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That's great news :). I hope for those people that have recently purchased an iMac (whether 21.5 or 27in) could continue posting in this forum with whether their screen has any tinge issues or not, with their production hopefully eventually we'll be able to see where the pattern is and whether most iMac's currently being sold directly from Apple are problem-free :). Thanks for posting your update about your new iMac :).
Mine too! First iMac (27" i7) and yes It's lovely but I've also run the yellow test and it seems to not have the issue!

Mine is also week 16 (April)
Likewise on my Week 13 refurb I7, at least as far as I can tell after one week of use. For good measure no visitors to my home have seen anything wrong with it either, and one is a photographer.

But really if it's fine to YOU that's all that should matter. I kind of obsessed about the display issues for awhile, which delayed my purchase a bit. Then when I got it I spent way too much time running those tests (for myself and friends), staring at the screen and trying to find fault with it. As much as I love these forums I would not have done any of that if I hadn't been reading these forums and I would have been quite happy. Instead I'm still quite happy but I unnecessarily wasted alot of time. Don't post photos for complete strangers to pass judgment on. Just trust your own eyes. :D

Can you show us a picture of your perfect iMac?

I bet there are a lot of people in here who would like to see that.



  • Sprinters i7.jpg
    Sprinters i7.jpg
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I sure would like to see what a perfect iMac Screen looks like.

Man, don't you ever get tired of the spiel? Don't you own a 27" iMac? Why not go enjoy it (or sell it) and put the broken record away and move on with your life?

Absolutely perfect LCD screens (of any make) don't exist. Let's keep doing this dance until the cows come home, shall we?

As for good 27" iMac displays without gradients or yellow tinge there have been numerous pictures, for what they're worth, posted to these forums.

The OP of this thread has a tinge-free 27" iMac. I have one.
My mother bought a 21.5-inch iMac only a few days ago, and as far as I can tell it works perfectly too (so far, anyway :p)
Glad to hear :)

I'm looking forward to hearing more good news about the current line. While I will stick to a smaller sized iMac for vision reasons, I'm very glad to hear that the screen issues are finally being resolved. :)

Let's see the photos!!!! :)

Some nice photos of a defect-free machine WILL do WONDERS for people who want to purchase the iMac but have reservations. Indications that the yellow debacle has subsided will surely inspire confidence in potential buyers, allwoing them to commit to a purchase with confidence that they won't have to return/replace/repair 6+ units.

By withholding these photos, you do a great disservice to Apple, MR and MR members.

Isn't that what MR forums is for; the exchange of helpful infomation, especially when there have been numerous reports of flawed screens. All we want to know is whether this problem has truly been fixed. Posting user photos of good screens is essential if people are to have faith and confidnece in purchasing an iMac. Why is this not obvious to SaDaSushi?
Posting user photos of good screens is essential if people are to have faith and confidnece in purchasing an iMac. Why is this not obvious to SaDaSushi?

It's SaSaSushi, but you know this. I'm not going to call you Industrial Waste or something equally childish in return though, I.S., even though it would be good juvenile fun.

For the record, I posted pictures of my own i7 iMac's screen back in November. ;)

I've got no problems with anyone posting pictures of their iMacs.
Let's see the photos!!!! :)

Actually this screen seems to be quite good (judging from the attached, very small picture, with a visible reflection of the photographer).

On the other hand the very idea of congratulating ourselves after seeing a decent screen on the iMac in kind of ludicrous, don't you think?
Just imagine for a moment BMW owners bragging and congratulating themselves on the new car not leaking oil on the driveway (or only just a little tiny bit)! Wouldn't it sound totally moronic?

I bet BMW wouldn't be easy living with this kind of publicity either, yet Apple apparently is.

Tom B.
Let's see the photos!!!! :)

By withholding these photos, you do a great disservice to Apple, MR and MR members.

OK, this isn't too over the top.

If people want to post photos of their iMac that's their prerogative. Not doing so doesn't make them traitors to anyone. lol

Like you yourself just wrote, this is a free forum to exchange ideas and opinions. Obviously, no one is under any obligation, moral or otherwise, to post anything, nor is it a disservice to anyone not to post photos if they don't want to.
OK, this isn't too over the top.

If people want to post photos of their iMac that's their prerogative. Not doing so doesn't make them traitors to anyone. lol

Like you yourself just wrote, this is a free forum to exchange ideas and opinions. Obviously, no one is under any obligation, moral or otherwise, to post anything, nor is it a disservice to anyone not to post photos if they don't want to.

+1 in agreement with SaSaSushi.
It's SaSaSushi, but you know this. I'm not going to call you Industrial Waste or something equally childish in return though, I.S., even though it would be good juvenile fun.

For the record, I posted pictures of my own i7 iMac's screen back in November. ;)

I've got no problems with anyone posting pictures of their iMacs.

Oh sorry. It wasn't intentional. The the "S" and "D" are very close. Don't be so insecure! ;)
OK, this isn't too over the top.

If people want to post photos of their iMac that's their prerogative. Not doing so doesn't make them traitors to anyone. lol

Like you yourself just wrote, this is a free forum to exchange ideas and opinions. Obviously, no one is under any obligation, moral or otherwise, to post anything, nor is it a disservice to anyone not to post photos if they don't want to.

I disagree. There has been plenty of hoopla over the yellow screen issue. This is a very real problem which has prevented MANY from purchasing their iMac and casued them to question Apple and its product quality. I think those who have perfect screens should provide evidence so the rest of us waiting on the sidelines can FINALLY order the iMac. Some early reports are encouraging, especially from those who have had bad screens and now are receving more uniform ones. People aren't going to go on just words to comfort them, they want to see proof. This is the digital age. It takes mere seconds for someone with a modicum of basic computer skill to do so. If so many can post photos of their blemished screens for all to see, it would certainly warrant that those on the other end of the spectrum provide photos of theirs.

If one wants to post and consume knowledge they must also recipricate and contribute. To withhold because they're under no obligation is quite pretentious to suggest or dissuade others from posting. The only reason I can see some NOT wanting it posted is that they are in fear that the screen really isn't perfect. This of course makes no sense, as it defeats the purpose of the exercise.
Actually this screen seems to be quite good (judging from the attached, very small picture, with a visible reflection of the photographer).

On the other hand the very idea of congratulating ourselves after seeing a decent screen on the iMac in kind of ludicrous, don't you think?
Just imagine for a moment BMW owners bragging and congratulating themselves on the new car not leaking oil on the driveway (or only just a little tiny bit)! Wouldn't it sound totally moronic?

I bet BMW wouldn't be easy living with this kind of publicity either, yet Apple apparently is.

Tom B.

Sorry about the reflection, I have only just noticed that. The size is limited by this web site. You can not post anything bigger than 1.14mb in JPEG format.

My screen has zero yellow. I have run all the test and brightness settings.

I also agree with others that this is how it should be delivered.

I am very happy with my Imac.
Yes, it makes the situation even more ludicrous.

Tom B.

What situation, Tom? It appears to confirm that the very vocal folks returning iMacs are in the smallest minority. The sales figures have proven that the Late-2009 models are selling like hotcakes.

Personally, I find it ludicrous that there are those that would like to paint the new machines as some sort of giant Apple failure based on nothing other than their own negative experiences.

By the way, I was tickled pink to see in the news this morning that Gizmodo, an early champion of this cause might be the subject of a criminal investigation for their questionable journalistic techniques in the iPhone 4.0 photo leaks.
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