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I have always supported the concept of post what you want, but these cats....Can there not be a bit of topic variation from a couple of users with all due respect?
I do post more than cats, and I have guided cat associtions away from cats, in the past.

And as @MDNT observed, and as I and others have pointed out in the past, if you (general you, not just Expos) are so willing to call out cat photos, then why don't you call out the lengthy series of posts about photo associations (birds flowers, etcetera)?

Not that I want to see the other long running associations called out, but this is extremely one sided and has been for quite some time.

Guess it is time to take a break from this forum for a while.
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I have always supported the concept of post what you want, but these cats....Can there not be a bit of topic variation from a couple of users with all due respect?
I assume I am one of the people you are talking about.

Just to be clear, since it doesn't sound like you took the trouble (beyond recently posted pictures) to actually see what a variety of picture types people post, here are the types of pictures I have posted (in no particular order):
  • Cats
  • Planes
  • Cars
  • Houses
  • Places of business
  • Signs
  • Insects
  • Animals other than cats
  • Plants & trees
  • Park trails
  • Railroad cars & tracks/rails
  • Probably more, but for all of the above (not just the cats) I have posted multiple pictures over time, in both this conversation and the Photo of the Day.
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@Captain Trips Please stay around I enjoy seeing your photos, especially the cats. Don't let others chase you away. I enjoy everyones photos no matter what the subject.
Oh, I will come back. I just need a break for at least a couple of days to a week. The incessant, and narrowly focused, complaining has reduced my enjoyment in participating in the PotD and the Photo Association Game.
And this is how you steer this conversation to where you want it to go. You find an association with the prior photo (it really is not hard) and the association game goes in a different direction.

Bravo, @mollyc , bravo! Before this flair-up I was going to congratulate you on a very well executed segue - classy, and a phenomenal picture (as always with your flower pictures).
just 3 days ago we talked about how much fun this game is #4,324 ... and here we are again, complaining about cat pictures ...
This is a GAME, 2 simple rules, your own photo and an association to the previous photo ... if you don't like what you see, feel compelled and challenged to change the flow of the game, simple as that. Complaining just DISCOURAGES people to post when they should be ENCOURAGED and also praised for their participation ...

I feel similar to @Captain Trips , between these ongoing nonsense threads in this forum where everybody participates and the continuing complaints about cat photos, what am I still doing here?

enough off topic, let's continue with the game, all entries accepted and appreciated, that's what makes it fun
I need to take a step back from this group.

Since I joined MR in 2008, I’ve talked about the level of friendship and mutual respect that characterizes this subforum. I have always been very careful to conduct myself in that spirit. Sadly, I’ve started to question that culture.

It has happened twice that one particular person in this group has singled me out for what feel like cheap shots if not intentional attacks. I didn’t do anything to provoke their comments. They came out of nowhere. The first was several months ago in this thread and the second was last week in POD where I do not even participate. In both of those cases, that person compared me to a monkey or ape. In both of those cases another particular person got on board with that in one way or another. In no case is any of that appropriate. It is wrong to begin with, and there are cultural triggers that make such an analogy particularly offensive to me.

I let it roll off my back the first time, when it happened in this thread. I was not willing to let it go the second time and I voiced my feelings via an angry emoji. Perhaps an emoji is not the best assertive response but I wanted to remain appropriate. That person deleted their original post and replaced it with: “My post made someone angry and that wasn't my intention, especially given all of the joking that goes back and forth around cat pictures. Oh well.” These were not jokes about cats nor any other subject matter, and this was not the kind of joking that goes back and forth between us. As I said, these were targeted comments that came out of nowhere.

When I grew up, we were taught to apologize with sincerity. “I did not mean to offend. Oh well.” is not an apology by any definition.

Some might think it’s not right for me to speak my truth publicly in this forum. I believe an offense and response should be commensurate with one another. I was insulted publicly, and there was no public nor private apology. I think it is fair and right for me to call it out publicly.

I’ve always avoided social media because of the potential for the ill-spiritedness that is coming out more and more in this thread. This subforum has been my only social media exception. I’ve met some very good people here, had lot of fun, and have been pushed to be a better photographer. Now, I am angry and insulted, and it is just not fun for me to be here. I’m sad about that. There are some people I will continue to follow. I’ve learned a lot from them and I want to continue to do so. I might come back to the Weekly Challenge Contest which remains a civil space. It’s also possible I will find another online photo group or just stay away from social media altogether. In any case, what feels like a hostile environment is not where I want nor need to be.
I need to take a step back from this group.

Since I joined MR in 2008, I’ve talked about the level of friendship and mutual respect that characterizes this subforum. I have always been very careful to conduct myself in that spirit. Sadly, I’ve started to question that culture.

It has happened twice that one particular person in this group has singled me out for what feel like cheap shots if not intentional attacks. I didn’t do anything to provoke their comments. They came out of nowhere. The first was several months ago in this thread and the second was last week in POD where I do not even participate. In both of those cases, that person compared me to a monkey or ape. In both of those cases another particular person got on board with that in one way or another. In no case is any of that appropriate. It is wrong to begin with, and there are cultural triggers that make such an analogy particularly offensive to me.

I let it roll off my back the first time, when it happened in this thread. I was not willing to let it go the second time and I voiced my feelings via an angry emoji. Perhaps an emoji is not the best assertive response but I wanted to remain appropriate. That person deleted their original post and replaced it with: “My post made someone angry and that wasn't my intention, especially given all of the joking that goes back and forth around cat pictures. Oh well.” These were not jokes about cats nor any other subject matter, and this was not the kind of joking that goes back and forth between us. As I said, these were targeted comments that came out of nowhere.

When I grew up, we were taught to apologize with sincerity. “I did not mean to offend. Oh well.” is not an apology by any definition.

Some might think it’s not right for me to speak my truth publicly in this forum. I believe an offense and response should be commensurate with one another. I was insulted publicly, and there was no public nor private apology. I think it is fair and right for me to call it out publicly.

I’ve always avoided social media because of the potential for the ill-spiritedness that is coming out more and more in this thread. This subforum has been my only social media exception. I’ve met some very good people here, had lot of fun, and have been pushed to be a better photographer. Now, I am angry and insulted, and it is just not fun for me to be here. I’m sad about that. There are some people I will continue to follow. I’ve learned a lot from them and I want to continue to do so. I might come back to the Weekly Challenge Contest which remains a civil space. It’s also possible I will find another online photo group or just stay away from social media altogether. In any case, what feels like a hostile environment is not where I want nor need to be.
Oh, no, I have missed the comments you refer to, but that is very sad and not in the spirit of our forum. :( I hope whoever has made these comments reflects on their words on a personal and group level. This is not the behavior the core group endorses.

I hope you come back after a break. 💕
I need to take a step back from this group.

Since I joined MR in 2008, I’ve talked about the level of friendship and mutual respect that characterizes this subforum. I have always been very careful to conduct myself in that spirit. Sadly, I’ve started to question that culture.

It has happened twice that one particular person in this group has singled me out for what feel like cheap shots if not intentional attacks. I didn’t do anything to provoke their comments. They came out of nowhere. The first was several months ago in this thread and the second was last week in POD where I do not even participate. In both of those cases, that person compared me to a monkey or ape. In both of those cases another particular person got on board with that in one way or another. In no case is any of that appropriate. It is wrong to begin with, and there are cultural triggers that make such an analogy particularly offensive to me.

I let it roll off my back the first time, when it happened in this thread. I was not willing to let it go the second time and I voiced my feelings via an angry emoji. Perhaps an emoji is not the best assertive response but I wanted to remain appropriate. That person deleted their original post and replaced it with: “My post made someone angry and that wasn't my intention, especially given all of the joking that goes back and forth around cat pictures. Oh well.” These were not jokes about cats nor any other subject matter, and this was not the kind of joking that goes back and forth between us. As I said, these were targeted comments that came out of nowhere.

When I grew up, we were taught to apologize with sincerity. “I did not mean to offend. Oh well.” is not an apology by any definition.

Some might think it’s not right for me to speak my truth publicly in this forum. I believe an offense and response should be commensurate with one another. I was insulted publicly, and there was no public nor private apology. I think it is fair and right for me to call it out publicly.

I’ve always avoided social media because of the potential for the ill-spiritedness that is coming out more and more in this thread. This subforum has been my only social media exception. I’ve met some very good people here, had lot of fun, and have been pushed to be a better photographer. Now, I am angry and insulted, and it is just not fun for me to be here. I’m sad about that. There are some people I will continue to follow. I’ve learned a lot from them and I want to continue to do so. I might come back to the Weekly Challenge Contest which remains a civil space. It’s also possible I will find another online photo group or just stay away from social media altogether. In any case, what feels like a hostile environment is not where I want nor need to be.
it was my photo last week and I was referenced too, I just took it as a joke as I sincerely believe that was what it was meant to be, having said that, I totally understand your feelings and respect you for that, and putting it in writing.
I know I have made comments about you and I sincerely hope that you never took them any other way that they were meant to be, simply jokes and trying to have some fun. If I ever offended you then I sincerely apologize, that was never my intent.
I do hope that you can overcome this and be joining us again when you're ready.
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it was my photo last week and I was referenced too, I just took it as a joke as I sincerely believe that was what it was meant to be, having said that, I totally understand your feelings and respect you for that, and putting it in writing.
I know I have made comments about you and I sincerely hope that you never took them any other way that they were meant to be, simply jokes and trying to have some fun. If I ever offended you then I sincerely apologize, that was never my intent.
I do hope that you can overcome this and be joining us again when you're ready.

Thank you.
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Deep Diver, thank you for bringing your issue up and sharing your concerns with us. This is not the way that the Digital Photo Forum community should be functioning, the direction in which we're going at all, and making inappropriate comments (whether thinly disguised as or meant as "jokes") just is not appropriate. I have the feeling that part of the problem is that so-called "smart cracks" or "jokes" are one thing when done in person and there are visual and aural cues as to the intent and meaning, but unfortunately in an online discussion forum where things are written the situation is not at all the same and it is unfortunately way too easy for supposed "humor" to totally come across in a very negative way, to be misinterpreted by those who read the post. Not at all the atmosphere that we want to promote here, is it?

Thank you, JZ0309, for clarifying things a bit for us and apologizing for any misunderstandings and misinterpretations of intent that came from your comments and what you felt were "jokes." I think there may be further apologies to Deep Diver from one or more other parties which, if offered, would be appreciated as well?
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