Will do some more thorough testing with several VMware VMs (XP x64, Vista x64, Longhorn RC0 i386).
Tried lots of copying scenarios between two USB NTFS disks in MacOS and
various Windows VMs, mounted within the VM and via VMware shared folders.
Nothing went wrong in the copying/reading/deleting/mounting/dismounting
(except once, see below) that I can attribute to Paragon. It worked great.
The only problem I had happened once and I couldn't reproduce it. I had
my iMac energy settings set to power down idle disks. Once in MacOS when
it did that to a Paragon volume, I opened it to get it going again, but instead
of the real contents there were a couple of plist files and a NIB file (that's
all I remember). I couldn't unmount the volume in the Finder, and ended
up having to use "umount -f". That still didn't get rid of the Finder volume
icon, only dragging to the Trash did that (and it went in the Trash, it didn't
eject). Re-plugging the drive brought everything back, and like I said,
I couldn't reproduce it.
I'm very impressed with B2. I'll definitely buy the discounted release.