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The first post of this thread is a WikiPost and can be edited by anyone with the appropiate permissions. Your edits will be public.
Now I'm going to publish method 3 v3 (m3v3) in Post #1, I'll copy here the m3v2.

If you have an EFI64 unsupported Mac and you are using the default El Capitan EFI64 boot.efi you will need m3v2 to disable SIP to it. If you have an EFI32 Mac, I recommend you to use m3v3 in post #1.

Method 3 v2 - @skyfly555's method
Last Edit: 27th June 2017. Included the actions you need to avoid the firmware issue that prevents EC from booting.
Try this method on an external HDD.
The method has been updated to v2 and successfully tested on MB 2,x, MB3,x and MBP 2,x. It can work on eventually all the other EFI32/EFI64 unsupported Macs if you have the kexts you need.
Note: You can find the method 3 v1 in post #892 of this same thread.

Prerequisites: A computer with El Capitan installed and SIP disabled (or a computer with Yosemite and -no_compat_check kext-dev-mode=1 boot flags in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/, and an external HDD.

1- First of all, you need an external 2,5” HDD or SSD. It has to be GUID HFS+ formatted. If you format it from El Capitan, it formats the hard disk in this way by default. I will suppose its name is "Capitann". This will create a HFS+ partition and an EFI partition automatically.

2- Using the computer with El Capitan/Yosemite installed, clone the partition where you have El Capitan to your external HDD, the one you have formatted on step 1. The source computer can be a real Mac, or even a Hackintosh. You can use Carbon Copy Clone (CCC) or SuperDuper! I have used both of them and they worked well.
If you use El Capitan, you need SIP disabled. To do that, boot from your El Capitan Mac from Recovery Partition, go to utilities, open a terminal, and write csrutil disable and reboot. You need to do all the next steps from a El Capitan with SIP disabled. Yosemite doesn't need this, because it doesn't have SIP.

3- Boot.efi we need. There are two possibilities.
If you have an EFI64 unsupported Mac (like MB4,1, for example), thanks to @rypatkelgo, we know you can use the EFI64 boot.efi El Capitan has got by default. Go to step 6, skipping steps 3, 4 and 5.

If you have an EFI32 Mac, you need this boot.efi, designed to be able to disable SIP, created by @vsbalint70, modifying the code from Pike R Alpha original boot.efi.

Once downloaded, we need to change flags. From terminal (remember I'm supposing your Capitan partition is called "Capitann"):

cd /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/CoreServices/
sudo chflags nouchg boot.efi
cd /Volumes/Capitann/usr/standalone/i386/
sudo chflags nouchg boot.efi

4- From Finder, use the "Go" menu and select "Go to folder..."
Open /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/CoreServices/ and copy there the EFI32 boot.efi from where you have it (probably your Downloads folder).
Important: If you find here a file called firmware.scap, you must delete it and empty trash.
Open /Volumes/Capitann/usr/standalone/i386/ and do the same.
Important: If you find here a file called firmware.scap, too, you must delete it and empty trash.

We will assign the correct owner to them. From terminal:
cd /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/CoreServices/
sudo chown root:wheel boot.efi
cd /Volumes/Capitann/usr/standalone/i386/
sudo chown root:wheel boot.efi

5- We need kexts. We are using tones of kext from TRMJIJ - OS X Hackers. To make things easy, you have them all zipped here (all the kexts come from OS X Hackers). Download it, unzip the file, you will get some folders and one kext, copy the kexts you need (EC-Base-kexts are mandatory, LegacyUSBInjector.kext is optional and is used only if you have some known USB issues, copy the graphical kexts you need from its folder) into /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Extensions/.

Note 1: If you have cloned from a Hackintosh, check your kexts into /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Extensions/ and /Volumes/Capitann/Library/Extensions/. Maybe you have things you don't need. Some of them can give you problems, for example, AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext, ApplePS2Controller.kext, FakeSMC.kext, NullCPUPowerManagement.kext or some HDAEnablerx.kext or whatever, that is "very Hackintosh". If you have these kexts in these folders, remove them now.
Note 2: If you have an ATI graphics card, to get the 128 MB of RAM recognised, you have to go into /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Extensions/ and delete this file: AMDSupport.kext

6- Before doing step 7, you need to be sure you have an important folder, which is not always cloned.

Open in Finder /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Caches/ Do you have folder?
If not, open /System/Library/Caches/ in another window of the finder, and drag and drop from /System/Library/Caches/ to /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Caches/.

After that, open a terminal and:
cd /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Caches/
sudo chown -R root:wheel *.*
Note: If you don't have, in step 9 you can get a message like:
Can't create /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Caches/ - No such file or directory and El Capitan won't boot.

7- Now we will set boot flags and use them every time we boot. From terminal:
cd /Volumes/Capitann//Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/
sudo nano

You will see:
<key>Kernel Flags</key>

You want to have:
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>-no_compat_check kext-dev-mode=1 mbasd=1</string>

Or, if you want verbose mode, too, add -v flag:
<key>Kernel Flags</key>
<string>-no_compat_check kext-dev-mode=1 mbasd=1 -v</string>
Note: we need these flags, they are mandatory to have all the kexts loaded, excepting mbasd=1, that is only required by MBAirs.

To go out from nano editor, Ctrl+X and say "y".

8- Now we want to have our kexts permissions in good condition. From terminal:
cd /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Extensions/
sudo chown -R root:wheel *.*
sudo chmod -R 755 *.*

9- Now we are going to build the prelinked kernel and kernelcache:
sudo kextcache -prelinked-kernel /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Caches/ -K /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Kernels/kernel /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Extensions /Volumes/Capitann/Library/Extensions

The terminal should give you messages like these:
/Volumes/Capitann locked; waiting for the lock.
Lock acquired; proceeding.
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67054 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA12 for kext IOUSBHostFamily.kext
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67054 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA12 for kext AppleStorageDrivers.kext
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67050 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA16 for kext AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext
kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67061 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA0B for kext AppleIntelGMA950.kext
AppleDataSetManagement.kext - dependency for lacks valid OSBundleCompatibleVersion.
AppleDataSetManagement.kext is missing dependencies (including anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)
Created mkext archive /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Caches/
Note 1: AppleDataSetManagement.kext messages will be shown if you have an SSD and TRIM enabled.
Note 2: If you get messages saying permissions are not correct, or omitting... repeat steps 5, 6 and 8 until you get these messages saying "kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature..". Be sure you are doing all the steps (especially the terminal commands) correct, and in the correct order. If you have an ATI, and have deleted AMDSupport.kext, you will get some "omitting from prelinked..." messages, it's ok.
Note 3: If you get a message saying "Can't create...", do the step 6 again, it hasn't been done.

Note 4: if you are on a Hackintosh, you can get messages like:
SoftRAID.kext has incorrect permissions; omitting.
ACS6x.kext has incorrect permissions; omitting.
Some of these kexts are from Hackintosh and will not be needed. Other ones, like HandsOff.kext, can be from some app you have installed. Be sure you are not omitting something important, as the kexts the prior command has loaded (AppleHDA.kext or similar), and don't care for the rest.

10- Now we can change flags to boot.efi, and protect it again. From terminal:
cd /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/CoreServices/
sudo chflags uchg boot.efi
cd /Volumes/Capitann/usr/standalone/i386/
sudo chflags uchg boot.efi

11- Now El Capitan can boot but it has SIP enabled. Don't try to boot from it now. First, we need to have rEFInd installed, to disable SIP. If you boot from El Cap now, you will enable SIP and you will have troubles installing rEFInd.

USB Issue: The USB kexts we are using have one trouble. Left USB is not always recognised, unless you boot El Capi with some USB device connected on the left USB port. The right USB works better, you don't need to have something connected when booting to have it recognised.
Brightness adjustment: Shady app can help you. It's included in the OS X Hackers graphical kexts installers.

12- Now it's a good moment to clone your external HDD to your internal HDD of your unsupported Mac. If you do this after installing rEFInd into your external HDD/SDD, rEFInd will probably be deleted and you will have to install it again. Or you can leave El Cap into the external HDD. We are going to install rEFInd to the internal HDD/SDD of your unsupported Mac.
a) Download rEFInd using this link. I suppose it will be downloaded into your Downloads folder. Unzip it. You will get a folder named refind-bin-0.10.8.
b) Now we will prepare the media to install rEFInd.
Mount the EFI partition of your internal HDD (it's called disk0s1). We will name it "ESP".
From terminal:
mkdir /Volumes/ESP
sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk0s1 /Volumes/ESP
Go into /Volumes/ESP from Finder (maybe it will be called EFI on Finder sidebar). Go into the folder called EFI. Important: delete everything inside this EFI folder (/Volumes/ESP/efi/) and empty trash. You don't have to have an Apple folder: inside of it there's the infamous file called firmware.scap that prevents EC to be able to boot.

c) Now we will copy rEFInd. From the terminal:
cd ~/Downloads/refind-bin-0.10.8/
sudo mkdir -p /Volumes/ESP/efi/refind
sudo cp -r refind/* /Volumes/ESP/efi/refind/
d) Now we will create the default refind config file.
sudo mv /Volumes/ESP/efi/refind/refind.conf-sample /Volumes/ESP/efi/refind/refind.conf
f) Now we will enable the SIP disabling feature. Open the refind.conf file with nano editor.
cd /Volumes/ESP/efi/refind/
sudo nano refind.conf
Add these two lines to the file:
showtools shell,memtest,gdisk,csr_rotate,apple_recovery,windows_recovery,about,shutdown,reboot
csr_values 10,77
Go out from nano, saving the file.
Now, rEFInd will set SIP to disabled by default.
g) Now we will tell our computer to boot from rEFInd. From terminal,
If you have an EFI64 Mac:
sudo bless --mount /Volumes/ESP --setBoot --file /Volumes/ESP/efi/refind/refind_x64.efi --shortform
If you have an EFI32 Mac:
sudo bless --mount /Volumes/ESP --setBoot --file /Volumes/ESP/efi/refind/refind_ia32.efi --shortform
h) That's all. Reboot your computer and you should see the rEFInd boot manager.
NOTE: If you are having troubles installing rEFINd, I have written a workaround in post #901.

13- The final check.
One booted from El Cap on your unsupported Mac, open a terminal and type:
csrutil status
You should get this message: System Integrity Protection status: disabled.
And the last check, from the terminal, rebuild caches:
sudo kextcache -i /
You should see the same output you got when you did step 9.

14- Now boot your Mac, look at the rEFInd boot screen, and boot from your El Cap partition.

Important notes about updating-upgrading and cloning:
1- If you do a major upgrade, for example, from El Cap 10.11.5 to 10.11.6 or similar, you will get all the kexts we added to /System/Library/Extensions in step 5 deleted, boot.efi deleted, the firmware.scap file will reappear everywhere... So, I recommend you having a bootable backup on an external HDD before upgrading anything, and be sure it boots correctly; so, after the upgrade, you can boot from there and repeat the process, from steps 3 to 12.
Your three goals: reinstalling the correct boot.efi, reinstalling kexts with the correct kext cache and prelinked kernel rebuilding, and deleting firmware.scap from your system again.
So, and basically, you will repeat m3v2, but not with another machine, but with yours.
2- When you clone El Cap partition to your internal HDD, Carbon or SuperDuper delete the EFI partition of your internal HDD: you will need to reinstall rEFInd there before booting el Cap. If, after installing rEFInd EC doesn't boot, do steps 6 and 9 of the m3v2 from your external drive to your internal drive, because the folder is not usually cloned and you need it. Then, EC will boot from your internal HDD/SDD.
3- Very important! Remember, don't boot from the upgraded/cloned El Cap unless you have rEFInd installed and working to not to enable SIP (SIP doesn't let us to boot from rEFInd, because it disables the blessing we do in step 12g, so if you boot from an non-SIP-disabled EC you will activate SIP and it will be very difficult to boot from rEFInd. Your only option will be booting from a rEFInd external USB stick: the process is described in post #901).
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Hi. Does anyone have either:
(i.e. computers with X1300/X1600 GPU)

PM me! I need testers for a solution to FULL OPENGL SUPPORT on 10.8-10.11
You must already have the partial 10.7.5 kexts installed *including* ATIRadeonX1000*.bundle in /S/L/E

(yes, I know I've posted this in the other subforums)
Using method 1, I restart - while holding Alt [option] though select the 2nd partition, however it boots to the primary partition os?

I tried typing the Sudo command but it didn't work.

I typed
sudo bless --folder /Volumes/OS X Base System --file /Volumes/OS X Base System/boot --setBoot

the error I get is:

Can't determine mount point of '/Volumes/OS' and ''
Using method 1, I restart - while holding Alt [option] though select the 2nd partition, however it boots to the primary partition os?

I tried typing the Sudo command but it didn't work.

I typed
sudo bless --folder /Volumes/OS X Base System --file /Volumes/OS X Base System/boot --setBoot

the error I get is:

Can't determine mount point of '/Volumes/OS' and ''
I think in this very moment the only option you have is installing EC with method 3. Use m3v3 in post #1 if you have an EFI32 Mac; or m3v2 if you have an EFI64 Mac. All you need is to have a bootable backup of an EC system from another Mac.
I hope @TRMJIJ will fix MOSE and/or MacPostFactor very soon, but I'm not sure how much time @TRMJIJ will need to do that.
Hi. Does anyone have either:
(i.e. computers with X1300/X1600 GPU)

PM me! I need testers for a solution to FULL OPENGL SUPPORT on 10.8-10.11
You must already have the partial 10.7.5 kexts installed *including* ATIRadeonX1000*.bundle in /S/L/E

(yes, I know I've posted this in the other subforums)
I have PMed you, I'm very interested in testing it :)
I think in this very moment the only option you have is installing EC with method 3. Use m3v3 in post #1 if you have an EFI32 Mac; or m3v2 if you have an EFI64 Mac. All you need is to have a bootable backup of an EC system from another Mac.
I hope @TRMJIJ will fix MOSE and/or MacPostFactor very soon, but I'm not sure how much time @TRMJIJ will need to do that.
I have PMed you, I'm very interested in testing it :)
I finally updated m3v2 to take care of firmware updates issue and the new kexts ZIP.
I hope this will be great for everyone.
Special thanks to @mattschwantes for helping me testing USB kexts in EC 10.11.6
I have checked the method with the last security update, 2017-002.
Afer changing boot.efi and reinstalling kexts again, EC works like a charm, maybe better than ever!
So, I feel I have finished my goal and I have finally created a perfect method to install EC on our old machines. The big challenge has been disabling SIP totally, because I hoped somebody would create a perfect EFI32 boot.efi. After 11 months from the creation of m3v1 and after the rEFInd finding I finally created it, thanks to @vsbalint70, who shared his project with me to let me to introduce the modifications we need to have a fully-disable-SIP-boot.efi

So, thank you, everybody, I will take some vacations now!
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Using method 1, I restart - while holding Alt [option] though select the 2nd partition, however it boots to the primary partition os?

I tried typing the Sudo command but it didn't work.

I typed
sudo bless --folder /Volumes/OS X Base System --file /Volumes/OS X Base System/boot --setBoot

the error I get is:

Can't determine mount point of '/Volumes/OS' and ''

"/Volumes/OS X Base System" and "/Volumes/OS X Base System/boot"

any path with spaces has to have "" around it

I'm a MacBook4,1(early 2008) user.

I've followed the #926 procedure and it's done with no errors to install the El Capitan.
Then, MB started up, but no keyboard and touch pad control(no response, couldn't input my password...).
What do you think could be possible reasons for this?


I'm a MacBook4,1(early 2008) user.

I've followed the #926 procedure and it's done with no errors to install the El Capitan.
Then, MB started up, but no keyboard and touch pad control(no response, couldn't input my password...).
What do you think could be possible reasons for this?

STEP 5: Be sure you have downloaded the zip file called
You have to unzip it and copy all the files inside of the folder "EC-Base-kexts" to /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Extensions.
STEP 8: Do it and when you have finished type in your terminal: ls -l
Be sure permissions are root:wheel and not something:staff or similar.
If they are not correct, you should "ignore ownership of the volume" in Finder, change permissions, and then untick the "ignore owner..." option in finder again.
STEP 9: Do it again. Be sure you see the "kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature" messages.

Tell me what happens, please.
STEP 5: Be sure you have downloaded the zip file called
You have to unzip it and copy all the files inside of the folder "EC-Base-kexts" to /Volumes/Capitann/System/Library/Extensions.
STEP 8: Do it and when you have finished type in your terminal: ls -l
Be sure permissions are root:wheel and not something:staff or similar.
If they are not correct, you should "ignore ownership of the volume" in Finder, change permissions, and then untick the "ignore owner..." option in finder again.
STEP 9: Do it again. Be sure you see the "kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature" messages.

Tell me what happens, please.

Thank you for your comments.
It has finally come up!

I had followe STEP 5 and STEP 8 above.
In my situation, I installed El Cap to MB4,1 as target disk mode. After STEP 8, I had changed additional kexts permission(chown, chmod) by root from my MBP, but it hadn't changed... Then I had checked their permissions from my target MB, those were "user:_unknown, group:_unknown". Then, I had changed them to root:wheel on the MB and done.

Now, sound control on system preference is not available(control bar is greyed out). Do you have any idea?
Also SIP has enabled again..., my MB has no recovery partition, how can I disable to SIP?

Sorry for my bad English.
So here's where I get confused:

b) Now we will prepare the media to install rEFInd.
Mount the EFI partition of your internal HDD (it's called disk0s1). We will name it "ESP".
From terminal:
mkdir /Volumes/ESP
sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk0s1 /Volumes/ESP

Go into /Volumes/ESP from Finder (maybe it will be called EFI on Finder sidebar). Go into the folder called EFI. Important: delete everything inside this EFI folder (/Volumes/ESP/efi/) and empty trash. You don't have to have an Apple folder: inside of it there's the infamous file called firmware.scap that prevents EC to be able to boot.

Now, it says to mount disk0s1. If I have "Capitann" connected externally and wish to install refind onto it, I'd want to use disk3s1 (as it's reported by my Mac Pro) instead of disk1, right? disk1 is my Mac Pro's drive, and I surely don't want to delete or modify that, correct?

I plan on installing the external drive into my Macbook once the mods are completed.

If I do mount the EFI of disk3s1, the EFI mount is empty.

My Macbook is a 3,1 with unsupported EFI64.

Stuck at this point...
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So here's where I get confused:

b) Now we will prepare the media to install rEFInd.
Mount the EFI partition of your internal HDD (it's called disk0s1). We will name it "ESP".
From terminal:
mkdir /Volumes/ESP
sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk0s1 /Volumes/ESP

Go into /Volumes/ESP from Finder (maybe it will be called EFI on Finder sidebar). Go into the folder called EFI. Important: delete everything inside this EFI folder (/Volumes/ESP/efi/) and empty trash. You don't have to have an Apple folder: inside of it there's the infamous file called firmware.scap that prevents EC to be able to boot.

Now, it says to mount disk0s1. If I have "Capitann" connected externally and wish to install refind onto it, I'd want to use disk3s1 (as it's reported by my Mac Pro) instead of disk1, right? disk1 is my Mac Pro's drive, and I surely don't want to delete or modify that, correct?

I plan on installing the external drive into my Macbook once the mods are completed.

If I do mount the EFI of disk3s1, the EFI mount is empty.

My Macbook is a 3,1 with unsupported EFI64.

Stuck at this point...

disk0s1 is just a example.
Type "diskutil list" in the terminal like below and you can check your target EFI partition#.

MBP:~ user1$ diskutil list

/dev/disk0 (external, physical):


0: GUID_partition_scheme *960.2 GB disk0

1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1

2: Apple_HFS SMPL1 959.9 GB disk0s2

/dev/disk1 (external, physical):


0: GUID_partition_scheme *960.2 GB disk1

1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk1s1

2: Apple_HFS SMPL0 959.9 GB disk1s2
disk0s1 is just a example.
Type "diskutil list" in the terminal like below and you can check your target EFI partition#.

MBP:~ user1$ diskutil list

/dev/disk0 (external, physical):


0: GUID_partition_scheme *960.2 GB disk0

1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1

2: Apple_HFS SMPL1 959.9 GB disk0s2

/dev/disk1 (external, physical):


0: GUID_partition_scheme *960.2 GB disk1

1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk1s1

2: Apple_HFS SMPL0 959.9 GB disk1s2

Thanks. I went back into an older post and did figure it out.

Unfortunately, it doesn't boot in my Macbook. Not sure what step I missed/messed up. Back to the drawing board...
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Thank you for your comments.
It has finally come up!

I had followe STEP 5 and STEP 8 above.
In my situation, I installed El Cap to MB4,1 as target disk mode. After STEP 8, I had changed additional kexts permission(chown, chmod) by root from my MBP, but it hadn't changed... Then I had checked their permissions from my target MB, those were "user:_unknown, group:_unknown". Then, I had changed them to root:wheel on the MB and done.

Now, sound control on system preference is not available(control bar is greyed out). Do you have any idea?
Also SIP has enabled again..., my MB has no recovery partition, how can I disable to SIP?

Sorry for my bad English.
Hi, check method 3 v2, the final steps describe how to install rEFInd, you need rEFInd to disable SIP.

I'm supposing you are using the default El Cap boot.efi, not the EFI32 I use in m3v3 in post #1.

Related to audio, if you downloaded my ZIP with kexts, go to the EC-GMAX3100-kexts folder and install them, you'll find an AppleHDA.kext that will give you audio.
Hi, check method 3 v2, the final steps describe how to install rEFInd, you need rEFInd to disable SIP.

I'm supposing you are using the default El Cap boot.efi, not the EFI32 I use in m3v3 in post #1.

Related to audio, if you downloaded my ZIP with kexts, go to the EC-GMAX3100-kexts folder and install them, you'll find an AppleHDA.kext that will give you audio.

I've done final steps #926 again, but SIP has stayed enable... so I'm trying to create recovery partition now to execute commands from terminal before El Cap bootup.

I've copied all of kext in EC-GMAX3100-kext folder to .../Extentions, but sound control is not available(greyed out)...

Hi, check method 3 v2, the final steps describe how to install rEFInd, you need rEFInd to disable SIP.

I'm supposing you are using the default El Cap boot.efi, not the EFI32 I use in m3v3 in post #1.

Related to audio, if you downloaded my ZIP with kexts, go to the EC-GMAX3100-kexts folder and install them, you'll find an AppleHDA.kext that will give you audio.

After execution of #938 first part, rEFInd has appeared. But the situation has not changed(SIP is still enabled).
There is strange thing that SIP configuration are enabled without Apple Anternal. What does that mean? Is this status OK?

MacBook-Pro:~ User1$ csrutil status

System Integrity Protection status: enabled (Custom Configuration).


Apple Internal: disabled

Kext Signing: enabled

Filesystem Protections: enabled

Debugging Restrictions: enabled

DTrace Restrictions: enabled

NVRAM Protections: enabled

This is an unsupported configuration, likely to break in the future and leave your machine in an unknown state.


Sorry to bother you again. After rEFInd is appeared, changed SIP policy from the rEFInd menu then it's disabled! I understood the rEFInd behavior.
Sound control is still not available...

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Thanks. I went back into an older post and did figure it out.

Unfortunately, it doesn't boot in my Macbook. Not sure what step I missed/messed up. Back to the drawing board...
1- Check efi partitions, specially the disk0s1, mounting them. If you find an apple folder, delete it, and be sure there's no firmware.scap on your computer.
2- if refind is not installed in disk0s1, to boot from it you need to press alt key when booting and to select efi drive you'll see.
3- if it doesn't boot, having done 1 and 2, try to create a refind USB stick and boot from it.
4- if refind appears but EC doesn't boot, repeat all the steps, something has been done wrong.


I've done final steps #926 again, but SIP has stayed enable... so I'm trying to create recovery partition now to execute commands from terminal before El Cap bootup.

I've copied all of kext in EC-GMAX3100-kext folder to .../Extentions, but sound control is not available(greyed out)...


After execution of #938 first part, rEFInd has appeared. But the situation has not changed(SIP is still enabled).
There is strange thing that SIP configuration are enabled without Apple Anternal. What does that mean? Is this status OK?

MacBook-Pro:~ User1$ csrutil status

System Integrity Protection status: enabled (Custom Configuration).


Apple Internal: disabled

Kext Signing: enabled

Filesystem Protections: enabled

Debugging Restrictions: enabled

DTrace Restrictions: enabled

NVRAM Protections: enabled

This is an unsupported configuration, likely to break in the future and leave your machine in an unknown state.


Sorry to bother you again. After rEFInd is appeared, changed SIP policy from the rEFInd menu then it's disabled! I understood the rEFInd behavior.
Sound control is still not available...


1- Are you sure you have copied the AppleHDA from the GMA X3100 kexts to /System/Library/Extensions?
Do that again, changing its permissions to root:wheel
Go to terminal, to that folder. Type: ls -l
Can you see AppleHDA with root:wheel?
2- Rebuild prelinked kernel and kextcaches, can you see AppleHDA.kext listed? Is it loaded (kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature...)? Or a message saying permissions are not correct or that it's being omitted?

3- It's like you have different flags, and not he 0x77 flags. Before booting rEFInd, check the info image, be sure it says 0x77 and SIP is disabled.
If you are having your issue booting rEFInd with 0x77 flag, try to do the next:
4- I don't have an EFI64 Mac (not MB3,1; neither an MB4,1), so I need you test this. Please, use this boot.efi, it's the EFI 32 from post #1 (instead of using your EFI64 boot.efi, but do a backup of it before changing to EFI32 boot.efi, don't lose your EFI64 boot.efi file!) and check if your computer boots with it, after repeating steps 3, 4, 9 and 10 from m3v2 (post #926). Step 9 is specially important, do it, too, and be sure you don't receive any error message when doing it.
Does your MB boot with this always-SIP-disabled-EFI32-boot.efi?
In theory, it should boot (Snow Leopard was 32 bits and it booted in MBs 3,1 and 4,1s).
Please, tell me your results.

Thank you,
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1- Check efi partitions, specially the disk0s1, mounting them. If you find an apple folder, delete it, and be sure there's no firmware.scap on your computer.
2- if refind is not installed in disk0s1, to boot from it you need to press alt key when booting and to select efi drive you'll see.
3- if it doesn't boot, having done 1 and 2, try to create a refind USB stick and boot from it.
4- if refind appears but EC doesn't boot, repeat all the steps, something has been done wrong.


1- Are you sure you have copied the AppleHDA from the GMA X3100 kexts to /System/Library/Extensions?
Do that again, changing its permissions to root:wheel
Go to terminal, to that folder. Type: ls -l
Can you see AppleHDA with root:wheel?
2- Rebuild prelinked kernel and kextcaches, can you see AppleHDA.kext listed? Is it loaded (kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature...)? Or a message saying permissions are not correct or that it's being omitted?

3- It's like you have different flags, and not he 0x77 flags. Before booting rEFInd, check the info image, be sure it says 0x77 and SIP is disabled.
If you are having your issue booting rEFInd with 0x77 flag, try to do the next:
4- I don't have an EFI64 Mac (not MB3,1; neither an MB4,1), so I need you test this. Please, use this boot.efi, it's the EFI 32 from post #1 (instead of using your EFI64 boot.efi, but do a backup of it before changing to EFI32 boot.efi, don't lose your EFI64 boot.efi file!) and check if your computer boots with it, after repeating steps 3, 4, 9 and 10 from m3v2 (post #926). Step 9 is specially important, do it, too, and be sure you don't receive any error message when doing it.
Does your MB boot with this always-SIP-disabled-EFI32-boot.efi?
In theory, it should boot (Snow Leopard was 32 bits and it booted in MBs 3,1 and 4,1s).
Please, tell me your results.

Thank you,


I've missed type to chown to AppleHDA.kext, it's needed to add "-R" option, because "_unknown" user and group permission has configured to under the all of AppleHDA.kext directories...
Now, the sound is worked!!

I've confirmed that "csr_value 10, 77" is added in the refind.conf and there is no issue to bootup my copied El Cap and SIP is disabled now because it' changed by rEFInd.


I've missed type to chown to AppleHDA.kext, it's needed to add "-R" option, because "_unknown" user and group permission has configured to under the all of AppleHDA.kext directories...
Now, the sound is worked!!

I've confirmed that "csr_value 10, 77" is added in the refind.conf and there is no issue to bootup my copied El Cap and SIP is disabled now because it' changed by rEFInd.



One last question: referring to SIP, you are using the default EC boot.efi? Or have you used the EFI32 boot.efi from the link I gave you? For me it's important to know this.

Thank you,

One last question: referring to SIP, you are using the default EC boot.efi? Or have you used the EFI32 boot.efi from the link I gave you? For me it's important to know this.

Thank you,

I used default boot.efi, so I had skipped to the step 3-5.

Anyway, do you know what is the OS standard(compliant) audio driver on the old macbook like a MB 3,1 and 4,1? My some audio devices are not online(recognized) on the El Cap, but there is no additional driver for it, because they are worked by OS compliant drivers.

I used default boot.efi, so I had skipped to the step 3-5.

Anyway, do you know what is the OS standard(compliant) audio driver on the old macbook like a MB 3,1 and 4,1? My some audio devices are not online(recognized) on the El Cap, but there is no additional driver for it, because they are worked by OS compliant drivers.

Hello, if I understand what you are saying, AppleHDA.kext is the audio driver.
I've created a USB for El Cap. for my A1208 iMac (Late 2006, Core 2 Duo, 2GB of RAM) using MPF on my macOS Sierra 2017 MBP, but it refuses to work; it'll load ~75% then give the screen (It removed the emoji; it's the O with a / through aka no-entry sign).

EDIT: I see this before the error screen shows in verbose mode (it messes with the font making it hard to read so I only got this much):
failed to addSubscription for group Chip subgroup Bytes Transferred driver 0xe741f33cda9eda23 - data underrun ControllerMonitor::configureSubscriptions() failed to add subscription IO80211Controller::start_controller is 0xe741f33cda9eda23, provider is 0xe741f3cdaa14323
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Hi @skyfly555 , it seems there are multiple locations with AppleHDA.kexts. one is in the base folder and one is in the GMA950 folder. Should both be copied? Any particular order to install them?

Hi, only TRMJIJ knows the answer. I have the sensation they all are the same AppleHDA kext, but I just install the kext that is in the same folder as the graphical kexts I need, and sound works (confirmed with my ATI X1600 MBP2,2 and with my GMA 950 MB2,1).
I've created a USB for El Cap. for my A1208 iMac (Late 2006, Core 2 Duo, 2GB of RAM) using MPF on my macOS Sierra 2017 MBP, but it refuses to work; it'll load ~75% then give the screen (It removed the emoji; it's the O with a / through aka no-entry sign).

EDIT: I see this before the error screen shows in verbose mode (it messes with the font making it hard to read so I only got this much):
failed to addSubscription for group Chip subgroup Bytes Transferred driver 0xe741f33cda9eda23 - data underrun ControllerMonitor::configureSubscriptions() failed to add subscription IO80211Controller::start_controller is 0xe741f33cda9eda23, provider is 0xe741f3cdaa14323
If you can have access to a bootable EC backup, you can try with method 3, although If I were you in the first place I would install Yosemite using MCPF: you may need kexts from there to install EC if you use method 3.
Hello, if I understand what you are saying, AppleHDA.kext is the audio driver.

Hmm... I replaced all of EC-GMAX3100-kexts extentions to my MB 4,1 and fixed their permissions, but my audio device(Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol Z2) is still not recognized yet. It maybe driver things... but I have no ideas.
Hmm... I replaced all of EC-GMAX3100-kexts extentions to my MB 4,1 and fixed their permissions, but my audio device(Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol Z2) is still not recognized yet. It maybe driver things... but I have no ideas.
I suppose your Traktor device needs some kexts. My Mackie Onyx Satellite is detected without kexts, but some devices need kexts, check the manufacturer webpage.
I am using MacPostFactor and get this infinite loop where it restarts and goes through the recovery disc creation thing.. Anyone else get that?
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