To me this feels like a false equivalency saying that mSecure's service will be more secure than iCloud. It really depends on the skill of the administrators, developers and the desire of management to invest in maintaining and improving the security.
This brings up why I don't use cloud based services for sensitive data. The safest place for my data is on my device. Not being stored some where I can't control. mSecure, 1Password and other dedicated sites are honey pots for committed criminals to break into. They represent challenges to them to be conquered. iCloud, to a lesser extent, is the same way but with an unknown payoff.
I'd be much happier to trust the billion dollar apple iCloud servers than the, haven't had to pay for an update for the app "mSecure cloud 5".
I dont want to leave mSecure as I've been with them from the beginning, I also have 1/2 OFF mSecure 5 but I'm not happy with the lack of iCloud integration.