Hey there everybody. I wasn't planning on talking about this for about another week, but ltldrummerboy sent me an email, and I figured I'd just respond here publicly, so that everyone knows what's going on.
I'm basically the only person working on FilmRedux. I had come across the project, fixed a bug or two, and then posted on the SourceForge page, asking if anyone was currently working on the project. dfunkt (the person who arranged for the code to be open sourced) said that he had planned to work on the code, but couldn't, due to a busy schedule. He gave me admin rights to the project, and wished me well.
After talking it over with a few of my friends, we're going to continue to actively develop FilmRedux and iSquint. A three man team will be getting together once a week to continue development. We're planning on doing a complete overhaul of the code. It's currently written in Applescript, and we are going to port it to Cocoa/Objective C. Most of the heavy lifting is being done by ffmpeg in the first place, so I think it'll be relatively trivial. My plan is to support the AppleScript version while we develop the Cocoa version, that way you all can have the software as quickly as possible.
Now, there are a few roadblocks currently in the way. Here's my plan of attack.
- I don't have a Mac to develop on at the moment. I'm working on it. My other two team members do. It's currently a cost issue. I've used Macs since the Plus days, but due to cost concerns at the moment I only have a Linux box. I'm hopefully going to rectify this situation soon. We'll see. Even if I can't get a hold of one, the other two guys will be doing development, but as the head of the project, I'm trying to acquire one as quickly as possible. College life sucks.
- Within a week or two, I want to have a binary package up of what currently exists. This will be an alpha build. It's not going to work perfectly. But it'll enable step 3.
- Fix bugs! I'll need you and everyone else to test out the software, and let me know what doesn't work. I'll gladly fix whatever bugs I can, but I can only do it if you tell me. So, when this comes up, please, if it doesn't work, send me a message. I'd love to take care of it.
- Port to cocoa, and transition to that version. This will be the beta release. I'm (optimistically) expecting to have this done within a month or two, at most.
- Continue making FilmRedux do whatever it is that you (and everyone else) feels that it needs to do.
Now, you may ask, what can I do
right now to get my fix? Well, here's what I had to do to get FilmRedux working on a fresh install of Leopard:
- Have Growl installed. www.growl.info
- Have libfaac installed. http://downloads.sourceforge.net/faac/faac-1.26.tar.gz
- Then, it works.
Theoretically. Send me a message if you want help getting this going. Or just wait a week or two.
By the way, the new site for the code is going to be my GitHub,
I should have an actual site up soon. Keep watching this space for updates.
So that's the state of the union, folks. Send me any questions, concerns, well wishes, hate mail...I'll be around.