Deep Diver, thank you for bringing your issue up and sharing your concerns with us. This is not the way that the Digital Photo Forum community should be functioning, the direction in which we're going at all, and making inappropriate comments (whether thinly disguised as or meant as "jokes") just is not appropriate. I have the feeling that part of the problem is that so-called "smart cracks" or "jokes" are one thing when done in person and there are visual and aural cues as to the intent and meaning, but unfortunately in an online discussion forum where things are written the situation is not at all the same and it is unfortunately way too easy for supposed "humor" to totally come across in a very negative way, to be misinterpreted by those who read the post. Not at all the atmosphere that we want to promote here, is it?
Thank you, JZ0309, for clarifying things a bit for us and apologizing for any misunderstandings and misinterpretations of intent that came from your comments and what you felt were "jokes." I think there may be further apologies to Deep Diver from one or more other parties which, if offered, would be appreciated as well?
thank you