My real question that I really want to know:
2560 by 1440 screen resolution (on a 27-inch?) -- doesn't this make everything on the screen tiny and packed in?
The 30" Cinema display had a 2560x1600 resolution and everything was small but OK. I imagine on a smaller screen that things would be packed in and quite tiny (text, screen elements, etc)
I use a 23" Cinema display at home and the resolution is 1920x1200. I think everything is just right at this resolution on this size monitor. Same goes for the 24" iMac and ACD. One of my holdups about the 17" MacBook Pro was the screen resolution, it's so high that everything seems too tiny on the screen to operate. I am talking about 1920x1200. It just seems too high a resolution for that small screen. I am hoping that the 27" iMac doesn't have this problem.
All depends on how far away you are. Pixel density looks about the same as my 15" MBP.
EDIT: Just worked out the densities.
Pixel Density is about equal to the 15.4" MBP but a little higher than the 23" cinema display.
Mind posting your calculations here? I'm sure we could all do them, but it might help people for comparison's sake.
So the test is simple, at least for those of us with 15" MBP's.We just need to sit as far back from our MBP as we would from an iMac on our desk, and see how it feels!
Good work.
So basically it (the 27" iMac) is alot more packed in than a 23" Cinema Display or a 24" iMac, it'll basically look like you're looking at a 15.4" MacBook Pro display (I have one of these), but you will be looking at it from a distance so you will still have to squint to read everything. This is what I thought.