What situation, Tom? It appears to confirm that the very vocal folks returning iMacs are in the smallest minority. The sales figures have proven that the Late-2009 models are selling like hotcakes.
Personally, I find it ludicrous that there are those that would like to paint the new machines as some sort of giant Apple failure based on nothing other than their own negative experiences.
By the way, I was tickled pink to see in the news this morning that Gizmodo, an early champion of this cause might be the subject of a criminal investigation for their questionable journalistic techniques in the iPhone 4.0 photo leaks.
The only thing it confirms is that most people either have no clue what they are buying, or are complete Apple apologists. That guys "perfect" screen is a disaster. If you can't see the tinge NOW well...that's just called denial. These iMac screens are the ONLY ones I've seen that do this consistently in this manner. This is certainly not a result of photo angles either, because of the IPS technology.

The situation IS ludicrous. I'm not really sure there is any way to possibly spin it.