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I understand that you find it hurtful, but please let people ask for help if they're not sure about what they just spent their money on.

I don't remember the OP asking for help or asking any questions that suggested he was unsure about his purchase.
I don't remember the OP asking for help or asking any questions that suggested he was unsure about his purchase.

I wasn't referring to the OP.
If you read what I quoted you will see that.

Hint: If after this you feel you have to continue to stare and stare and ask your wife and kids and friends to look and tell you if they think there's a yellow tinge, guess what?? There isn't!
It's the same old story every time someone complains or asks a negative question regarding a mac:
Out of nowhere jumps a guy out in the middle of the road, feriociously defending Apple and suggesting that people be happy with what they got.

I'm not defending anything except that I know I can personally detect gradient issues and the yellow tinge and I don't think it's very likely that all of the millions of other iMac owners are that color blind that they can't.

Fine. But get this. Wishing the problem away isn't going to save Apple from having to deal with it.

Apple has dealt with it. They acknowledged that there are yellow-tinged screens and offered to replace them. I urge anyone with an affected screen to get it replaced.

I understand that you find it hurtful, but please let people ask for help if they're not sure about what they just spent their money on.

I don't know if English is your native language but what part of my last post or any other suggested I was urging people to accept defective iMacs? ;)
I wasn't referring to the OP.
If you read what I quoted you will see that.

I think you're doing the OP a serious disservice. Yes, I mentioned the OP...after all, he's the one who created the thread. I don't really care about the rest of the posts with the exception of people treating such posters as if they don't know what they're talking about.

"I've the perfect iMac."

"You're wrong unless you post a screenshot so that your claim can be refuted."

I think you guys are driven to make people feel miserable because you yourselves are miserable. What's wrong with using the following example:

"I've the perfect iMac."

"Congrats. Although I've had bad experiences thus far, enjoy your Mac."

The standard argument from the sourpuss camp is to blame any differing opinions on fanboy-ism. I'd like to see a stronger argument...something more substantial and with more substance...something you can actually reference, maybe. Pissing on others' user experiences won't make you like yours any better, and if you've returned yours, moving on would be the better need to haunt these forums with negativity. Why's it so difficult to believe that someone other than yourself can be happy with that they've purchased? You guys act like Apple bases their decisions on what's submitted in these forums. This isn't the only Apple forum, guys, and as was said before, this site is hardly representative of the entire user base.

I'm betting the OP wished he'd never created the thread at this point (oh yeah, I think he said that already...worth reminding people, though).
No, you're the one who started challenging the OP for pictures as if his claims of a flawless display couldn't possibly be true.

Certainly not. I politely asked for a picture, and then responded that it was the best iMac (late 2009) I have seen. However, the picture shows a display that is laughable compared to, say, a 2005 Powerbook.

I don't know if English is your native language but what part of my last post or any other suggested I was urging people to accept defective iMacs? ;)

I'd say this one. The display does have one clearly visible serious flaw.
It is interesting that such a colour sensitive person like yourself cannot see that. Maybe your lovely display negates the effect? (That was a joke)
Thank you for posting the pic of your screen xSPRINTERx. Like my own, it is without any serious flaws. Enjoy it in good health and by all means don't let the negativity get to you.
I think you're doing the OP a serious disservice. Yes, I mentioned the OP...after all, he's the one who created the thread. I don't really care about the rest of the posts with the exception of people treating such posters as if they don't know what they're talking about.

I take your point. But I hope you believe me when I say that trying to get people feeling bad about their computer isn't the goal here.
Please try to see it from another angle:
A serious disservice could just as well be to outright lie or ignore what to many seem like obvious flaws.

You mention that there are many other Mac-forums to visit - to that I can only say yes. And the more "educated" ones doesn't seem to have the same degree of discrepancy between what is a regarded as a good or bad display.
At least blaming Apple for something doesn't automatically lead to being called a troll.

For all I know there are iMac-displays (late 2009) out there that are just as good as previous IPS (and TN) displays from Apple. I would be quite surprised if there weren't.
Unfortunately though, these seem very hard to come by.
I sure as hell would like to get one.
I'd say this one. The display does have one clearly visible serious flaw.
It is interesting that such a colour sensitive person like yourself cannot see that. Maybe your lovely display negates the effect? (That was a joke)

This would have been an effective point but for the fact that the picture xSPRINTERx so kindly posted shows no evidence of any serious gradient issues. That sort of renders it ridiculous.

No display is perfect. How many times do I have to say that before it sinks in? If you're going to try and sell that the picture in question shows a flawed display with a yellow tinge best of luck to you.

You seem to be grasping at straws.
The standard argument from the sourpuss camp is to blame any differing opinions on fanboy-ism. I'd like to see a stronger argument...something more substantial and with more substance...something you can actually reference, maybe.

I would too. Oh, and that doesn't mean declaring oneself a "color-educated" expert in a world full of morons too stupid to recognize their own flawed machines.


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No sure where to post this, in the "yellow tint" thread, or here ...

I live in France.
Ordered a refurbished i7 last wednesday, was delivered on Friday. That was fast. (price = 1689€ / 2000€ new, tax included), so:
I open the box, trying to find something that makes a difference between a new and a refurbished. The box is different, but inside the box the iMac is in perfect condition.
Then I start the beast, install the sw updates (including the risky SMC firmware 1.0), a few tools, and check the hw configuration: i7, 4GB of RAM, but Hitachi 2TB instead of the 1TB. A nice free upgrade ... The hdd and iMac fans are quiet, very happy so far.
Then time to check the screen: no grey bar, no dead pixel, but "slight" yellow in the center towards the bottom, and backlight bleed on the bottom right corner. As I won't watch movies with this machine, the backlight bleed doesn't bother me (at least not yet). I think this is very common to all edge-LED screens. (I have a Samsung LED TV, and have some backlight bleed too)

Now, about the yellow tint: I see it, it's sometimes distracting, but I still enjoy using this iMac ... have 10 days to decide if I keep it, or send it and get a refund.
I have calibrated the screen today with a Spyde3 Elite, and have done some measurements. First, the default calibration profile is very "cold", white temperatures are more "blue" than "yellow".
My measurements before / after the calibration:

Factory calibration:
middle-top : 8612K
middle-center: 8423K
right-bottom: 8015K

Spyder3 profile (target =6500K, gamma=2.2, calibration performed at the middle-center):
middle-top: 6523K
middle-center: 6530K
middle-bottom: 6266K

Don't know if the temperature is a "linear" measurement, but:
7915/8612 = 8%
6266/6523 = 4% ; yes, after the calibration, to my eyes, the yellow tint is less obvious. Probably because the screen is more "yellow" than before overall. And when I switch back to the factory values, the picture looks "blue".
I have seen some people reading delta=500K, between top and bottom, after calibration. I have 270K here, so maybe not the worst screen. But the yellow tint is still there.

I will call Apple Care tomorrow, just curious to hear what they have to say. But I won't try a screen replacement with the risk of dead pixels, dusts, etc ... and possibly more yellow. And I don't want to exchange the machine (it's not possible with a refurbished anyway) because I would lose the 2TB hdd.

So, 2 options:
- I keep it because this is a good deal (-24% /new), and an "almost perfect" machine.
- I return it. And will have to wait for the next refresh because there is little chance they fix this issue on the current machines. I still have my Win7 PC + 3-year old Dell 27" 27WFP with quite a good color uniformity (and almost no backlight bleed !)
The aggression shown in some posts on this thread make me nervous to send a post! I realize that if I don't like the aggression I can stop reading the thread. However, that way I may miss useful information!:(

In contrast to aggressive posts, I find other ones containing relevant info useful, whether the info is that more people are reporting satisfaction with screens after a run of unacceptable ones or comparing ones from recent weeks more favourably or less favourably than earlier ones. Pictures of screens seem to me useful, so long as one appreciates that the camera (and one's own computer screen) may contribute to the lack of colour uniformity in the final image. Also I know that some screen photos uploaded to other threads or forums have had the variation in colour exaggerated to show it and its location more clearly. That can be useful so long at the exaggeration is explained by the poster.

I can't see it as so surprising that people vary in how uniform a screen has to be to be acceptable. My father-in-law listened to music on a system that sounded very low-fi to me, but to my continual amazement he couldn't hear the difference between that and my better system. My son criticizes my system, including the position of my rather old speakers! The three of us demonstrate different levels of requirement for the quality of the sound reproduction systems. It wasn't that any of the three of us are/were stupid or deaf! I can't see why suggesting a spread in people's requirements for the colour properties of their screens should be so controversial.

I think I must have different visual perception from most on this thread, because looking at xSPRINTERx's screen photo, the menu bar at the top of the screen seems to me to vary considerably in colour along its length, yet I've not noticed anyone commenting on it. Then djrod, the OP, posted a photo of his screen and I noticed a very similar colour variation on his menu bar. Although, my screen normally seems very uniform, I moved the window with xSPRINTERx's and djrod's screen photos round my screen to be certain that the colour variation I saw in the menu bars was not in my screen; it wasn't. Perhaps this menu bar colouring now normal and I'm behind the times with my G5 iSight 20" running Tiger!

I do hope this attracts informative replies and not a barrage of abuse. In the latter hope I should perhaps refrain from any other comments about the screen photos posted to this thread, other than to thank those that posted them, the OP for starting the thread and those that supplied useful comment and information.
I can't see why suggesting a spread in people's requirements for the colour properties of their screens should be so controversial.

I happen to agree with you. The point is not to blindly believe anything any pundits in user forums preach but rather to let your own eyes be the judge.

If someone wants to post pictures of their iMac's screen that's just fine but they should never feel under any obligation to do in defense of their personal opinions.

I've posted pictures of my own 27" iMac. Let's keep in mind, as you pointed out, that no photo is going to completely accurately reproduce what one would see looking at a screen in person.
.......I think this is very common to all edge-LED screens. (I have a Samsung LED TV, and have some backlight bleed too)

Can you somehow measure temperatures on your Samsung LED TV screen?
It would be a very interesting info. Samsung LED TVs I have seen over here look very uniform to me, but knowing the actual numbers would be very interesting.

.....Now, about the yellow tint: I see it, it's sometimes distracting, but I still enjoy using this iMac ... have 10 days to decide if I keep it, or send it and get a refund. .....

It IS a very nice computer, so unfortunate about the screen. But the line refresh should be coming soon...

Tom B.
Here is the pic of my screen, directly from my iphone, not resized

Also here is a video showing the power of this iMac:

It sure is a powerful machine.

If you cannot see a yellow tinge, then I suppose referring to old john's post about different perceptions is suitable.

But this being a forum for debate, I think it is only fair to say that your display does have a massive yellow tinge right in the middle - rendering it useless for any serious photo editing. Far more pronounced than xSPRINTERx's display.
Unfortunately making the title of this thread highly relative.

I stand by for the ad hominem attacks to start.
The aggression shown in some posts on this thread make me nervous to send a post! I realize that if I don't like the aggression I can stop reading the thread. However, that way I may miss useful information!:(

I am trying to ignore bullies, but sometimes it is hard. They want to get you, this is how they learned to succeed in life.

..... It wasn't that any of the three of us are/were stupid or deaf! I can't see why suggesting a spread in people's requirements for the colour properties of their screens should be so controversial.

Color uniformity of the screen can be measured much easier, than the personal perception of the audio quality. It is quite inexcusable to continue shipping noticeable yellow tinged screens, IMHO.

.....I think I must have different visual perception from most on this thread, because looking at xSPRINTERx's screen photo, the menu bar at the top of the screen seems to me to vary considerably in colour along its length, yet I've not noticed anyone commenting on it.

It is difficult to take a good picture of the iMac shiny screen. I've assumed that the darkening on the top band was a reflection of the photographer head (in both cases). By the same token, the color on the screen was a mixture of the screen and reflection from the room light - also not uniform (Ideally, the room should be all painted mat black). But that screen was not bad (as the iMacs screens I have seen go).

Tom B.
It sure is a powerful machine.

If you cannot see a yellow tinge, then I suppose referring to old john's post about different perceptions is suitable.

But this being a forum for debate, I think it is only fair to say that your display does have a massive yellow tinge right in the middle - rendering it useless for any serious photo editing. Far more pronounced than xSPRINTERx's display.
Unfortunately making the title of this thread highly relative.

I stand by for the ad hominem attacks to start.

I can see now a yellow tinge, but only in the thumbnail of the attached pictured, it's somewhere about the bottom center of the screen,right?

But I "can not" see it on the screen right know, so it's not an issue for me.

Edit: I just saw the pic again, and it's HUGE! I would never buy an iMac based on that pic, but as I real life I can't see it.

It's a shame it's not a perfect iMac, but, it's ok for me and it would be fine for 99% of the non pro-people
I can see now a yellow tinge, but only in the thumbnail of the attached pictured, it's somewhere about the bottom center of the screen,right?

But I "can not" see it on the screen right know, so it's not an issue for me.

Edit: I just saw the pic again, and it's HUGE! I would never buy an iMac based on that pic, but as I real life I can't see it.

It's a shame it's not a perfect iMac, but, it's ok for me and it would be fine for 99% of the non pro-people

I'm not a pro, so I don't care about the color uniformity for my photo/video usage. (especially when the yellowish is hard to notice when displaying various colors). But I don't like having this yellow gradient when scrolling a web page, reading an email, or editing a document with white backgrounds.
First time poster...

It seems this yellow screen issue is having an effect on potential purchasers. I am in the midst of getting my first Mac ever (super excited!!), I'm just sorting out finances etc. I was back and forth between 15" MBP and 27" i7, and I have FINALLY decided to go with the iMac (photo editing will be my main use for the machine so I opted for bigger screen-size; portability is not a huge concern for me).

Well here I am all excited and ready to take the plunge when I found myself reading through that huge thread of people with yellow screen nightmares and ridiculous numbers of replacements/exchanges/repairs etc. etc!! I was glad to have found this thread so that I can at least be certain that there ARE INDEED problem-free screens out there!

My question to you all is: should the potential of getting a yellow screen and the numerous accounts of issues with them be enough for me to hold off on getting an iMac? Should I just go with the MBP?? I really want the 27" but I am having a hard time NOT getting sucked in by all the bad things I have read about the screen. Any advice would be great!
But this being a forum for debate, I think it is only fair to say that your display does have a massive yellow tinge right in the middle - rendering it useless for any serious photo editing. Far more pronounced than xSPRINTERx's display.
Unfortunately making the title of this thread highly relative.

Its pretty clear from the picture that either this is the worst screen ever produced in the world with completely off centre balance of light, or else its just a bad photo with the screen not being evenly lit.

Its not a yellowing issue with the screen just an obviously bad photo (no offense to the taker) that can't possibly let you know whether the screen has issues or not. Surely its obvious to everybody that either the backlighting on that screen is completely broken (in which case slight yellowing would be the least of the poster's complaints) or else the photo is so over exposing the bottom middle of the screen (compared to the corners) that any suggestion it can be used to judge the screen is just silly.

Seem to be rather a lot of people around happy to proclaim bad screens off photos which frankly show nothing other than how hard it is to get a representative picture of an LCD display.
My question to you all is: should the potential of getting a yellow screen and the numerous accounts of issues with them be enough for me to hold off on getting an iMac? Should I just go with the MBP?? I really want the 27" but I am having a hard time NOT getting sucked in by all the bad things I have read about the screen. Any advice would be great!

One more thing to consider - the line refresh is due some time soon. Maybe they'll fix the screen?

Tom B.
I'm not a pro, so I don't care about the color uniformity for my photo/video usage. (especially when the yellowish is hard to notice when displaying various colors). But I don't like having this yellow gradient when scrolling a web page, reading an email, or editing a document with white backgrounds.

Me neither, but as I said...I can't notice any yellowish using the iMac.

Another photo, with an actual camera, not an iPhone :D


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I think I must have different visual perception from most on this thread, because looking at xSPRINTERx's screen photo, the menu bar at the top of the screen seems to me to vary considerably in colour along its length, yet I've not noticed anyone commenting on it. Then djrod, the OP, posted a photo of his screen and I noticed a very similar colour variation on his menu bar. Although, my screen normally seems very uniform, I moved the window with xSPRINTERx's and djrod's screen photos round my screen to be certain that the colour variation I saw in the menu bars was not in my screen; it wasn't. Perhaps this menu bar colouring now normal and I'm behind the times with my G5 iSight 20" running Tiger!

I have my menu bar set to translucent, the colour you can see is the picture in the back ground.
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