo[/profileimg], photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo (on the right), photo (on the right), photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo

Plymouthbreezer: link to photo, link to photo

polyesterlester: link to photo, link to photo

Porshuh944turbo: link to photo

Powerbook G5: [profileimg=18793]profile photo[/profileimg] (larger version), baby photo

Prom1: photo (in the middle)

pseudobrit: photo

qurlau: link to photo

raggedjimmi: photo, link to stylized photo

RandomDeadHead: photo

rdowns: photo (on the left)

realityisterror: drawing

revenuee: photo, photo

rhpenguin: photo (link to larger version), link to photos

rickvanr: photo

risc: link to photo

rjrufo: link to photo

Rod Rod: photo, photo, photo, photo (baby photo)

ronrique: [profileimg=37253]profile photo[/profileimg], photo

Rower_CPU: photo (on the left), photo

rueyeet: drawing

ryannel2003: photo

continued below...

Doctor Q

Original poster
Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
MacRumors Members Photo Directory, Part V

scem0: [profileimg=6087]profile photo[/profileimg], link to photo, photo (on the right), photo, photo, photo, photo

ScottDodson: photo, link to photo

sebisworld: photo

selloutvixen: photo, photo

sgarringer: photo

shadowfax: photo (on the left), photo, photo, photo, photo, photo

~Shard~: [profileimg=17437]profile photo[/profileimg], photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo (on the left), photo (on the right), link to photo, link to wedding photos

Sharewaredemon: photo

Sirus The Virus: photo (on the right)

skunk: photo, photo (30 years ago)

slightly: photo

Snowy_River: photo, photo, photo

solvs: link to photo (on the right), link to photo (in the middle)

sorryiwasdreami: link to photo (on the left)

sparkleytone: photo

spinne1: photo

Squire: photo (in the back), photo (in the back)

StarbucksSam: photo

Stike: photo, photo, photo, photo (center)

stridey: photo

stubeeef: photo (standing on the left)

szark: photo, photo

taeclee99: photo, photo

Tara96: photo, photo

TEG: photo

Tequila Grandma: link to photo, link to photo, link to photo, link to photo, link to photo

thatwendigo: photo

themadchemist: photo

theonenonlyjoey: link to photo (in the middle), link to photo (with banner)

thevessels: link to photo

ThomasJefferson: photo, photo, photo, photo

Tiauguinho: photo, photo

TimDaddy: photo (on the right)

timothyjoelwrig: photo

tmornini: photo

tomf87: photo

tpjunkie: photo (on the right), photo (in the middle)

TranceClubMusic: photo

trebblekicked: photo

true777: photo, photo (on the left), photo (on the right)

übergeek: [profileimg=13551]profile photo[/profileimg], link to photo (on the left), link to photo (on the left), photo, photo (on the right), photo (sitting, middle; previously posted at, photo (on the right)

uhlawboi80: photo (in the middle)

unfaded: photo

Valkyrie: photo

Veldek: [profileimg=15900]profile photo[/profileimg], photo, wedding photo (on the right)

VIREBEL661: link to photo (on the left)

vitruvius: photos

Viv: photo (on the right)

vniow: photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo, photo

voicegy: photo

w_parietti22: link to photo, link to photo

Wardofsky: photo, link to photo

WeeShoo: [profileimg=55283]profile photo[/profileimg]

Wes: photo

Will Curran: link to photo (on the right)

WillMak: link to photo

Windowlicker: photo, photo, photo

WinterMute: photo (on the right), photo

wrldwzrd89: [profileimg=17483]profile photo[/profileimg], link to photo

wrxguy: photo

wwidgirl: [profileimg=29896]profile photo[/profileimg], link to photo

Wyvernspirit : photo

Xero: link to photo (third from the left), photo, photo

XIII: link to photo

XnavxeMiyyep: photo

Yebot: link to photo

yellow: link to photo (on the left)

yippy: link to photos

zach: link to photo

Zenith: link to photo


Moderator emeritus
Jan 2, 2001
Metairie, LA
Note: This post is by Doctor Q, not by eyelikeart.

MacRumors Members Photo Directory, Part VI


The five posts above are a directory, alphabetically by member name, of photos of MacRumors members that they have posted to forum threads. The Directory also includes photos attached to member profiles, but not avatars, even if they are photos of the member.

Click on a member name to go to that member's MacRumors profile. Click on a photo link to display the photo.

The photos come primarily from the MacRumors pics! thread, which I monitor. I sometimes include photos from other threads, such as the Self Portraits... thread.

Only photos showing the MacRumors member are included. Photos that show only relatives, friends, pets, or possessions are excluded, as are obviously photoshopped photos. Where a member has posted the URL of a web page hosted elsewhere, I tried to identify the photo they had in mind.

The Directory has no official status at MacRumors. I've maintained it myself since October 2003 (before I was a moderator) and I try to keep it accurate. Any mistakes are my fault. I try to check for updates to the Directory at least twice a week. The most recently posted photos can always be found at the end of the MacRumors pics! (or other) thread, whether or not I have added them to the Directory yet.


"photo" = photo posted in a forum thread. It will remain available unless the poster or a moderator removes it.

"link to photo" = photo at another web site. It may be changed or removed without warning.

"baby photo" = photo from a much younger age, as a baby or child.

"profile photo" = photo attached to member's profile.

:) = recently added photo.

Additions, deletions, and corrections

If you want your photo added to the Directory: Do not post your photo in this thread. Instead, post your photo in the MacRumors pics! thread. You do not have to ask me to include your photo. Once it is in the MacRumors pics! thread, I'll notice it and add your member name and photo link when I make my next update to the Directory.

If you have attached a photo to your member profile and want it added to the Directory: send me a private message since I might not otherwise notice it.

If you have posted a photo to a MacRumors thread other than the MacRumors pics! thread and want to have it added to the Directory: send me a private message.

If you are in the Directory and want to be excluded or have certain photos excluded: Send me a private message and I'll remove your entry when I make my next update to the Directory.

If you spot an error: Send me a private message and I'll make the correction when I make my next update to the Directory.

If my private message mailbox overflows: I'll catch up as soon as I can.


Thanks to Powerbook G5 for starting the MacRumors pics! thread, to shadowfax for starting the discussion about having a directory like this, and to everyone who said nice things about this Directory! And thanks to eyelikeart for use of his post for this section of the Directory.

Doctor Q


macrumors 68030
Nov 4, 2001
Just out of interest, did you check the two photos you have for zenith? It might just be me, but somehow those *don't* look like the same person ;)


macrumors 603
Sep 6, 2002
Houston, TX
Originally posted by britboy
Just out of interest, did you check the two photos you have for zenith? It might just be me, but somehow those *don't* look like the same person ;)
heh, zenith is the first one. i think the second one was posted by themadchemist... in fact, it's the same picture (only bigger) that Dr Q has down for themadchemist.


macrumors 65816
Nov 24, 2002
Wow, great work Doctor Q! I'm impressed that you even went to the trouble of indicating what side or the picture the poster was on.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 19, 2003
London, England
Yeah, good work DrQ, although I still say my dog is better looking than I am:D

I'll post an up to date pic on the thread, although there are several in the Geekfest UK thread.


Jul 9, 2000
great work, dude

it's amazing that the mr crowd actually let loose with so many picutres this time and i didn't realize how many until i saw your list:D

Doctor Q

Original poster
Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Originally posted by shadowfax
heh, zenith is the first one. i think the second one was posted by themadchemist... in fact, it's the same picture (only bigger) that Dr Q has down for themadchemist.
Nice detective work. You are correct and it is now fixed. I wrote a program to help me generate the initial text for the directory and, as you know, when a programmer goofs, the first or last entry is a likely place for errors to show up. Zenith was in the lucky last position.

Originally posted by WinterMute
I still say my dog is better looking than I am... I'll post an up to date pic on the thread, although there are several in the Geekfest UK thread.
I can only imagine the fun that would result if I changed my criteria to "good-looking photos only"! :p

I decided not to try covering the other photo threads too, but if you tell me a specific post with your photo attached, I can point to it in that other thread.


macrumors P6
Oct 20, 2002
Good work Doctor Q, thank you! I also was amazed at the number of members that posted, good work all. ;)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2002
The Netherlands
WOW! Good Work Doctor Q! Its really amazing the amount of photos that were posted. We all lost our shyness on that thread. :) One more time, excelent work!

A little bit OT, but with such a strong and friendly community we have here, I still think that we should do a iRecipie book! Now that would be awsome!


Administrator emeritus
Jun 28, 2002
North Central Colorado
couple things - first the recipe book would have to be recipes would have to include apples of some type, which would make it more of a dessert book than just recipes ;)

And as for the photos I've noticed that DoctorQ took the time to compile the list, but didn't happen to post his own pic in the process. Hmmmm... :)

(I'll put my own up, gimme a minute...)


macrumors 6502a
Sep 3, 2002
Ladera Ranch, CA

I want to also extend my thanks to Doctor Q (as well as Shadowfax and Powerbook G5) for doing this. It's people like you guys that make MacRumors a better place.

Thanks guys.


macrumors 603
Sep 6, 2002
Houston, TX
aww, i feel warm and fuzzy, even though Dr. Q did all the work. that's how it should be ;) :)

Dr Q, i have to agree you are one of the coolest members on the forum. kudos again, man!
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