I am using a BCM94360CD on Big Sur. No bluetooth. I tried all these BCM fixes, but the documentation on how to incorporate that into the config are sparse. On the GitHub page it says something about including the AirPortBrcm4360_Injector.kext from the new PlugIns folder, but the next line it reads to remove or block that kext. I am thoroughly confused and nothing works. I mean Wi-Fi does. Also everyone and their USB dongles and PCIe cards confuse me further. I installed this like the regular AirPort cards do.
Using Martin's Package.
I have changed the config in all types of variations to no avail.
I removed the Mojave related IOH injections. In case that's only meant for older cards than this one.
Up til now I had my original BT and AirPort card working. It must have slowed down the system greatly though. I could feel the difference right after the removal.