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happy to help;
other ideas

-can you sort out active phonenumber and email and address links in the notes section.

so if under :"Today" > "Fly To Paris" >(notes) email

i can simply press the email address and iphone mail opens up with this email (i.e. the mailto:.... thing) same thing with phone numbers, but maybe an option to call/text/add contact would be nice

** Can i get some other feedback on the caps lock thing? Do anyoneelse have the issue with a non working "double tap to keep caps lock on"**

more idea-

pasword protected lists

when i have a list such as this gym list"

1st - Arms
2nd - Back
3rd - Legs
4th - Abs

if this is a check list, and i check the first one, it jumps down to the completed section:

2nd - Back
3rd - Legs
4th - Abs
1st - Arms

but if i then check 1 again because maybe id pressed it by misteake it jumps to the bottom

2nd - Back
3rd - Legs
4th - Abs
1st - Arms

i have to the "edit" and move it back to the top.

please make the lists remember their position, and go back there.
-can you sort out active phonenumber and email and address links in the notes section.

so if under :"Today" > "Fly To Paris" >(notes) email

i can simply press the email address and iphone mail opens up with this email (i.e. the mailto:.... thing) same thing with phone numbers, but maybe an option to call/text/add contact would be nice

more idea-

pasword protected lists

Both of those ideas are things I've thought of before, and features I want to add... although the password protection will likely be for the entire app, not per list.

when i have a list such as this gym list"

1st - Arms
2nd - Back
3rd - Legs
4th - Abs

if this is a check list, and i check the first one, it jumps down to the completed section:

2nd - Back
3rd - Legs
4th - Abs
1st - Arms

but if i then check 1 again because maybe id pressed it by misteake it jumps to the bottom

2nd - Back
3rd - Legs
4th - Abs
1st - Arms

i have to the "edit" and move it back to the top.

please make the lists remember their position, and go back there.

While that sounds great in theory... it's more complicated than that.

Users don't typically check an item off and then uncheck it right away. When something gets done, they'll check it off - then they'll add more items, rearrange items, delete items, etc. If they unchecked that item and it went back to the same position, it would be confusing since many of the other items had moved/changed/been deleted.

It makes a lot more sense to have the item move to an expected location that doesn't seem so random since other items changed.

I'd be happy to discuss this further if you want, but would prefer to do it via private message so the thread isn't clogged up with to do list theory. ;)

Thanks again for your suggestions.
While that sounds great in theory... it's more complicated than that.

Users don't typically check an item off and then uncheck it right away. When something gets done, they'll check it off - then they'll add more items, rearrange items, delete items, etc. If they unchecked that item and it went back to the same position, it would be confusing since many of the other items had moved/changed/been deleted.

It makes a lot more sense to have the item move to an expected location that doesn't seem so random since other items changed.

I'd be happy to discuss this further if you want, but would prefer to do it via private message so the thread isn't clogged up with to do list theory. ;)

Thanks again for your suggestions.

Maybe away to go back to an item you unchecked and click "undo"?

I got it too.

My requested feature is I'd like to to be able to set the list item to be either a normal list item like it currently is, or another list, so I can have stackable lists of lists!

Hence I could have "Today" having some items as they currently are, but some being another list. For example in "Today" I could multiple items, one of which is the list "Report". Report could Consist of "write report", "get draft report vetted",and "email report to customer".

"get draft report vetted" and "email report to customer" could be normal list items as they currently are (with notes), but "write report" could be another list (but with a completed checkbox), with check points for all the things to go in it.

This way I can check off bits of something, and that something is part of another list. When they're all complete I can check off the "report" for example.

I think lists inside lists would transform the app into being super useful if they were stackable. Even "Shopping list" could be inside "Do Shopping" task.

Or "go shopping" could have a list of different shops to go to, and each of these have the things to buy in that shop (with optional notes about any specific items).

I got it too.

My requested feature is I'd like to to be able to set the list item to be either a normal list item like it currently is, or another list, so I can have stackable lists of lists!

Hi Piplodocus,

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it some thought... I can see how that feature would be useful.

I'm trying to keep Paperless as simple as possible so that anybody can use it. So, some of these "power user" features will only make it in if I can find a way to do it without adding too much complexity to the app's user interface. (and also not conflict with other features I have planned) I'll definitely consider the idea though.

Thanks again, and thanks for buying Paperless! :D
A free version, Paperless Lite is now available - so now you can try it out, then buy the full version if you like it.

To celebrate the new release, I've also lowered the price of Paperless for a limited time to $0.99 (US). Tell your friends, and help make Paperless an app store success!

Also, I'd love to see how other people are using the app - so if you've purchased Paperless and want to share, post screenshots of your lists to flickr with the tag "paperlessapp".

Thanks for your support. :)
First off, really great app. Nice and clean design, nothing too fussy etc and does exactly what it says on the tin...pretty much what I look for in an app.

Having said that, I have to admit I've just changed to using another app (won't name as I feel its a little unfair in a thread about your app) because it syncs with Evernote which I use a HUGE amount and so the integration makes life a bit easier.

Just wondering if you had any plans for something like evernote integration (using their 'todo' checkboxes)? If you did I would most definitely come back to using Paperless as it's design and use is more to my liking - but the Evernote integration is a big thing.

But keep up the great work and I will definitely be watching for app updates to see what else you have in store!
Just wondering if you had any plans for something like evernote integration

A backup/sync feature is going to come... I know everyone wants it, and I want that too. I'm not sure about Evernote specifically yet, but I'll look into it.

It's going to be a little while still though since I'm doing this part time in addition to a full time day job + family.

If 100,000 people buy the app at $0.99, then I might have a lot more free time to work on it. ;)

I have a lot of other stuff I want to add too.

Thanks for your purchase, and the feedback. :)
I downloaded the lite version and it is great. The interface is very apple-esque and it is very responsive. I would love integration with Google Tasks (if there is an API).
I downloaded the lite version and it is great. The interface is very apple-esque and it is very responsive. I would love integration with Google Tasks (if there is an API).

Thanks Cherry Su :D

Unfortunately, there isn't a Google Tasks API yet... but it's something people are begging for, so hopefully Google will make it happen. If they do, I'll definitely look into syncing with that.

To everyone reading this thread: If you like Paperless Lite or Paperless please consider leaving a star rating for them in iTunes (or a written review). Your support is very much appreciated. Thank you! :)
Or a Toodledo sync might work well, although for subtasks a person might need a pro account in Toodledo.
I am an avid check list user but still only use the default Notes because it just plain syncs with Outlook. I am so tired of Apps that have data and do not backup to already available desktop programs. The UI looks outstanding and is something I will use when I know that I wont ever have to type all of my data if I get a crash or need to restore.

Keep posting updates and let us know when it will work with either PC and/or Mac Calender programs.
I've posted an FAQ for commonly asked questions about Paperless - including info about future updates.


Also, there's an update for Paperless and Paperless Lite in the app store:

• new icon that better reflects what the app does

• added an "uncheck all" option to the list actions panel - if you do the same set of tasks each day, you can use this to reset your list

• checklists chosen to be included in the number badge count are now marked with a red "star" corner (or a grey star corner if you complete all of the items)

• better handling of low memory situations - this should resolve a problem where a blank screen would sometimes appear after creating a list on devices running low on memory

• other behind the scenes improvements to make Paperless more robust and reliable


And, here's what some people are saying about Paperless:


"Best app ever - The most incredibly useful app I've come across. Simple, effective and bloody marvelous!!!"

"This app is amazing! I have lists for homework, shopping, long term goals, you name it. I'm so organized now!"

"If you want simplicity with huge functionality, get this app!"

"... this is by far the most gorgeous To Do / List / Task app in the entire app store."

"... it's fast and it allows you much freedom to do whatever you want with any kind of list."

"... it works real great, and is easy to use. Definitely my new ToDo/List app."

"By far, the best 'to-do' app there is!"


"... paperless by @crushapps is absolutely indispensable." - @sarahbadr

"Just gotta say how much I LOVE the iPhone app 'Paperless'... I can create unlimited task lists. Cute icons to choose from." - @MarloBoux

"@crushapps Thanks so much for such a simple, yet gorgeous app. Paperless is in my top ten. I love it!!!"
Paperless has been hovering around the #3 - #6 spots in the UK for the "Productivity" category for the past few days. Not bad!

Come on U.S. people, you can do better than that! ;) :D For now, the price is still just $0.99

Here are the latest unedited reviews from the UK app store:

"Great app - If you need a flexible organizer, this is definately for you. This is far better than using post it notes, it allows you to prioritize jobs, update notes as & when required, edit them, move them about very easily, this is brilliant value for money."

"Excellent - For once an app that is a joy to use, simple yet very effective. Would be perfect if the colour scheme was changed, as I don't like the green. Apart from that I can't fault it."

"Best list app by far - Just bought this app and immediately understood how to use it. I have bought many to-do style apps which have been useless but this is awesome. Simple to use and lots of icons to make it look more attractive. I had grown tired of confusing and complicated apps but this one is easy! It has quickly become my favourite app :) thanks guys!"

"5 STARS - First I downloaded the free version and was annoyed after I started making a list and it only let me write 15 things. So I downloaded the full version, and is great, it's cheaper than a notepad and it does so much more than one! I loved the story example too. The interface is very simple and nice to look at unlike the other 'to do' apps. All it needs is dates or alarms for projects or essays. Perfect. :)"

"This has to be the best list app ever! - After feeling a little frustrated at the lack of check boxes in the iTouch/iPhone's notes (I was making do with a silly '/' after everything!) I decided it was high time to search for a proper list app. My first stop was at featured with 'Things' but the silly price tag and awful reviews shouted 'Steer Clear!'

I then tried to search for a free app, but they were all ridiculously limited (Even the lite version of this nearly put me off!) Most full version List apps were over £1 and most that weren't had nothing over 3 stars!

What attracted me to buy this one in the end was the simple, cheery feel to it. The personalized icons are adorable and put a cute twist on an otherwise intimidating schedule. I loved the pre-made sample lists (The Story one made me laugh) and the option to add further notes to each item is brilliant! (Perfect for essay writing and lists that need explanation!) I definitely recommend this app! It's a steal at 59p and in my opinion the best one on the Market! 5 Stars!!!"
I'm working on updating the 300+ icons in Paperless to support the high resolution display of the iPhone 4... just for comparison, here are a couple of examples showing the massive improvement in the level of detail.


Also, a new app icon is coming in the next update. The last one was a bit of a mistake, since it didn't properly represent the Paperless brand. I REALLY like this new one, and I think other people will too:

A new version of Paperless is available with support for iOS 4, along with high resolution graphics for the iPhone 4 retina display.

My iPhone 4 doesn't arrive until July 6-8, but I'm sure it looks great. :D

Click on a thumbnail to view the detailed high res images that will be displayed on an iPhone 4:

I had the chance to see Paperless on a friends iPhone 4 today, and it looked really great with the super sharp text and high res icons. The retina display is every bit as good as Steve and Co. claimed. :)

If you haven't yet, I hope you'll give Paperless a try... the free version is available here.
Usually double tapping shift button keeps capps-lock on but it wont work, i have to keep pressing it to keep writing in caps.

** Can i get some other feedback on the caps lock thing? Do anyoneelse have the issue with a non working "double tap to keep caps lock on"**

Responding to a couple of old posts here... I've discovered that with some (or all) iPod Touches and iPads the caps lock feature on the keyboard is not turned on by default.

To turn it on:

Open the Settings app
Navigate to General > Keyboard
Switch "Enable Caps Lock" to ON

After that, you'll be able to double-tap on the shift key to turn on caps lock. No idea why Apple has this on by default on iPhones, but not on other iOS devices.

(I also didn't know that double tapping the spacebar while typing will insert a "." followed by a space. Very useful!)
Any chance of adding some kind of generic Notepad feature ? I'd like to use this to replace the default note app as well, and sometimes I need to just copy down quick info to remember and I'd like to be able to do that within your app as well.

Bought the app mostly because of how supportive and active you are, atari - I love developers that are like that!

If there is any feature that I'd love it is iCal syncing as I know you're already considering. But with other ToDo apps, they sync and the ToDo's show up in the Mail's ToDo section - that's pointless to me since I want the ToDo's to actually show up IN the iCal app. Any chance that is possible?

I could've sworn I read that they opened up iCal more to developers in the iOS 4 update but I'm not sure.
I have been looking for an app to help me keep a list in order and ran across this thread. It looks like what I was looking for as being simple and smooth. I just downloaded and will start using. Thanks for all the comments posted by others and the developer.
Any chance of adding some kind of generic Notepad feature ? I'd like to use this to replace the default note app as well, and sometimes I need to just copy down quick info to remember and I'd like to be able to do that within your app as well.

The best answer I can offer for that right now is: maybe. A couple other people have suggested something similar, so I'm considering it. However, I have to balance that with other plans for future updates. If I added every feature that everybody wanted, Paperless would turn into a cluttered, confusing mess... and I'd like to keep it as simple and easy to use as possible.

I know that's a non-answer, but I do appreciate the suggestions as it helps me figure out what users of Paperless need. Big additions to the app will most likely come after I get other necessary features like landscape mode, passcode lock and a backup solution finished.

There's more info on the future of Paperless in this FAQ:

Bought the app mostly because of how supportive and active you are, atari - I love developers that are like that!

If there is any feature that I'd love it is iCal syncing as I know you're already considering. But with other ToDo apps, they sync and the ToDo's show up in the Mail's ToDo section - that's pointless to me since I want the ToDo's to actually show up IN the iCal app. Any chance that is possible?

I could've sworn I read that they opened up iCal more to developers in the iOS 4 update but I'm not sure.

Thanks, I really appreciate the support! I'm not ready to tackle syncing yet, and I'm still debating on whether or not to include dates with list items. (more on that in the aforementioned FAQ).

I have been looking for an app to help me keep a list in order and ran across this thread. It looks like what I was looking for as being simple and smooth. I just downloaded and will start using. Thanks for all the comments posted by others and the developer.

Thanks bpickens, I hope you find it useful. :)
What's the difference between the $2 version and the "lite" version?

The free version, Paperless Lite, is limited to 15 total list items. (so you can have 1 list with 15 items, or 3 lists with 5 items, etc. Note that to get the full 15, you need to delete the sample lists included with the app.)

The full version has no limits on the number of lists or list items that you can create.

Aside from that, both versions are exactly the same. So, you can use the lite version to try out the app for free and see if you like it.
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