I have a Zotac GTX285 Amp version , so i just install the injector by netkas and install the latest driver from evga reboot thats it?
planning to switch my stock GT120 to slot 2 and having the 285 on slot one.
PNY GTX 285 and Netkas Injector will not run. Only black screen after rebooting. And it stays black.... sniff..
edit that line to match your Mac, Install and enjoy.var system_models = ["1.0", "MacPro4,1"];
that worked.
drivers installed....need to figure out whick Netkas packages are latest.
now where's that UPS guy?
Yep, though you might also try reversing the slots if you have trouble. Let us know if this works so we can all see which cards are OK and which are problematic. Note that you will only see the startup screen on the 120 - the 285 should fire up later. I think there was one report of the 120 fighting one Zotac card earlier on Mac rumors.
I've got a bit of free time in the evenings EST, for anyone who would want me to remote into their Mac and see why the injector is not working.
What kind of times are you around? I'd love somebody to have a poke at my GTX 275 that gets as far as a blue screen and no further.
Does your Mac get booted up all the way, if it hangs or crashes, it won't be much use
Alright, I've got a 2600XT installed in Slot 3 now.
When the 2600XT alone is powered, I get signal. When I plug the GTX 275 in (running 2600XT and the 275) OS X will boot as far as the blue screen and then hang.
Tue Jun 16 14:45:53 2009
panic(cpu 6 caller 0x001AB0FE): Kernel trap at 0x6ea4f070, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0x000000c0, CR3: 0x011a8000, CR4: 0x00000660
EAX: 0x5edb34c0, EBX: 0x089b2804, ECX: 0x081b9000, EDX: 0x00000000
CR2: 0x000000c0, EBP: 0x5edb34f8, ESI: 0x00000000, EDI: 0xffffffff
EFL: 0x00010246, EIP: 0x6ea4f070, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x081b0010
Error code: 0x00000000
Backtrace (CPU 6), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x5edb3288 : 0x12b4c6 (0x45ec20 0x5edb32bc 0x13355c 0x0)
0x5edb32d8 : 0x1ab0fe (0x468ecc 0x6ea4f070 0xe 0x468678)
0x5edb33b8 : 0x1a1703 (0x5edb33d0 0x1 0x5edb34f8 0x6ea4f070)
0x5edb33c8 : 0x6ea4f070 (0xe 0x48 0x5edb0010 0x6ea80010)
0x5edb34f8 : 0x6ea57690 (0xc1d00001 0x2000000 0x2000003 0x40)
0x5edb3588 : 0x6ea47b2d (0x5edb3728 0x6 0x0 0x0)
0x5edb36f8 : 0x6ea4028f (0x0 0x600d600d 0x7027 0x5edb3728)
0x5edb37c8 : 0x6ec508e5 (0xc1d00001 0x2000000 0x2000003 0x40)
0x5edb37f8 : 0x6ec5c353 (0x47781000 0x2000000 0x88100090 0x3e)
0x5edb3888 : 0x6ec35ffb (0x47781000 0x2000000 0x15 0x4778101c)
0x5edb39a8 : 0x6ea3baeb (0x47781000 0x0 0x5edb3ab2 0x80)
0x5edb3a08 : 0x6ae69d (0x85e6c00 0x0 0x5edb3ab2 0x80)
0x5edb3b38 : 0x6aff44 (0x85e6c00 0x6b362c 0x5edb3bec 0x4)
0x5edb3c08 : 0x69ac18 (0x85e6c00 0x1 0x0 0x13)
0x5edb3c68 : 0x693be6 (0x85e6c00 0x5edb3d2c 0x81a14cc 0x85e6c00)
0x5edb3c98 : 0x415243 (0x85e6c00 0x81a14cc 0x81a14cc 0x0)
Backtrace continues...
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport(1.7.3)@0x6a8000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.6)@0x620000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(1.7.3)@0x68b000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.6)@0x620000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily(1.7.3)@0x68b000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.6)@0x620000
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer
is it paniclog from system with latest evga drivers installed ?
As I stare across a room littered with computer bits, I can't believe i'm doing it...but I have ordered an EVGA GTX 285 (PC version)
I will attempt to use Netkas injectors to acheive usage in my 2006 3.0 1st Gen. Has anyone reported success in a first gen? I tried running EVGA driver install and it said it wasn't for my machine !!! Hmphhh !!!
I have a 7800GTX 256 running a Quadro EFI ROM I could also try with, I think it uses similar EFI to the 7300GT as it is G70.