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Just a crazy thought here and forgive me if I say something stupid, but has anyone thought of replacing the El Cap boot.efi with the Yosemite boot.efi? Before anyone jumps the gun, I'll try it myself. Even so though, it shouldn't be too crazy different. Maybe we're taking the wrong approach. Maybe the simple route is the correct one. Regardless, this is the last time I work on the unsupported Mac. I'm perfectly fine having MCPF Mavericks on my 4,1 and frankly, I'm buying a supported Mac anyway. Heads up, 2010 MacBooks (Which will have mainstream support for at least 2 more OS's, LTS of 4 ish years after that,) are about $170 on eBay right now. And before you ask, "What have you done for unsupported Mac's anyway?" A, I'm the guy who got the Yosemite Public Beta (And 10.10.0) running through SFOTT on a 4,1 and B, I'm the guy who has 2 guides on YouTube helping people get their Mac's up and running again. I painfully answer about 50 questions a week all regarding the same things because someone skipped about 45 seconds of the video thinking they had it all figured out.

I'm ranting. I'm sorry. It's 2 AM where I live. I'm debating on whether to get a few hours sleep, or chug some coffee and start working now.........
I have hit a roadblock with copying boot.efi to usr/standalone/i386. Here is the background. I downloaded the installer for El Capitan and copied it to my Desktop on my late 2012 Mac Mini running El Capitan 10.11.1. I launched the El Capitan installer and installed it to the primary hard disk for my Mac Pro attached to my Mac Mini via Firewire 800. After the El Capitan was installed on this drive I went to Startup Disk and chose my late 2012 Mac Mini's hard drive. When I launch the Finder from my Mac Mini the folder usr as greyed out. So I went to the Terminal on my Mac Mini and navigated to my Desktop folder on the Mac Pro hard drive. I then tried a number of copy commands including sudo cp -r boot.efi /usr/standalone/i386/. I keep getting the message: Operation not permitted.
Forgive me for answering my own question but I kind of stumbled on the answer by accident. I decided to click on the greyed out usr directory in the Finder. What happened is that it opened up and the standalone and i386 directories were NOT greyed out. So I clicked through to the i386 directory and just copied the boot.efi from my Desktop into this directory and voila it copied without issue. I also locked the boot.efi file. Next I will replace the same in my Mac Pro and see if it boots without issue.
I can now safely say that a MacBook 5,2 logic board (still supported) will fit in a 4,1 housing with 100% compatibility. Forget paying the $60 for a USB card, pay $60 for a logic board and have supported everything. It's what I wound up doing. I think that's the best way to make an unsupported Mac supported. If you guys want, I can write a guide. Note that it takes 100% dismantling of your MacBook so it's not for the faint of heart. I've already taken mine apart before to get the superdrive out. (It was jamming. Replaced it with a new one.)
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Hello pals,

Well, I've been using Yosemite on my MacBook 4,1 without major problems so far... I want to try OS X Captain since its release; given it wasn't possible because of the impossibility to load the installer from a USB (I got the forbidden sign when trying to load it), I decided to perform a Yosemite clean install... so, in order to have the latest version with the latest updates I decided to try AutoDMG (

It worked like magic, you just have to grab the OS X installer (Install Yosemite OS or InstallESD.dmg) and it builds an untouched installation with the latest updates from AppStore for the given installer... in the end you have a DMG file (something like osx_updated_151022-10.10.5-14F27.hfs.dmg), when mounting this DMG you get the classic "Macintosh HD" and "Recovery HD" drives... all you have to do next is restore this DMG into a clean HDD and voilà... you get the latest Yosemite with all updates in a new drive.

In order to make it run from my old MacBook 4,1 I just had to edit /System/Library/CoreServices/PlatformSupport.plist to include my machine on this profile... and I had a perfectly clean Yosemite 10.10.5 installation on my drive, afterwards I went on installing the OS X Hackers package in order to get kexts running properly and so on.

All this just got me wondering if it was possible to do exactly the same with El Capitan, so I went on trying this with its installer. Nonetheless, AutoDMG has a limitation... it states "The major version of the installer and the current OS must match"... since I don't have a machine capable of booting El Captain I cannot try it myself, but I'm sure somebody in the forum can take a look at this...

I feel like this way we could get El Capitan in our oldies in a relatively easy way, without having to depend on the support of USB backwards compatibility and so on... Since restoring a DMG file isn't a major issue for anyone.

Another idea I have... if someone among the developers of the OS X Hackers Team could check the source code of AutoDMG and modify it in order to able it to create those pre-installed DMG files on any OS X version (let's say El Capitan from Yosemite, or any other older OS X) we would really improve the installation of any unsupported version OS X on virtually any machine, without having to deal with the specific complications of every hardware piece.

Could you please check and advise... best regards,

OS X Extractor 1.31 will include the following (Updating. . .):
  • New OS X Hackers App in predevelopment mode
  • Updated License to include the non-commercial Creative Commons in some of our own scripts
  • New USBInjectAll* for added ports
  • Unrootless kexts (needs to be signed) for Developers*
  • Small adjustments to GMA X3100 kexts
  • New Daemon check to see if Graphics Kexts are installed correctly.
  • Resolves an issue that causes some Macs to not finish installation due to certain Network Configurations.
  • Address issue with the Software Update Patch causing prolong White Screen.
  • Removes Support Applications in favor to future Support App.
  • Updated USB/Bluetooth Kexts for El Capitan
OS X Patcher 1.0 is back. Beta 3 will include the following:
  • New backend structure to create the installer pkg in tmp Folder.
  • Edits InstallESD to include the Graphics Kexts and Software Update Patch installation.
  • Can now be installed on main partition.

*My Apple Developer membership expired. Also Apple would not give me a certificate for the Unrootless kext anyway. Apart from editing the Bootloader, an exploit was found by a developer, only he is not spilling the details.
I have not made contact with MLforAll on his status of bug fixes to MacPostFactor or his own progress with the USB issue.

The EFI32 Boot.efi continue to not be available in respect of Pike R. Alpha.
Our Beta boot.efi for EFI32 Macs (Rootless disabled by default) might not be in this build due to a Visual Studio Compling Error.

A Delta Update for OSXE1.2 or later will include the new OS X Hackers App
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MacPostFactor 2.0 with El Capitan support is near completion. No ETA is available right now.
Modded Boot.efi for both 64 and 32 bit EFI have been compiled and are being tested privately to make sure SIP is by default disabled (All credits go to PikerAlpha). Our Rootless Disabler kext will work to keep it off in future updates.
New Kernel Extensions for Intel Chipsets will be available in OSXE1.31. I apologize for delaying this version. I understand people are still have issue installing OS X Extractor due to Network Configurations. MLforAll is working on a script to patch them since he experienced kextcache errors.
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MacPostFactor 2.0 with El Capitan support is near completion. No ETA is available right now.
Modded Boot.efi for both 64 and 32 bit EFI have been compiled and are being tested privately. (All credits go to PikerAlpha)
New Kernel Extensions for Intel Chipsets will be available in OSXE1.31. I apologize for delaying this version. I understand people are still have issue installing OS X Extractor due to Network Configurations. MLforAll is working on a script to patch them since he experienced kextcache errors.


That is truly good news!. :D
I did several installations of Mavericks (since Yosemite was always grayed out in the installation window for reasons I don't know) in my MB 4.1, using MCPF 1.0.1
However none of them entirely satisfied me.
After your great announcement I will now keep my original Lion as it is and wait for the new MCPF 2.0.
I hope you release it soon :)

Thank you and thanks to the developing team and Pike R Alpha for your wonderful effort! :p
You are not taking a realistic view of things.
I have offered to work WITH someone, but so far all I have gotten is a bunch of empty nonsense. Either someone helps me figure it out, or it sits and nothing happens. USB DOESN'T WORK. I'm not going to do it by myself. Twice in this thread I have offered ways to get El Capitan running on these other Macs, twice I was right. Still nobody is helping. Not worth my time if everyone is going to sit and wait for it to be spoon fed to them in a download.

I feel you on this. Honestly, I can't believe that anyone has been able to do any of this work, and I'm amazed—hacking a closed operating system is wizard-level stuff. Thank you for everything that you do. I regret that I cannot help with USB, but I also won't complain about it.
Seriously? Please don't insult people who are helping. The rest of us need them.
There was no clear signs of insulting from reading that previous post. If there was, we would have already reported it to a MacRumors Moderator. I monitor all replies to make sure that nobody is violating Forum Rules. I also write my posts in a different style than how I usually am in other sections of these forums to help a little in avoiding confrontation or miscommunication. If anyone is closer to violating these rules, it's David himself.
He was only implying that @MacVidCards has become increasingly disturbed in this thread. As he stated several times in this thread:
I personally will not put more then 30 minutes of effort into USB fix, and I doubt that Pike and/or his team will, but I can't speak for them.
I am looking into this issue. It's kinda hard to do this when I am at college away from an unsupported mac. I have to get selected people for each model to collaborate and test the work.
We have compiled both 64 and 32 bit EFI (new versions) from the modded boot.efi continued by PikerAlpha which removes SIP related issues, as of now in private testing our success rate is stagnated.
Concerning the kexts for USB and BT issue and Rootless Disabler to keep it turned off, the MlForAll is fixing a script that is responsible for patching the kexts since it right now causes kextcache errors. The new kexts will be available in OSXE1.31 tomorrow.
Update: I think he might figured it out. so a separate attachment with just the script will come later on when I get in contact with him and run tests.

I apologize if I'm not giving away all information like the other group in the Mac Pro thread does, but I can assure you that I am not siting around waiting for miracles when it's my own mother that wants to keep her $1000+ laptop alive to enjoy as well. You guys can speak badly about me, my team, or other members in this thread all you want, but I am going to continue my progress regardless.

[11/14/15, 5:44:50 PM] MLforAll: MacPostFactor needs to do this, so it has to download the kernel each time you install OS X with it
[11/14/15, 5:45:40 PM] MLforAll: I’ve also just fixed an issue in one of my scripts preventing the patched kexts for EC to be copied to the recovery system dmg (= no usb or bt).
[11/14/15, 5:45:53 PM] MLforAll: Now fixed in my build :)
[11/14/15, 5:46:36 PM] MLforAll: My iMac is currently installing EC using MacPostFactor, I’ll see if there is any issue with copying those kexts to the dest partition
[11/14/15, 5:48:19 PM] TMRJIJ: Cool. Keep me informed.

[11/14/15, 5:31:29 PM] MLforAll: So I have a determinate progress bar This installer also allows me to immediately start the installation. The user doesn’t have to do anything after putting his password in the MacPostFactor window. Just like the real OS X update system! :)
[11/14/15, 5:33:46 PM] MLforAll: Here’s what I still have to do :

- Add 1 or 2 features
- Make some changes in RTF files (changing credits…)
- 1 BIG interface change (boring…)
- test everything and fix remaining bugs (I already know some bugs I have to fix before the release, but I’ll fix them later as they aren’t crucial)
There was no clear signs of insulting from reading that previous post. If there was, we would have already reported it to a MacRumors Moderator. I monitor all replies to make sure that nobody is violating Forum Rules. I also write my posts in a different style than how I usually am in other sections of these forums to help a little in avoiding confrontation or miscommunication. If anyone is closer to violating these rules, it's David himself.
He was only implying that @MacVidCards has become increasingly disturbed in this thread. As he stated several times in this thread:

Woah, this is getting a little too real. Let's all be friends. Our common enemy is an operating system.
Congrats on getting this far. I may buy another 2008 MacBook to test this on. I swapped logic boards to a mid 2009 board in my 4,1. I'll wait until its finished but yeah. Way to go guys!
There was no clear signs of insulting from reading that previous post. If there was, we would have already reported it to a MacRumors Moderator. I monitor all replies to make sure that nobody is violating Forum Rules. I also write my posts in a different style than how I usually am in other sections of these forums to help a little in avoiding confrontation or miscommunication. If anyone is closer to violating these rules, it's David himself.
He was only implying that @MacVidCards has become increasingly disturbed in this thread. As he stated several times in this thread:

I am looking into this issue. It's kinda hard to do this when I am at college away from an unsupported mac. I have to get selected people for each model to collaborate and test the work.
We have compiled both 64 and 32 bit EFI (new versions) from the modded boot.efi continued by PikerAlpha which removes SIP related issues, as of now in private testing our success rate is stagnated.
Concerning the kexts for USB and BT issue and Rootless Disabler to keep it turned off, the MlForAll is fixing a script that is responsible for patching the kexts since it right now causes kextcache errors. The new kexts will be available in OSXE1.31 tomorrow.
Update: I think he might figured it out. so a separate attachment with just the script will come later on when I get in contact with him and run tests.

I apologize if I'm not giving away all information like the other group in the Mac Pro thread does, but I can assure you that I am not siting around waiting for miracles when it's my own mother that wants to keep her $1000+ laptop alive to enjoy as well. You guys can speak badly about me, my team, or other members in this thread all you want, but I am going to continue my progress regardless.
In another forum I offfered you my MB 4.1 with Lion as a guinea pig for the MCPF 2.0 which is, according to your info, in a testing phase.
Would very much appreciate if that offer is accepted. :)
In another forum I offfered you my MB 4.1 with Lion as a guinea pig for the MCPF 2.0 which is, according to your info, in a testing phase.
Would very much appreciate if that offer is accepted. :)
MLforAll controls the MacPostFactor Beta Testing so you would have to contact him.
I already have a MB 4,1 tester looking into the USB kexts but I do need someone to help me with the Graphics Kexts. I made some adjustments to GMA X3100 Extensions to increase performance will need someone to test this in several use instances.
Please PM me for more info.
MLforAll controls the MacPostFactor Beta Testing so you would have to contact him.
I already have a MB 4,1 tester looking into the USB kexts but I do need someone to help me with the Graphics Kexts. I made some adjustments to GMA X3100 Extensions to increase performance will need someone to test this in several use instances.
Please PM me for more info.
Will be very glad if I can help in any way. :)
(Mail address to reach me:)
my User Name in this forum
gmx dot net.
Hope the help you need does not require more knowledge as the modest one I have. :rolleyes:
P.S. I have not yet learned how to send a PM :(
OS X Extractor v1.31

A OSXE update is recommended to assist you in installing OS X El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, and Mountain on your old Mac. Also, by updating the system software of your Mac, you can enjoy various additional features and enhanced security. Always use to the latest version.

Never download this from any other provider. All links must be from these forums or directly from our server. This is to ensure that nothing was tampered with and that you have the most reliable and tested scripts.

This update includes:

  • New OS X Hackers App in predevelopment mode
  • Updated License to include the non-commercial Creative Commons in some of our own scripts
  • New USBInjectAll* for added ports
  • Unrootless kexts (needs to be signed) for Developers*
  • Small adjustments to GMA X3100 kexts
  • Resolves an issue that causes some Macs to not finish installation due to certain Network Configurations.
  • Address issue with the Software Update Patch causing prolong White Screen.
  • Removes Support Applications in favor to future Support App.
  • Updated USB/Bluetooth Kexts for El Capitan

Developer Focus Area:
  • Graphical Kexts
  • Intel Chipset Kexts
  • Rootless Disabling Kext
  • EFI32 Based Macs
  • Stability of OS X Hackers app

Modded EFI32 bit and EFI64 bit are not available in this update and will be released as standalone download.


Tested Macs listed below. Here are the minimum requirements:
  • Running 10.7 Lion
  • At least 2GB of RAM.
  • A copy of Yosemite or Mavericks in Applications Folder (.app file preferred)
  • 15 GB of free space from USB or HDD Partition.

  • MacBook2,x (Not Tested)
  • MacBook3,x (Testing Kext Cache)
  • MacBook4,x (Private Testing SIP disabled Bootloaders)
  • MacBookPro2,x (Not Tested)
  • MacBookAir1,1 (Not Tested)
  • MacMini1,x (C2D upgraded)
  • MacMini2,x
  • iMac4,x (C2D can be upgraded)
  • iMac5,x (Testing Stability of OS)

We DON'T assist with Hackintosh. All private messages/emails involving installing OS X on non-Apple hardware will be redirected to another support team.

How to Use It:

1. Download OS X Extractor
2. Install it. Choose a version of OS X to get the correct patches.
3. Open OS X Hackers in your Applications and view to corresponding guide the OS you choose.

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Hey, so what is up with all the link spam on the OSX Hackers website, and Facebook page? That's really sketchy, and makes all of this look like I might be installing a virus on my computer.
Hey, so what is up with all the link spam on the OSX Hackers website, and Facebook page? That's really sketchy, and makes all of this look like I might be installing a virus on my computer.
It pays for the servers and software needed to build stuff. It's a random 5 second advertisement short link that comes before the initial web installer download page. Believe me, I hate them too so I ended up getting an Adblock and telling others on the site to do the same. If we don't do it or get donations that will pay it, we'll be push back to 'shared' hosting servers where the amount of traffic we have daily will cause CPU usage overloads. I am looking for other ways to pay this bill. I'm sorry about that.

I made sure that the download link remains the same and previous web Installers are able to be used to install new versions so people don't have to go through that page again.
I know MLforAll has to have that same redirection inside MacPostFactor too :(.

All downloads are coming directly from here:
The downloaded file via the link in Post #1 is only 2.9 MB large and contains only the 'NoSleepPkg.pkg' (0.98 MB), a Background picture (1.8 MB) plus several small Resources files. It seems something went wrong ....
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The downloaded file via the link in Post #1 is only 2.9 MB large and contains only the 'NoSleepPkg.pkg' (0.98 MB), a Background picture (1.8 MB) plus several small Resources files. It seems something went wrong ....
:confused: The file is web based should be around 3.7 MB. The file should download the rest of the packages via the servers during installation or using Pacifist. You are not seeing the other packages in Pacifist?

Screen Shot 2015-11-19 at 4.51.47 PM.png

I'm also getting a couple reports of the installer hanging. One user force restart and resulting in their Macs not booting; stuck on apple logo and then restart repeatedly.
I might have to pull this update down and check this out.
Isiah, lots of words there.

Quick question, does this enable El Capitan to run on unsupported Macs? Not really clear at all. Very confusing post and websites.

If you have USB kexts to test, as far as I know I am only one with El Cap running on one of these machines, I could test them for you. I just can't figure out where they are on the server you linked. Could have you an answer by end of weekend.
Isiah, lots of words there.

Quick question, does this enable El Capitan to run on unsupported Macs? Not really clear at all. Very confusing post and websites.

If you have USB kexts to test, as far as I know I am only one with El Cap running on one of these machines, I could test them for you. I just can't figure out where they are on the server you linked. Could have you an answer by end of weekend.
The USB beta kexts are in this package: Capitan.pkg
They may cause kext cache issues. I don't know why yet just that MLforAll is working on a script to fix that.

The Unrootless kext works testing on a already rootless disabled Mac. This will prevent it from turning back on for any reason.
I do have my builds of EFI32 bootloader with SIP set to 0 by default but I need to find a PC with Windows 7 or 8 to compile it and clean. Ironically, I been recoding everything within the bootloader only to realize that there was probably nothing wrong with it; just nasm compatibility issues with Windows 10 (a new reason for why I hate Microsoft :cool:). When I do, I will bring it here and compare with whatever MLforAll said he had for it.
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Isiah, lots of words as far as I know I am the only one with El Cap running on one of these machines
Whoever reads that kind of words can only wonder if living in Hollywood does change something in the way people over there see and consider themselves.
I was taught that a bit of modesty in life never harmed...on the contrary!
Maybe times have changed so much...
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