I think we talked to the same person in international services. I was just told that because of the political unrest in Thailand, they had to transfer everything from Hong Kong to Taiwan. Whaaa?? Really? I could see there being a backlog of flights because of equipment position, but no reason to move from HK to Taiwan! Anyway, they also told me that their system wasn't showing a lot of info, and that I should call 1-800-GO-FEDEX for more detailed info. I did that, and was told that Apple's consolidated shipment that our stuff is in did leave HK today and is en-route to Anchorage and should be delivered Monday or Tues. I'm pissed I won't have it today, but am happy it's apparently on the move.
I think we are all in the same boat exactly...
I first talked to a lady that told me that the package had gone to Taiwan and the conversation went like this:
FX: Your package is currently in japan but it look slike taiwan had it there originally
Me: That doesnt make any sense
FX: yeah, there are political issues in taiwan and your package stopped there
Me: you guys told me yesterday that my package was in japan is that correct?
FX: yes
Me: what about the day before yesterday?
FX: it was also in japan then
Me: what about right now?
FX: it is currently in japan
Me: Do you know that japan is around 4 hours flight south east from japan?
FX: no i didnt
Me: So if there were political issues in houston,tx you would not use that as an excuse to delay packages that are going from san francisco, ca to canada... IOW taiwan has nothing to do with this
FX: maybe not, but I can tell you that your package is in japan along with a bunch of others
Then I got to frustrated so I said thnx and hung upo
5 minutes after that I called another lady and she said that the packages left japan yesterday morning (10:32AM japan time i.e. last night) en route to anchorage... I will check that again in a few hours because if that were true then it should be in alaska pretty soon
Keep me posted of your guys' situation